Info: Welcome to public channel #space_travel

Jul 9, 2007
Titans of Space
Avatar Name
John Black Knight
Welcome to #space_travel

The new social interface has brought us the universal space chat, which is great to exchange information about whats going on in space and which flights are taking place, however it lacks the possibilty to join it while being down planetside.

To take this great tool of communication to the next level we have now created a way for those who are either planet side, or in space – to communicate directly with all space service providers , simultaneously.

So please allow me to introduce to you the universal public space chat channel – #space_travel

The idea is to create an open market of space travel across all transport providers and for all players on every planet, for us all as a combined space industry to grow this channel into an essential tool of universal connectivity.

This channel is here to enable you to ask for which scheduled flights are currently ongoing, also putting out vip flight requests - as well as for all space transport providers to announce their currently ongoing flights and departures.

So feel free to join today - simply type /join #space_travel

Tell your friends and open up the universe around you.

Due to recent pirate activities (NVE & Varyag) in building up an alternative transport channel under their own control, it was decided that the main transport channel will in future be an exclusive one to keep passengers safe from dubious flight offers/transport providers in close connection to pirates.

Transport providers will have to make a choice wether they support/advertise in the pirate channel (#space_flight) or the main transport channel (#space_travel).
Advertising flights in the pirate channel will lead to get muted in the main transport channel.
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I really look forward to Space growing into an even more vibrant community :)

Since the launch of the new chat system it has been great to be able to chat with friends across the whole of space - now hopefully we have bridged the gap to make space truly universal for those who utilize it! :yay:

Just to add my tuppence - as this is a public channel I'd advise using careful judgement when choosing your travel provider - as you would do anyhow if you were responding to any offer of flights I am sure :)

See you in space soon space travelers! :D
Good idea, just hope it won't get mortally spammed with quad-taxi offers :D

Possibly! But then it is nice to chat with the quad taxis too :D

The clever thing about the way the new chat is set up, is that someone can join the #space_travel channel, and effectively have it hidden or in another tab - till it suits them to go looking for a flight :) ( or get bored one night and want to see what we all blether about :laugh:)

Always a handy thing to have and be a part of :cool:
As a player who has been interested in space from the beginning I appreciate the leadership and efforts some of you veterans have been consistently putting toward the development of space.

I will be spending more and more time in space as my personal goals are reached. :)

Thanks for the work you do and I too look forward to a larger and more dynamic spacefaring community.

This on freenode? Also, superb idea. I'm surprised I never thought of this :p
As a player who has been interested in space from the beginning I appreciate the leadership and efforts some of you veterans have been consistently putting toward the development of space.

I will be spending more and more time in space as my personal goals are reached. :)

Thanks for the work you do and I too look forward to a larger and more dynamic spacefaring community.



Its great watching the #Space_travel channel really take off with members and chat :D :yay: love being a part of it, really feels like the space community can finally all have a good blether!
Better /join #space

Whose alt channel operator avatar named: KingNobody (KingNobody Noway Nohow)
It reminds me John Black Knight nacistic view to control everything in space, there probably his alt, am i wrong ?
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If you think you need to startup a second public space channel - welcome :)

The point thought is , its better to grow one channel for a common purpose then to split up the community over a dozend of them again.

BTW on further news, the only mod power a channelcreator has in a public channel is to make it private, which would defeat to make it public in the first place - so there really is no reason for you to argue about control as there is none - its just an open public place to help everyone find what they are looking for and to exchange information :)
Over 100 active members having a right good chatter in #Space_Travel now :D

Tonight was so much fun, its great hearing all the chat across the universe! Tonight's rendition of scheduled flights providers vs the pirates so reminded me of the Wacky races!

With the pirates ofc being Dick Dastardly in the mean machine!:laugh:

Fun times :)
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Entropia Fleet Alliance people have given this channel 100% support since its initiation. The basic concept is well supported as it opens up communication between not just those in Space but also those who are Planet Bound. It helps to create ease and convienance for all. Services, Travellers, even those who are curious just to know what is going on and how Space is working.

This was a must have. Even though there has already been several such channels created I agree that centralizing it on one channel is much more preferred.
Channel works was super helpful for flight I know a couple of ppl that joined & now find space travel easier
Better /join #space

Whose alt channel operator avatar named: KingNobody (KingNobody Noway Nohow)
It reminds me John Black Knight nacistic view to control everything in space, there probably his alt, am i wrong ?

I'm not anybody's alt. I found myself operator of the channel, then I found myself kicked. I have nothing to do with any user-created channels other than having joined a few.

In short: I've been around for years, people know me, I am not an alt.
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Better /join #space

Whose alt channel operator avatar named: KingNobody (KingNobody Noway Nohow)
It reminds me John Black Knight nacistic view to control everything in space, there probably his alt, am i wrong ?
QQ's final score: 2 posts, account banned.
Not that he cares ofc, prolly made 3 new alt accounts already...

He never seen the ava name "KingNobody" before, must be another useless noob. Looks like the game is growing! :)
Over 200 members signed up to #space_travel so far and make use of annonced flights , asking for flights they need or exchanging information.
Be welcome to join us and see you in space :D
Nearly 500 members in the #space_travel channel benefit from higher convenience in finding the flights they need.
Your welcome to join to benefit from many regular transport providers listening to your flight needs and updateing their flight schedules in the channel.
Your support in making others aware of this channel is very much apreciated.
John B Knight said:
Nearly 500 members in the #space_travel channel benefit from higher convenience in finding the flights they need.
Your welcome to join to benefit from many regular transport providers listening to your flight needs and updateing their flight schedules in the channel.
Your support in making others aware of this channel is very much apreciated.

I have been watching this "Channel" steadily grow and am very pleased to see it doing so. It is proving to be a very viable place for people who are wanting to use space.
Having outgrown several planet related channels with over 1000 players having joined to stay in touch with space and benefit from space related information and transport options #space_travel is now the 4th largest channel in the entropia universe with only #trade, #arkadia and #arktrade having more members.
Having outgrown several planet related channels with over 1000 players having joined to stay in touch with space and benefit from space related information and transport options #space_travel is now the 4th largest channel in the entropia universe with only #trade, #arkadia and #arktrade having more members.

Gratz :)

Proof, if any were needed that #space_travel is an excellent and much needed channel, having the advantage over the MA one of being available to folk who are planetside. It helps us stay in touch with our friends in space, to pass warnings of new space bugs, pirate locations etc and also allows customers to easily contact service providers.

Thank you

Over 2000 players do now benefit from #space_travel and utilize the channel to find and offer flights between planets - join us and explore other planets and the universe that expands around you :D
great ch

As a new pilot this is great, getting lots of help and having ability to help others. What a concept. Cheers John. Great post you keep putting up. thank you.
Still the best channel to find a flight in!

I love that you can still keep connected with the Space community even when on planet with this channel, it's close to 2500 members now! :eyecrazy:
i know that some ppl were banned, can u plz explain and write here the rules of this channel?

and who have the right to bann ppl? and why?



i know that some ppl were banned, can u plz explain and write here the rules of this channel?

and who have the right to bann ppl? and why?





I am sure it is as simple as use the channel for its intended purpose. In that being abusive, aggressive, attacking others, slander spamming etc is frowned upon. Don't get me wrong though, It is tolerated to a certain degree, but once it starts pissing everyone off they are asked politely to use the channel for its purpose.

There are plenty of other channels those sorts of people can behave like that in, this is not really the place for it :) keeps it clear of the crap so people can utilise the channel to full effect and remain useful for everyone.

Kind regards,

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So, I decided to join the #space_travel channel just because of the other channel spamming constantly. But...I am getting access denied. Any assistance here?
So, I decided to join the #space_travel channel just because of the other channel spamming constantly. But...I am getting access denied. Any assistance here?

Sure, will get someone to pm you and fix it :)
So, I decided to join the #space_travel channel just because of the other channel spamming constantly. But...I am getting access denied. Any assistance here?

Its already been returned back to normal public status - please try again :)

Apart from that when it is temporarily in private state because some members needed moderation, just contact any space transport provider or myself directly to get added to the channel.