Shared Loot Problem with ESI

Nov 18, 2011
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Sunsout Tacotuesday Gunsout
Over the past 6 months I have noticed something that I am 100% confident now is occurring at shared loot.

Before any of you chime in and say that "well I looted one, so its fine" I want you to know that when I first started noticing this months ago, I have been watching it extremely closely. My sample size dwarfs yours, and I included input from a dozen more players my level. You CANNOT look at this subjectively, you will not see it. But now, I am confident to almost a virtual 100% certainty that it is happening.

First, items work fine, and are distributed fairly, with high dps obviously getting more regular items like guns and such than low dps. That works fine, and that is how it should be. This is not about that...this is about ESI.

ESI is distributed 100% randomly to avatars, regardless of DPS.

It always seemed to me like that in the past. The only large esi I ever looted was a 888 tt ESI from a hydra looted with a noob gun 5 years ago at solfais. It seems like that to 99% of the high level players I talked to since then...hence the adage oft repeated "Everyone knows if you want an big ESI, shoot shared mobs with a noob gun"

Over the past 6 months I have been watching very closely... in fact, the last 24 large ESI (300-1250 tt) that I have seen drop (witnessed myself) on large shared mobs ALL went to low-level guns occasionally to some mid-levels too. When adding all the info from others I only have one possibility. The ESI are being distributed randomly, and NOT based on damage.

Those 24 times above, between me and one of two other high dps avatars, we accounted for 60% of the total dps to the mobs. NONE of those times did we receive and ESI. The average group size was 9 avatars. IF it was distributed by DPS, the ESI would have dropped to one of us at least once by now, and when I add to this the hundreds of other huge ESI looting occurrences that I have discussed with others that have occurred in the last 6 months, I am 100% confident that something is fucked up.

The only explanation is that is occurring randomly.

I would even go so far as to think it very likely that some parameter goes even farther in that it increases the chance of a low level avatar getting the ESI to a level higher than pure randomness would allow. But that is an argument I can't prove...although I think it may be occurring too.

Anyway, I know that ESI is NOT based on dps anymore like MA stated. It is based on pure randomness, with each avatar present having an equal chance. I know many of you will say, "just do less DPS, Taco." DONT. Most of the large shared that I kill CANNOT be killed if me and a friend or two aren't doing 100+ dps and wearing our best armor.

Also, I know that I don't HAVE to shoot shared, so don't tell me that either. I am posting this because I just want the damn loot to work fairly. YES, many of you who have figured this out already will say that it's fine, because you LOVE having a greater chance to loot an ESI than your DPS should allow. However, I am saying that the days of me shooting shared are over until MA addresses this issue. The easiest visible solution will be not dropping 1250 ped ESI's to one person, if the ESI is going to drop, split it up based on damage!. Just keeping them high tt and changing it to be based on DPS will take months for us to notice. I won't be shooting most of the shared I currently shoot until I know for a FACT that the ESI drops based on DPS, so I ask MA to either issue a statement stating that it is fixed, or prove it to us by with loot by letting the system split up huge ESI based on DPS.

Most mobs NEED big dps guns there to be killed. If we all start using tt guns, MA is going to lose, because no one will be killing shared, especially on other planets because there aren't enough people.

Thank you for your time. Please post constructively. I know many of you will just love the chance to contradict me with the fact that you got a big esi when using high DPS one time...or simply because you hate me...all I ask is that you look at in OBJECTIVELY, and not subjectively.
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I know many of you will just love the chance to contradict me

Nope, you are right.

Only 2 ways to avoid it.

a) Hunt with people you know and trust
b) Dont do shared mobs
Well I have killed what feels like a thousand kongs in the last 6-12 months. Usually being the top dps there watching countless times the big ESI go to TT guns. It is frustrating and I would have stopped a long time ago but I had to finish the Rock LA.

I to am done with the big shared loot mobs(unless rock announces another LA...).
I've often thought the fairest option is to remove all items from shared mobs.

Returns are already a lottery without adding the extra layer of having to loot items to get anywhere near a standard return.

It just leaves too many people with a sour taste.
Would it be so bad if it was just general loot and shrapnel?

The situation you bring up just adds to that and if it is in fact working the way you say then it demonstrates perfectly the problem with items in shared mobs.....imo
Ok. First let me say that I believe your hypothesis about random distribution because I am reasonably sure that it happens in normal teaming, too.

Now, here's why I think it happens: I suspect that ESI's are not items, per se.

If you think about it, items are things you equip and use. ESI's are more akin to ammo. They are loaded into a tool which is then used to extract skills.

Assuming that they are not actually items, then it makes sense that they would be randomly distributed. I understand that the consumables are typically distributed such that the tt amount each person gets is proportional to the damage they did, and that normally works fine.

The problem comes in when there is an item like an ESI that can (rarely) have a much higher tt value. If you think about it, the only method of "fairly" distributing it is to do it randomly, but weighted based on the percentage of damage inflicted. Then again, if items are already distributed based on damage, I'm not really sure that giving preference to those same people for distributing high-value consumables is fair, either.

Anyway, that is what I think is happening.
i'm reading the description of the problem and i dont understand why you say it is random. seems to me it is deliberatly going to lower DPS, maybe a cap on DPS to which ESI may drop. if a team has mixed low and high DPS, if the ESI drops to the low DPS i wonder what the high DPS are getting - is it stacks or other items? it maybe that you are getting a higher tt item at the expense of the high markup item.

the obvious solution, to split ESI as if a stackable is very sensible, however as i see described here the high DPS person still wouldnt get in on the split.
ESI is distributed 100% randomly to avatars, regardless of DPS.

I agree with that statement. At least it's how it was last year (since I did not do loads of shared this year).

Last year I lived few very extensive days on shared Longtoths.
Despite having top dps at that time on spawn and getting all points from mobs I was shooting at, including Old Fred, I did not received any ESI. In the same time there was a dozen players who received one or multiple, plus I'm certain not all who did were saying that.
Therefore it was certain last year that ESI goes differently than other items.
I guess nothing changed in this matter.
This is definitely something that needs either fixing or info disclosed by an official; it's not always possible to get large teams together with only people you completely trust... every now an then you may add someone that would like to hunt big and you think it as a favour to have them in the team.
I agree with what you said, an yes ESI is not an item ! I saw this happened lot of times on Daikiba stampede... But I was the low DPS and I never got one. We were 2 or 3 hunting and all the time the esi dropped (not 300 + tt ofcource, 10-15-20 tt or so, the Biggest DPS took it but the ammo and other crap I took). Ofcource the one that got the ESI was cool enough and shared some with the rest of the noobs :):):) . So, if it is taken as a item as in our case like 15 ped let's say and there only 10 ped ammo, the highest dps take it then the ammo to the other and so on... BUT if there is 100 ped ammo and 10 ped esi .. well things change and someone else might loot it, not the highest DPS that will receive like 80 ped ammo and the noob 10 ped esi + 20 ped ammo :):):). This observation comes only from small shared loot mobs....
Now, this is not the only thing that is not like fair (but since esi is not item it is normal to work like that) there are much more things MA doesn't do fair.... Don't forget our only right in this game is to DEPO ! nothing else :)
Just try to have fun and that;s it... What else you can do in a casino ?
In all the shared loot events I've participated in, I think I've only gotten one small ESI. Much better chance of getting one if I hunt something moderately large solo.

I bet MA's response to this will be:

"Loot is working as intended, your sample size isn't big enough (TM)"
i'm reading the description of the problem and i dont understand why you say it is random. seems to me it is deliberatly going to lower DPS, maybe a cap on DPS to which ESI may drop. if a team has mixed low and high DPS, if the ESI drops to the low DPS i wonder what the high DPS are getting - is it stacks or other items? it maybe that you are getting a higher tt item at the expense of the high markup item.

the obvious solution, to split ESI as if a stackable is very sensible, however as i see described here the high DPS person still wouldnt get in on the split.

So far all I can say with 100% certainty is that ESI are not following the the rules of other items (i.e. more dps has a greater chance of looting items.) That just doesn't happen on big ESI. Thats what I mean by saying they drop randomly to any avatar present regardless of DPS. That is the only thing I am 100% sure is also the simplest explanation...

BUT, what you say is also what I believe, and the evidence sure as hell points top it, it is just too hard to prove conclusively to myself that it goes beyond some random a distribution that favors low or mid dps. There are rare cases where high dps gets the big ESI at shared...but those cases are definitely less than what pure randomness should allow.

It wouldn't surprise me if MA long ago said "at shared, give ESI to random newer players only...big dps will think its just bad luck, and having lots of newer player getting these will get them more excited about the game and more likely to play longer and become consistent depositors".

But even though I too think that MA is favoring low dps much more than pure randomness would allow, I am hesitant to say it with 99 or 100% certainty. But yeah, it is very likely.
Those 24 times above, between me and one of two other high dps avatars, we accounted for 60% of the total dps to the mobs. NONE of those times did we receive and ESI. The average group size was 9 avatars. IF it was distributed by DPS, the ESI would have dropped to one of us at least once by now, and when I add to this the hundreds of other huge ESI looting occurrences that I have discussed with others that have occurred in the last 6 months, I am 100% confident that something is fucked up.

If we simplify the numbers and say that the two of you did exactly 60% of the damage all of the time, and that there was always 9 people shooting, the probability of neither of you receiving any of the 24 ESIs under a dps-based system would be 0.000000028%, which is about 1 in 35 million.

In a system where each of the 9 had an equal chance of getting the ESI, regardless of how much damage they'd done, the probability of the two big shooters not receiving any of the 24 ESIs would be 0.24%, or about 1 in 400.
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Thank you all for the great posts.

Some of you brought up the issue that maybe MA isn't treating it like an item.

I am not entirely sure what happens to small stacks when there isnt enough units to go around to everyone but it seems that high tt stackables generally go to more dps, meaning they follow the same dps-based rules as items.

I say this because over the years I have seen myself go from not doing enough damage to qualify for a 10 ped heart oil or high tt robot part, to doing enough damage to get them consistently. It seems that high tt stackables ARE more like to go to high dps, meaning dps is a factor for these too. On Orotan, I usually always get 2-3 4 ped hides on non-multiplied mobs because of my dps, and many small dps guns wont get any, especially if they shot less than 4 ped into the mob. In this case, it usually understands that and gives me some of the hides available before it randomly gives them to low dps, BUT low dps can still occasionally get some of those stacks too, even when I don't. Many time I see a low dps friend get 2 heart oil on a non-multiplied shared mob, while I got none, but over time I always believed it worked out like items and generally I was getting my proper share of those stacks. What i mean is that if there 20 people shooting, and there are 5 heart oils in the loot, it seems like the big dps will get them more often than the small dps, meaning it follows the normal dps based rule that higher dps is more likely to receive it.

But ESI I think follow an altogether different set of rules. And that has become just way to obvious lately with what we have seen. I think DPS is absolutely NO factor in determining who gets the large ESI at large shared mobs. (In small teams, it always seemed relatively fair to me...if I was most dps, I was more likely to get a small ESI if it dropped.) But small ESI is not what I am talking about anyway. Large ESI fail to follow this rule. Maybe because MA is scared of letting top dps get the majority of them. I wouldn't doubt that they felt dropping huge ESI (which the clearly are doing often on certain shared) under the rules of the rest of the loot (dps based chances) would allow top dps to profit disproportionately over lower dps. But I think this has backfired because as I say in the beginning, we just aren't getting them at all. ALL the big ESI are going to random people with absolutely zero adherence to the basic rules of shared loot.

Whatever the reason is, I still think that the only solution is to split them up based on damage if we were lucky enough to trigger a big one to drop. Treat them as stacks. 10 ped stacks, just like heart oils or something, because I am confident that distribution of things like heart oils works perfectly fine. Then it will be fair again. (The 10 ped condition rule on them is total bullshit anyway...I honestly cannot see how the player base has not been screaming for this to be changed at the top of their lungs for the past 10 years)

I know MA likes having it as a carrot to the newer players, but it has become too obvious and has gone too far, and too many of us will not be killing these things anymore. And without us and our armors, many less newer players will be killing them too.
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I disagree with your solution. The best way would be to allow us to loot smaller ESIs on regular mobs like we used to, and stop dropping these ridiculous big ones on massive shared loot crap.

If we simplify the numbers and say that the two of you did exactly 60% of the damage all of the time, and that there was always 9 people shooting, the probability of neither of you receiving any of the 24 ESIs under a dps-based system would be 0.000000028%, which is about 1 in 35 million.

In a system where each of the 9 had an equal chance of getting the ESI, regardless of how much damage they'd done, the probability of the two big shooters not receiving any of the 24 ESIs would be 24.018%

Thank you for that.

That is exactly why I finally felt I had seen enough to know that it CANT be based on DPS...also those numbers are just what I witnessed recently....when I add all the other info I obtain from friends at shared loot that I wasn't able to be at, then the evidence is even more staggering.

That is why I am confident enough to say that randomness has to be occurring. There is just too much evidence

At least randomness...perhaps something more, like MA intentionally using them as a carrot for newer players, to the detriment of those spending the ped.

I disagree with your solution. The best way would be to allow us to loot smaller ESIs on regular mobs like we used to, and stop dropping these ridiculous big ones on massive shared loot crap.

I agree that would be good too...this system of giving massive esi to random newer players at shared events is NOT helping the game one bit.
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I can't disagree with you statement at all OP. Makes me question though if it is 100% random, but why then has no one in the upper 60% dmg gotten one? Just bad luck. Makes me think... the lower damage gets top "tier" loot order for items.

My personal solution for items in shared loot - is that they are very rare and only really come on very very big hofs (5 or 8k and over) That way it's not a 2k hof and someone got a 800 ped item. Those cases if you don't get an item you are f-ed over on a huge uber.... I want items in shared loot, but less often and only on big loots.
I guess ESI is different, but it shouldn't be. You can add a 15TT ESI here or there and it's not a huge deal.
I can't disagree with you statement at all OP. Makes me question though if it is 100% random, but why then has no one in the upper 60% dmg gotten one? Just bad luck. Makes me think... the lower damage gets top "tier" loot order for items.

My personal solution for items in shared loot - is that they are very rare and only really come on very very big hofs (5 or 8k and over) That way it's not a 2k hof and someone got a 800 ped item. Those cases if you don't get an item you are f-ed over on a huge uber.... I want items in shared loot, but less often and only on big loots.
I guess ESI is different, but it shouldn't be. You can add a 15TT ESI here or there and it's not a huge deal.

When you look at it using Olegs numbers, bad luck can be the reason (if randomness is occuring), but if it truly was dps based probability like other items, then there is no way I can blame it on bad luck. 1 in 35 million is just too minute to attribute to bad luck.

Yeah as for that solution that is what most have been asking for at the shard I go to on all 3 planets that have big shared. A 1000 ped hof on a mob that costs 1500 ped to kill that drops a 850 ped ESI is just a fucking game-killer for 95% of the people there. If it dropped with a probability based on DPS (like it should), at least it would be somewhat fair, and most of us would keep shooting shared and there wouldn't be this thread, but its not.
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If we simplify the numbers and say that the two of you did exactly 60% of the damage all of the time, and that there was always 9 people shooting, the probability of neither of you receiving any of the 24 ESIs under a dps-based system would be 0.000000028%, which is about 1 in 35 million.

In a system where each of the 9 had an equal chance of getting the ESI, regardless of how much damage they'd done, the probability of the two big shooters not receiving any of the 24 ESIs would be 24.018%

How did you come up with those numbers?
Well, I know how for the first: .4^24. But for the other I think you got the decimal wrong: 7/9^24 = .24018%!?

Assuming it truly were as you say, totally random between everybody shooting, how come you never got any of those big ESIs? the chance of you not getting any of them is pretty slim.
Even going as far as saying there were 16 other people shooting with you, not getting any of those 24 ESIs between the two of you is only a 6% chance. Those numbers/evidence seems weird to me somehow.

I would very much like to hear more about the data you got, preferably take a look at it myself, if I could?

Very interesting stuff!

on a very side note edit! please don't focus on this, the other part of the post is more interesting: on the point of them distributing differently then other items. It could be that the kind of item is determined by the system before the PED amount is determined and the then "empty ESI" counts as a 1 pec item or so. This would mean that "items" like heart oil is then given to players first and then Ammo and ESIs are used as a filler, after that the system assigns a ped amount to them individually. That could in (my crazy loot) theory explain the disproportionate amount of ESIs dropping to lower dps. This would also make sense because MA once said the the "loot system" hasn't been changed since the earliest years. Sure they changed aspects but the core mechanics are the same. Back in the day a system as described above would have made sence for the loot back then.
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I *think* but do not know, that it is the way most have said in past. Your DPS, game cycle history, gear, etc etc gives you a a bit higher chance then the others. But it is random.?

Kind of like having a crit buff you dont crit all time but you see a few extra then normal. So *DPS, game cycle history, gear, etc etc* is a item loot buff i.e. ESI?

Just a wild guess dont mean to cloud the thread with guessing.
Do u love conspiracy theories? ;)

Could it be that last years MA has been busy analyzing the reasons why some ppl are more successful than others (more successful than just their gear would allow). Is it possible they found out a very simple mechanism: MU.
Figure out how to get ur hands on the stuff with most MU and life's a flower!

MA hath seen this and behold, MA sayeth this is no good!

What could possibly be their next step? Put it back on treack, take measures. We have all seen this major experiment with Caly, operation with a codename "Let's get rid of all MU". Have u ever wondered why this happened? ;)
Now, ESI has most MU. According to this (hypothetical!) new policy it must have been marked as "The Root of All Evil". Hence, special measures to make absolutely certain that the "Top20 Club" won't get any.

The crusade started in the name of fairness. As it usually happens with all these good intentions, they tend to backfire and blew into our face. Then the results are carefully recorded and analyzed, necessary corrections made, and it comes out even worse than before. And so on, and so on...

In a word, business as usual. :boxer:
How did you come up with those numbers?
Well, I know how for the first: .4^24. But for the other I think you got the decimal wrong: 7/9^24 = .24018%!?

Sorry, yes, you are correct, I multiplied by 100 twice by mistake.

So it's about a 1 in 400 chance, if there were equal looting opportunities for everyone.
Ok. First let me say that I believe your hypothesis about random distribution because I am reasonably sure that it happens in normal teaming, too.

Now, here's why I think it happens: I suspect that ESI's are not items, per se.

If you think about it, items are things you equip and use. ESI's are more akin to ammo. They are loaded into a tool which is then used to extract skills.

Assuming that they are not actually items, then it makes sense that they would be randomly distributed. I understand that the consumables are typically distributed such that the tt amount each person gets is proportional to the damage they did, and that normally works fine.

The problem comes in when there is an item like an ESI that can (rarely) have a much higher tt value. If you think about it, the only method of "fairly" distributing it is to do it randomly, but weighted based on the percentage of damage inflicted. Then again, if items are already distributed based on damage, I'm not really sure that giving preference to those same people for distributing high-value consumables is fair, either.

Anyway, that is what I think is happening.

I've spend only maybe 1000 PEDs on Chared Loot, so I'm going by what you guys are saying here.
It does sound logical what you describe for the ESI being some kind of "item-ammo", thus making it fall out of the normal item distribution. However, isn't it so that when there is just one piece of a stackable item (let's say Heart Oil for example) is looted on Shared Loot, that goes to the player with the most DPS most likely?
It seems like the ESI distribution is somehow reversed? Wouldn't that create the possibility of somebody being shady and only shooting once at a Shared Mob, thereby ensuring he has the lowest DPS done, thus having the highest change of an ESI dropping? :scratch2:
EDIT: nvm, I messed up. I could say I'm hung over but I just messed up. My bad. sorry
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I disagree with your solution. The best way would be to allow us to loot smaller ESIs on regular mobs like we used to, and stop dropping these ridiculous big ones on massive shared loot crap.


At any rate, forcing newer players to input tons of ped, chip to higher levels, and buy big does guns just for a chance at looting things like ESIs and decent markup UL gear and components is just ridiculous. While players who invest more time and effort need to be rewarded, rewarding them at the expense of getting more dedicated players in the community is just bad as well.. IMO shared loot mobs are a problem in themselves. But really, just stop having 500tt+ esi dropping from shared mobs. Let esi drop across all mob levels and hp.. Obviously rewarding bigger tt esi or more frequent esi from bigger mobs.

While I agree with taco that dealing 30-40% of dmg to shared mob only to have a 1-3% contributor get a big esi is plain unfair, there aren't really any other big rewards or draws to keep newer players going. Letting them loot a 400tt esi at 1000% gets them hooked for sure.. A better solution is needed.

I want to hunt more often, but I can't see the point in it.. Only being able to hunt 1000hp mobs and lower there's just no markup to recoup some losses.. I wouldn't mind losing 1-2% each run, but 5%+ is just too much to make it worth it. I don't want to invest thousands of ped just to be able to hunt mobs which drop output amp components and such.. Maybe I'll try shared kongs and take taco's esi :laugh:
Those 24 times above, between me and one of two other high dps avatars, we accounted for 60% of the total dps to the mobs. NONE of those times did we receive and ESI.

So your chance not getting the ESI is 40% what is not a low chance tbh !

24 drops, is not a large sample that will allow any conclusion about loot distribution.

If you state that you always got the other items, where you also have had a chance of 40% not getting it (60% total damage done), you are a damn lucky hunter on this shared loot mobs, as you got way more than you ever should expect in items.

That balances out the lesser luck with the ESI drops.

Actually I can say that never any item dropped to me from a shared loot, and my gun is not that total noob gun.
Surely can´t compete with the UBER DPS guns, but every here and then I should have been lucky aswell, but that doesn´t happen to me yet.

Do I start a thread about it, hey I did 5% total DMG on a shared loot mob, and last 200 items dropped to someone else, there must be glitch, as I should have gotten at least 10 items out of 200 (average) from that 200 drops ???? NO I DON´T !!!
I know that 5% is a damn low chance, and I can live with it, not getting the items.

Just another unqualified whinning thread, nothing more!

Why do all high skilled hunters using big as gear always demand all loot belongs to them ????
This is not the case, but if you think this should be the case, don´t do shared mobs!
So your chance not getting the ESI is 40% what is not a low chance tbh !

24 drops, is not a large sample that will allow any conclusion about loot distribution.

If you state that you always got the other items, where you also have had a chance of 40% not getting it (60% total damage done), you are a damn lucky hunter on this shared loot mobs, as you got way more than you ever should expect in items.

That balances out the lesser luck with the ESI drops.

Actually I can say that never any item dropped to me from a shared loot, and my gun is not that total noob gun.
Surely can´t compete with the UBER DPS guns, but every here and then I should have been lucky aswell, but that doesn´t happen to me yet.

Do I start a thread about it, hey I did 5% total DMG on a shared loot mob, and last 200 items dropped to someone else, there must be glitch, as I should have gotten at least 10 items out of 200 (average) from that 200 drops ???? NO I DON´T !!!
I know that 5% is a damn low chance, and I can live with it, not getting the items.

Just another unqualified whinning thread, nothing more!

Why do all high skilled hunters using big as gear always demand all loot belongs to them ????
This is not the case, but if you think this should be the case, don´t do shared mobs!

His not the only one who thinks this Goni. He provided his sample size in the hopes others would also. Seeing someone show up and shoot a mob once and take a huge ESI is frusturating *cough* wifi *Cough*.
His not the only one who thinks this Goni. He provided his sample size in the hopes others would also. Seeing someone show up and shoot a mob once and take a huge ESI is frusturating *cough* wifi *Cough*.

true, I get that it's frustrating but something is weird about his numbers and as oleg and I have shown it's odd either way. So let's maybe together take another look at the data and not just the feelings of a few. Feelings are misleading as you can see by all the weird theories about loot out there - like turn west when geology skill pops up and then when after that surveying turn right 20 degrees etc.... Also, if there is anybody out there who has had more success with looting ESIs by shooting the opalo once please let us know, that'd be interesting too, and I'm sure many people have tried... me too btw, with no success what so ever xD

smaller gun probly has more chance of looting just think for a min there may 50 to one low dps poeple out there that at event dont have the skills to use the bigger guns so in reality there going to be more prone to get the esi if the esi is looted to a random person

100 person shothing at one mob and a few big guns shooting at the sames mob what should be fair the big dps getting all the big prize all the times

no put it ramdom problem solve
smaller gun probly has more chance of looting just think for a min there may 50 to one low dps poeple out there that at event dont have the skills to use the bigger guns so in reality there going to be more prone to get the esi if the esi is looted to a random person

100 person shothing at one mob and a few big guns shooting at the sames mob what should be fair the big dps getting all the big prize all the times

no put it ramdom problem solve

At calypso this may be true but on rocktropia there were alot times when there was 8-12 people there and we would knock the big mob down. 4-5 big dps and the esi the majority of the time still went to the people making up 5% of the total damage output collectively