Don't go to Pandora without a TP chip


Apr 4, 2006
Ft. Liquordale
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Ben Rumsponge Rumson
The bots are surrounding the service center and TP. They respawn as fast as they are killed.
Hundreds of robots, I must add to prevent the hotheads from going and checking out for themselves, like it happened yesterday after a similar warning on #rookie :D
Currently not on Caly but about to come back. Is it as bad as the robot invasion of the old Corinth? Turrets were off and Vanguards killed you even inside of the container as soon as you revived or logged in. Sometimes it was impossible to play for days if you got yourself stuck there. I used to like heading out northwest from Pandora, if that is no more...
If I sit on the hill and use a long range tagger, I can mostly clear off the ones around the building. But the second someone is in the service center, the place gets swarmed and they respawn fast. And, of course, 80% of them are "unreachable" at any given time, so it really gets annoying.
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It's a good place to skill dodge :wise: