Server downtime for patch

This fixation
on rhymification
- caused by speculation
and jubilation
over impending migration -
is no justification
for the generation
and publication
of conversation
that requires moderation.

So my recommendation
in this situation
is to resist temptation
- dont post profanation
or cause consternation -
and consider the implication
of rule violation.

Damnation !
We are under close observation...
No mercy from Gardian of Regulation,
so play attention !
Will we get Hogglo Diablos back? i miss spaceship pilot skilling :smoke:
Hey! Speaking in rhymes is not a proper forum utilization!
Running late.... Been spamming F5 for a while now
It is 10 minutes past due. I am calling the President.
This tread is like a unfinished MASTURBATION!