Question: Kinetic II L or UL


May 24, 2007
Ok, following my path of skilling in Electro Kinetic, I'm almost maxing Kinetic Nano II.
I still have my Kinetic Nano I UL and will keep it as a finisher.

But now I have to pick from Kinetic II L or UL.

According to Entropedia L version at 112% is more eco then the UL version.

Most likely will stick to the L version, as there is plenty supply of them atm.
But can't stop asking your opinion. Which would you pick and why?

I went the UL path because:

1) They are cheap.
2) You sell them after you are done and virtually paid no MU to use it.
3) Tier ups.

I'm using Kinetic Nano V (ul) now, and selling my Kinetic IV (ul). I skilled up with chips II and III (both ul) and worked wonders, sold them after I was done.

Will move to Kinetic Nano VII after I'm done with my V probably.

And anyway, 112% is not exactly cheap when you have most of the (L) guns floating arround 110%. Every MU spent in (L) is lost PED that you will never get back, and the eco difference is very marginal.

My opinion.