Renting MM for MM


Nov 16, 2011

I have a tier 7.6 MM, Imp Gayo that I am consider renting it to someone who can use this lovely and rather unknown gun during this year MM, it is well know great gun for solo or team.


MM -
Imp Gayo - After current VU, status improved to speed 29/29, Decay 0.02 ped, L fap skill gain ratio.

I list them on auction and the list price will be the collateral, daily rental cost will be

MM - 200 ped/day
Imp Gayo - 100 ped/day

You need reserved the date been used, over due day consider the item sold, and the all sales final without refund.

I may use it for the team during MM, so make your request early asap. and I'm also can be hired as an support team shooter with such rate:

You pay for ammo, dmg enhancers, decay. I give all the loot back to your, I'm not going to share any reward steaks either the item split.

5% on ATH if any.

I use my own T7.6 MM + Hyper A105 + Imp Gayo. I have sufficient armor to be a support shooter.(shadow 4.x or better + plates)
I will use my own nano boot or other boots if needed.
Hourly rate will be 100ped/hour.

In game contact - dale Aladding lin
Dude, what is an Imp Gayo? :laugh: