Developer Notes #9 - Version Update 15.0 Preview

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
[h=3]Developer Notes #9 - Version Update 15.0 Preview[/h]

[h=4]Taming[/h] As announced in an earlier Buzz article, Version Update 15.0 brings Taming back to Entropia Universe. In this first phase, each planet will feature one low-level tamable creature:
  • Arkadia - Nusul Puny
  • Calypso - Bristlehog Puny
  • Cyrene - Young Arret
  • Rocktropia - Panther Puny
  • Toulan - Tabtab Puny
Existing pets work as they did in the old taming system, though those types of creatures cannot currently be tamed. Additional tamable creatures will be added in future Version Updates.

Right click menu of Shrapnel in inventory

Shrapnel, a new stackable resource, will be introduced to hunting loot in VU 15.0. All creatures on all planets will drop this new resource as a symbolic representation of salvaged battle debris, regardless of the type of weapon(s) used to defeat the creature. Shrapnel will replace a portion of the total loot value formerly dropped in the form of ammo, animal oils, tier components, paint cans, etc.

Shrapnel is not used as a crafting component; instead, Shrapnel can be can converted to Universal Ammo at a ratio of 100:101, or sold to the Trade Terminal at face value.

[h=4]Looted Stackables[/h]
The first phase of an effort to improve the distribution of looted stackable resources will be implemented in VU 15.0, starting with a majority of Planet Calypso creatures. Veteran participants will recall how several years ago most types of looted stackables could only be looted from particular creatures.

The benefit of returning to that method of distribution is a reduction in the number of different items looted in a particular hunting session, as well as more a more interesting hunting experience that allows hunters to leverage wisdom gained from previous hunts. Loots for creatures on other planets will be adjusted in the upcoming partner releases after 15.0.

Originally Posted Here
Now this is quite interesting
What about melee users / miners?
No form of universal system for them so to speak? (just curious)
Either way seems better idea than loot tons of ammo
If the conversion rate is 100:101 that will add an automatic 1% of MU to what would have been TT Ammo. Oils, paint, comps, etc could become more rare, their MU likely will rise. I'm eager to see how things are rebalanced.
Well done bertha!? :)

Looks very promising
Did I get it right that for 100 ped shrapnel you get 101 ped universal ammo? Does MA pay for this or will we receive another loot nerf at same time???

All creatures on all planets will drop this new resource as a symbolic representation of salvaged battle debris, regardless of the type of weapon(s) used to defeat the creature.

So.... The type of weapon we use to kill something affects what's in the loot?
Did I get it right that for 100 ped shrapnel you get 101 ped universal ammo? Does MA pay for this or will we receive another loot nerf at same time???

cant tt universal ammo. so extra ped but have to shoot it away.
The more tt MA can make us bind in form of universal ammo the less TT they have to deliver in tt value ( real peds )

Lets say you hand in 1000 ped tt of schrapnel, get 1010 ped universal ammo.

You go hunt with 1010 ped universal ammo, get 92% tt back.

Voila, tt has been magically reduced.

Genious, and in line with their direction of selling ammo stacks as universal ammo in webshop.
Is this a dream? :eyecrazy::yay:
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Wouldn't the TT have been reduced regardless of the ammo type?
Ok, so oils and paints become rarer? Good for MU I guess.

I see universal ammo taking out the old ammo. So happy that the mobs which can be tamed. Also cool that our old Pets can be kept as previously.
As I have stated in a thread > someone reminded me of this today >

I think someone needs to tap MA's shoulder and remind them they are THE F*CK*NG PIONEERS OF RCE MMORPG AND THAT THEY DONT NEED TO COPY OTHER GAMES MODELS and that the shit that is now going on -


Welcome to monthly subscription game "Entropia Universe"...

I'm out, selling all skills @ boxes, PA, offers accepted via PM too, total amount ~ 150K (hunting, mining, no crafting)
Wouldn't the TT have been reduced regardless of the ammo type?

Yes it would, but this way its guaranteed to do so since once you convert to universal ammo there is no going back.
As I have stated in a thread > someone reminded me of this today >

I think someone needs to tap MA's shoulder and remind them they are THE F*CK*NG PIONEERS OF RCE MMORPG AND THAT THEY DONT NEED TO COPY OTHER GAMES MODELS and that the shit that is now going on -


Welcome to monthly subscription game "Entropia Universe"...

I'm out, selling all skills @ boxes, PA, offers accepted via PM too, total amount ~ 150K (hunting, mining, no crafting)

dont get what you mean with this?
Does this mean that we are getting an update today...? Was the latest postpone just a hoax?
As I have stated in a thread > someone reminded me of this today >

I think someone needs to tap MA's shoulder and remind them they are THE F*CK*NG PIONEERS OF RCE MMORPG AND THAT THEY DONT NEED TO COPY OTHER GAMES MODELS and that the shit that is now going on -


Welcome to monthly subscription game "Entropia Universe"...

I'm out, selling all skills @ boxes, PA, offers accepted via PM too, total amount ~ 150K (hunting, mining, no crafting)

i dont understand what negatives do you see in the notes?

EDIT: ah nvm
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dont get what you mean with this?

I mean that from a thrill-loot-jackpot seeking game this shit became a monthly subscription game, which offers absolutely no thrill anymore, loot is so meh I dont even want to start, jackpots which made this game HUGE with people (noobs could hit it big even on small mobs / dropping unamped probes) dissapeared, the appeal this game had has vanished.

IDK who would want to pay a monthly subscription to this game just to - once in 5 years - maybe be able to loot an "UL gun" which in this economy they made after many shitbalances - isnt even able to bring profit by using it.

Wonder why prices of all items fell so damn hard? Coz back in the day with those items you could produce profit, which means it was lucrative to own them - now all these weapons do is lesser the cost of play - but as stated before - who would want to pay to play something that hasnt got any longrun potential anymore?

I had dreams of Entropia becoming as they were an RCE pioneer - a VR (virtual reality) pioneer when time comes - but with this game model - there will be so so so many better VR environments that this game will fall into the abyss, will get forgotten, after all the heavy investors leave the sinking ship with their (whats left of it) cash ("""investment""")
So what about melee? Will I be sending all the sharpnell to TT and be at a disadvantage to those converting it to universal ammo - a built in 1% handicap?
[h=3]Developer Notes #9 - Version Update 15.0 Preview[/h] [h=4]Taming[/h] As announced in an earlier Buzz article, Version Update 15.0! brings Taming back to Entropia Universe. In this first phase, each planet will feature one low-level tamable creature:

  • Arkadia - Nusul Puny
  • Calypso - Bristlehog Puny
  • Cyrene - Young Arret
  • Rocktropia - Panther Puny
  • Toulan - Tabtab Puny
Existing pets work as they did in the old taming system, though those types of creatures cannot currently be tamed. Additional tamable creatures will be added in future Version Updates.

Well if taming works similar to old systems, this mobs are not tameable, as lowest whip available will kill them to fast :D
Anyway looking forward to see it back, and hope for fast introduction of more tameable mobs.


Right click menu of Shrapnel in inventory

Shrapnel, a new stackable resource, will be introduced to hunting loot in VU 15.0.
All creatures on all planets will drop this new resource as a symbolic representation of salvaged battle debris, regardless of the type of weapon(s) used to defeat the creature. Shrapnel will replace a portion of the total loot value formerly dropped in the form of ammo, animal oils, tier components, paint cans, etc.
Shrapnel is not used as a crafting component; instead, Shrapnel can be can converted to Universal Ammo at a ratio of 100:101, or sold to the Trade Terminal at face value.

Again melee user is f..ked.
No use for uni ammo, shrapnels is pure TT for them. Personally would prefer something that I could sell for 101% markup aswell. Its a 1% advantage for all ranged hunters vs melee.:scratch2:

[h=4]Looted Stackables[/h] The first phase of an effort to improve the distribution of looted stackable resources will be implemented in VU 15.0, starting with a majority of Planet Calypso creatures. Veteran participants will recall how several years ago most types of looted stackables could only be looted from particular creatures.
The benefit of returning to that method of distribution is a reduction in the number of different items looted in a particular hunting session, as well as more a more interesting hunting experience that allows hunters to leverage wisdom gained from previous hunts.
Loots for creatures on other planets will be adjusted in the upcoming partner releases after 15.0.

Step into right direction, finally hunters have to use brain again. :yay:
Missed that a lot.
I mean that from a thrill-loot-jackpot seeking game this shit became a monthly subscription game, which offers absolutely no thrill anymore, loot is so meh I dont even want to start, jackpots which made this game HUGE with people (noobs could hit it big even on small mobs / dropping unamped probes) dissapeared, the appeal this game had has vanished.

IDK who would want to pay a monthly subscription to this game just to - once in 5 years - maybe be able to loot an "UL gun" which in this economy they made after many shitbalances - isnt even able to bring profit by using it.

Wonder why prices of all items fell so damn hard? Coz back in the day with those items you could produce profit, which means it was lucrative to own them - now all these weapons do is lesser the cost of play - but as stated before - who would want to pay to play something that hasnt got any longrun potential anymore?

I had dreams of Entropia becoming as they were an RCE pioneer - a VR (virtual reality) pioneer when time comes - but with this game model - there will be so so so many better VR environments that this game will fall into the abyss, will get forgotten, after all the heavy investors leave the sinking ship with their (whats left of it) cash ("""investment""")

I will try to reply seperatly

The "trill" was something people bitched for long time, that noobs got the big ones, and no point getting skills or whatever, because game wasnt balanced - they fixed, people still bitch about something, is why is pointless to mend some stuff for someone, it'll always end up not pleasing someone.
So if you make it "jackpot" based, some will see no point in risking higher stuff, if you dont make it jackpot based, some will see no point because there is no possible big hits.

My account is 7 years old and i never looted a cool unl gun, while some looted a handfull, and having unl gear will by no means, garantee you profit, otherwise gear would have far much more value and it'd be just easy to play and profit if all it took was getting unl gear.

Prices droped a lot for several reasons combined, word crisis hit everyone, some players were forced to shorten the budget for EU or even close it for good, more unl gear being droped floods the market, and if demand lowered because people cant afford EU like before... try to guess what happens ... ofc it will fall in price.
In the past imk2 wouldnt mean total profit, or mod merc, or whatever for example, profit never came from gear directly, tho some gear will help you have more benificts and in long run save you a lot of ped, but personaly i did far much better with (L) than unl so far.

EU turned the way players wanted kind of,
Each day you could read on forums how upset people were getting at those noob hofs, and people would only grind small crap because bigger one was useless.
Gambling would kill your ped card for no reward, and so on.
So a mid term about giving players what they want and giving them a profit was done.

But as i said, this will never please everyone.
I mean that from a thrill-loot-jackpot seeking game this shit became a monthly subscription game, which offers absolutely no thrill anymore, loot is so meh I dont even want to start, jackpots which made this game HUGE with people (noobs could hit it big even on small mobs / dropping unamped probes) dissapeared, the appeal this game had has vanished.

IDK who would want to pay a monthly subscription to this game just to - once in 5 years - maybe be able to loot an "UL gun" which in this economy they made after many shitbalances - isnt even able to bring profit by using it.

Wonder why prices of all items fell so damn hard? Coz back in the day with those items you could produce profit, which means it was lucrative to own them - now all these weapons do is lesser the cost of play - but as stated before - who would want to pay to play something that hasnt got any longrun potential anymore?

I had dreams of Entropia becoming as they were an RCE pioneer - a VR (virtual reality) pioneer when time comes - but with this game model - there will be so so so many better VR environments that this game will fall into the abyss, will get forgotten, after all the heavy investors leave the sinking ship with their (whats left of it) cash ("""investment""")

If you cant turn an advantage as big as having lower cost to play into profit maybe RCE isnt for you?

Or, atleast it would perhaps be better if you played EU from the angle of having fun instead of hoping for easy profit or winning the jackpot?

Dunno, but its still possible to come out ahead in this game, however in the last years its more up to using the brain instead of just beeing lucky as it used to be.
So what about melee? Will I be sending all the sharpnell to TT and be at a disadvantage to those converting it to universal ammo - a built in 1% handicap?

Or you can sell the shrapnel to other players for 100.9% ( if tradable ofc )

Always nice to see what used to be ammo in loot turn into a 100.9% MU resource.
Certain loots are dropping from certain mobs anyway, is not like yellow paint or bones were dropping left and right so I do not understand the second part of this announcement. What older players remember, jackpot-thing aside, was a loot variation (in hunt) like 80-90-80-90-140%. Still losing 20% but with style and having a chance to hit biggish.

Now for lower mobs is like 60-60-80-70-60%- and who wants to see what's next. There is a guy around (new ava, not new player) keeping a log and I bet he's itching to chip in to move to -perceived- greener pastures.

As for the Shrapnel part, I understand one thing, that now players will loot something which either goes to TT or has to be consumed, no trading. Bound to account. Loot will not be necessarily better TT wise.

I do understand that there are millions and millions of things looted sitting there not used and MA do not want more PED liabilities gathering around, but a side-effect of this loot is that players will not keep loot in storage just TT it and try to take them out of the game.

If taming will not be a cheap, fun way to spend time in game (read - one can get and maintain a pet with 3 bucks per month top) but another ped sinkhole, except for few enthusiasts will be just another thing in game.

Anyhow sounds like a big update, with Cyrene content change, too. Glad you bundled all together MA, we all know you perform best under pressure.

Or you can sell the shrapnel to other players for 100.9% ( if tradable ofc )

Always nice to see what used to be ammo in loot turn into a 100.9% MU resource.

Sorry, but how can you read those 2 lines explaining Shrapnel and make a wild guess it will be tradeable? As announced now, clearly is not - exchange for ammo or sell to TT.

What is not announced, is that they will loot EXACTLY in same amounts as all those components and paints and oils as before. Could be the same, could be 98% of what it was before, so that 101% is not necessarily a gain. What you would guess, in MA financial situation, things will be?
I mean that from a thrill-loot-jackpot seeking game this shit became a monthly subscription game, which offers absolutely no thrill anymore, loot is so meh I dont even want to start, jackpots which made this game HUGE with people (noobs could hit it big even on small mobs / dropping unamped probes) dissapeared, the appeal this game had has vanished.

IDK who would want to pay a monthly subscription to this game just to - once in 5 years - maybe be able to loot an "UL gun" which in this economy they made after many shitbalances - isnt even able to bring profit by using it.

Wonder why prices of all items fell so damn hard? Coz back in the day with those items you could produce profit, which means it was lucrative to own them - now all these weapons do is lesser the cost of play - but as stated before - who would want to pay to play something that hasnt got any longrun potential anymore?

I had dreams of Entropia becoming as they were an RCE pioneer - a VR (virtual reality) pioneer when time comes - but with this game model - there will be so so so many better VR environments that this game will fall into the abyss, will get forgotten, after all the heavy investors leave the sinking ship with their (whats left of it) cash ("""investment""")

prophet i see what you mean, but in this case im more on the decision-side of MA.

i dont want to give you the fealing to teach you or to look down to you. Yes the game is not anymore a thrill-loot-jackpot seeking game. Yeah, but the game evolved more, it became more. We have a big construct now of different planet partners (By different dev-studios), we got space, missions, vehicles, shared loot, new areas like caves and instances. ....

the project entropia morphed more and more into a game, based on RCE. I dont see the problem, the core aspects of the game are still working as they were intented.

But yes, you are right, this game was once a RCE pioneer and changed its "attitude" over the years. the game grew, the playerbase didnt. or at least not as fast as MA planned or expected it. The economy is not working great atm. But its working, as the playerbase is still big enough to relatively uphold the market values and the devolopers outcome.

Now they are trying to re-stabilize the market values of hunting loot by introducing "account bound" 101% ammo return. they are generating 1 % for us, which is forced to flew back into the lootpool. im sure in the longterm this 1 % extra return is more or less the same as the TT-crap they decrease in loot. the shrapnel will lead - at least a little bit -to more interesting loot, as it directly improves the other loots value. We dont know yet how much the shrapnel is replacing loot TT/%-wise .

When the economy stabilizes and the playerbase is growing, im sure we will see again really big hofs, but every extraordinary big loot is directly hurting the economy in my opinion. As the return is often not going back into the lootpool-chashflow. Sure, we absolutely need those big returns, they are one of the most motivating things inside entropia, hitting the big one. But for every big TT return someone else is paying, i dont have to explain it to you - you know what i mean....

So all in all its a good way to bring back some (more) decent loot, without hurting entropia itself in any aspects. The playerbase is even more motivated to go out hunting, as they have accountbound ammo, you can also TT or sell you shrapnel for 100,5 %, then nothing changed for you.

Dunno, but its still possible to come out ahead in this game, however in the last years its more up to using the brain instead of just beeing lucky as it used to be.
yes MA changed the way its working, you still can have some luck to hit big jackpots, but in the longterm you have to use your brain.
Very nice. Good for tagging :)
@ all the melee users be cafefull what you wish for... soon we have all melee changed to 1 ped weapons using ammo....

And gues who will be crying?
I want to tame a monkey on NI
As announced in an earlier Buzz article, Version Update 15.0! brings Taming back to Entropia Universe. In this first phase, each planet will feature one low-level tamable creature:

Arkadia - Nusul Puny
Calypso - Bristlehog Puny
Cyrene - Young Arret
Rocktropia - Panther Puny
Toulan - Tabtab Puny

I guess Next Island isn't a planet any more.:scratch2:
As you say " the TT-crap they decrease in loot " this has already happened, i have seen it come creeping past 2 months as when MA told os that they will slow down the tier speed on our weapons the players noticed during a half years prior to this announcement and wondered if any bug or something other.:wise:

( And as you can see in the forum that many voices have been talking about the loot has been bad lately .... that's right, it's just a thing done little in advance ).

So.... The type of weapon we use to kill something affects what's in the loot?

This theory has been around for a very long time. Ever since Marco showed off his Mind Ark official gun that does like 7.2k damage. Someone asked him a question about loot and he said that with that gun loot does not get generated.