

May 23, 2014
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Flint Swish Lock

Currently you are able to purchase items from Auction and have them delivered for a fee. Is it possible to have the same system for posting items? It is nice to travel around to different planets for the different features, but it is a huge inconvenience to have to spend a considerable amount of time to travel to Caly to access the planet auction to post something. It is the only really active auction, being able to have items delivered is convenient for the fee. Can the same system not be implemented for posting? If you are working on a mission on a different planet, there comes a point where you need to put looted items on auction. Or, if you are on one planet for example, and want to go to another planet without having to go to Caly at that time to access the auction.

Also, it would probably increase the amount of auction items, and reduce the amount of items that get tt'd if it was percentage based. For example a player has looted a gun with a 10-20 ped mu, they are not going to travel to put it on auction, as the flight fee is higher to return to the planet. If it could be put on Caly auction for 1-2 ped additional fee, this would help players with a smaller budget that cannot store a lot of items until it is worthwhile to make the trip.

It is great having all the different planets with their events and features but it does not seem like there is enough player base to support multiple active auctions.

And other planets auctions will be even more dead.

Don´t think I like the idea. Just put it at auction at the planet you are.
I agree with GoNi, other Auctions are already dead as it is, Arkadia would suffer the most from this and PP have a hard enough time as it is.
thats my point, the other auctions are dead... one global auction would benefit everyone. Whats the point of spending ped to put something on an auction that doesn't sell the item. I have put stuff on the Ark auction and had to retrieve it.
This would cause all pirate and mother ship owners to go out of business