error trying to login


Sep 30, 2008
The Ministry
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dasouth Genious dasouth
Tried login in today using a windows 10 setup, cleared all cookies & history
page loads but when I try to login, I get the following error & have no clue what's wrong :(

Looks like a code error when handling the back queries needed to display the landing page.
1. Did it ever worked in you configuration?
2. Did you try IE instead of FF?
Judging from the statement alone, I'd hazard a guess at saying it might have you registered in two soc's and it's only expecting one but I can't see the stack trace at the bottom as it's cut off and that's where the answer will come from.

It's certainly getting more than one row of data for you on something when it's written to only expect one.
Looks like a code error when handling the back queries needed to display the landing page.
1. Did it ever worked in you configuration?
2. Did you try IE instead of FF?

never worked on win10.. just did the install & didn't have the issue on 8.1
IE... never tried that b4 :p
I'll try to login on another pc when i get the chance
compability view - is the answer :)
same thing on a win 8.1 laptop in IE where it did use to work b4...
Here's the screenshot of the lwoer part of the error
