What would you do with your 200k ATH

I would, with pain in my heart, withdraw it and use it to pay of some of my debts.
at this moment withdraw it all and go travel

2 years ago I would have kept it all in game where I see two possible scenarios:

the dream:
PoE (my favourit armor)
some UL weap probably SIB but I've always been a fan of the adj v1 (maybe 0x0 to use for hunting and pvp)
ul regen X and some mayhem hedoc
tango for shits and giggles maybe

smarter choise:
ul caly
keep using my ajd pixie and vice and start grinding
laikon for bigger mobs later on
Chip my way to UBAHNESS lol

But seriously, I'd prolly withdraw a bit, but most I'd use to buy all the goodies that I can't afford. Big UL Sib weap, some honking huge armor and what have you.

I'd even buy a ridiculous Master Coat (the uglier the better) and walk around in it telling everybody how many peds I wasted on the ugliest coat ingame.
Id withdraw 10k USD. Use the remainder to finance 1 major purchase in EU and then hunt for the rest of the year.
Well, I would like to improve my mining with that amount.

Hm, new extractor maybe, small ul-amp would be neat too.

And then I still have like 100k-150k PED left, that´s my backup for bad times then.
I would, with pain in my heart, withdraw it and use it to pay of some of my debts.

Look on the bright side; after you pay off your depts, you can make new ones to play eu :wise:
Arso ten edition chip
Jag or dark knight of ark armor

Try and buy myrene island from ma assuming if they do own it. 0% tax atm

Find my beloved ceo a new armor set other then vampire ;)
Buy 50 CLDs, Give MA a choice of making me a unique set of armor that makes me look like Gene Simmons or Mr. Slave for 75k or I withdraw everything, withdraw everything that's left after I get my armor and log in once a month to mine on FOMA with the CLD money.
I would hire som painters and do a break in @ MA:s Office and paint everything pink. The rest i would loose in hunting
So let's say that you hit a 200k ATH one day from now, what would you do with the peds and why would you do it?

Start rl research on teleporting ... :laugh:

Or mindforce chips ... :rolleyes:

Unrealistic? Plan C: rl sleipnirs to solve the traffic jams.

It'll be the best promo for EU evah

Oh and to all the above posters: lack of imagination :p
Buy some UL weapon and/or CLD with half of the peds, is my guess. Rest propably withdraw. Or not. Depending on RL situtation.
I'd keep half in game to buy some nice gear and mine like I really want to...I'd have to withdraw some to buy a plane ticket for Lasse to come here to America...I left Sweden to help my Autistic son. He was very sad and couldn't get any help from anyone so I flew back to help him and he is now enrolled in college and hopes to get a career in game design and coding..I'm so happy he is doing well now, but i'm very sad because I had to leave my Sambo in Sweden to do this :/...I have been hoping for some big Tower so I can at least get him a ticket to come visit me...It's been a year and a half since we've seen each other..

I would

Buy a Imp fap or maybe a Mod/mod hec

Unl gun

few CLDs.

The grind.


I would buy some form of investment, maybe a land area/CLD's then just a UL gun and grind..

Long story short, i'd try grind with it.

I doubt I would withdraw it, as I play this game for fun, so whats the point. Actually maybe take out a little bit. 50k~
Enigma L4 + Jaguar or Tiger and maybe an UL FAP ,the rest in CLD's to help pay for ammo and decay while playing.
Withdraw. All. Instantly.
If the question was what u did maybe i could awser! :yup::laugh::yay:
Finally be happy couse I would be at break even, after all the devaluation of gear when some fucktard decided to drop some (read A LOT off) stuff & make some gear way more atractive to use (more dps/better eco)
IMO MA should really do the math on cost of skills to max an ul gun like an i2870 vs an L gun at current MU & dps.
FFS a lvl 45 player does same dmg as me at 5% less eco (of wich atleast 4% get's repaid in loot)
If my skills are really worth that much (read that less) then WHY THE FUCK do esi's cost 750%+?
If any def wonna answer that I would be forever grateful

I would withdraw it and pretend it didn't happen. I would use some of the monney to renovate our house and spend the rest on next summer vacation with my family. I would love to own a mod fap but whats the use of monney if you not utilize it to improve your life ?
I would withdraw it and pretend it didn't happen. I would use some of the monney to renovate our house and spend the rest on next summer vacation with my family. I would love to own a mod fap but whats the use of monney if you not utilize it to improve your life ?

A modfap improve your life in a way :p
I would spend them all in game to get the 2nd 200k, then spend 2nd 200k all to get the 3rd one, and continue....:silly2:
I'd probably just keep doing what I'm doing just maybe to a little greater degree. Might get some more CLDs but probably just cycle it over longer cycles.
I would by 200k ped worth of metal residue and then resell it.
So let's say that you hit a 200k ATH one day from now, what would you do with the peds and why would you do it?

Disclaimer.. please don't come in this thread with a stupid one word answer like "withdraw" but mention something about why you would do at least.

My 200k ATH would be spent on a mod hedoc/modfap and a slugstorm and the rest I'd keep for cycling I think :)

Best what i would do is wait for ma aukcion of banned items and buy in cheap price
It sounds crazy, but I would probably use a majority of it to work some kind of reinvestment project in the game.

I dont think I would use very much of it on my avatar - maybe 5% at the most. The rest of it would go to some kind of purchase to help the community, like a massive purchase of mall shops to help reinvigorate the economy. A move like that would help keep the game on its feet and ensure that it will be around for a long time to come :wise:
I would cash out the most of it, about i need some expensive tools, like max3D, Maya, Z-Brush, and a lot others to improve my game developing.

But a cool nice UL gun i would buy also, and play for some months at my skill level, without going angry if the loot is only 50% payback.:)
Withdraw, buy return ticket to sweden and get the terminator *at gun point if needed :laugh:

*Disclaimer : I would add the peds ofcourse for the terminator :)