Bone Samples/Bone to Pick


Jan 15, 2010
The Calypso Bone Sample/Bone To Pick mission was one of the best components of the newcomer experience on Calypso. It gave new players a mark up item to loot and sell, and helped give them a solid introduction the game economy. The mark up on Bone Samples has declined and stagnated now, which is natural and expected, but I think they should be revitalized.

I propose two things. First, six more variations of the mission should be added, one for strength, dexterity, health, and so on, and the mission brokers for those should be placed on the other planets and Monria. So, if someone wanted an extra point of strength, for instance, they would have to get 10K Bone Samples and go to Rocktropia, or wherever the strength mission broker was, to turn them in.

This would have several benefits. New players would be pleased because mark up on one of their basic loots would go up. Established players would be pleased because they would have a reason to grind small mobs during poor loot cycles. Older players would be pleased because it would help them when they are running up against the skills (attributes) slowdown. Planet Calypso would be pleased because it would be economic activity on Caly. Planet Partners would be pleased because it would mean more traffic to their planets. Mothership and Warp Taxi operators would be pleased because it would be another high mark up item that needs to be physically transported through space. Pirates would be pleased because it would be another high mark up item that needs to be physically transported through space. Developers would be pleased because it is mainly just copy/pasting some code.

So far as I can see, it is win-win-win-win-etc.

The second thing I propose is adding a second level to the mission/s, so that players can get a second point for turning in 100K Bone Samples. Even a third point for one million Bone Samples...I bet someone would do it.

I can only see a few possible downsides to these changes. Some players may complain that skills are being devalued. (I'm sure that some players will complain that skills are being devalued.) But they will be a minority. Also, some higher level players may camp the denser puny spawns and farm Bone Samples. This is a drawback, but I don't think it is a good enough reason not to do it, and as the initial surge in mark up dies back a little this should die down. Lastly, not all the Planet Partners might want to go along. Fine, start with what you control, Next Island, maybe Monria, maybe even CP or the SSs, and with the Planet Partners who do agree.

Eventually, of course, the market will saturate and demand will die down as it has at present, but even then it will be seven-times what it is now.
No "higher level player" wiill camp punies. Sweat or deposit or find a mob that has enough MU in loot instead of asking MA to adjust one. You need to do the work yourself. Sick of all these MA Charity threads
No "higher level player" wiill camp punies. Sweat or deposit or find a mob that has enough MU in loot instead of asking MA to adjust one. You need to do the work yourself. Sick of all these MA Charity threads

"Higher level" means higher than usually hunts punys, and if you don't think some players will camp anything with decent mark up you have been playing a different game.

This isn't asking MA to adjust any loots, it's asking MA to extend the life of an existing mission, with widespread benefits.

New players hunt punies. There is no variation of loot in punies. I would like more new players to stick around, and telling them to sweat or deposit isn't cutting it.

I won't comment on the "charity thread" remark.
Yup i think its a good plan. I would sugest different step of curve of further missions stages than you said (similar to iron chains mayby). Something like 10k -> 20k -> 50k - > 100k -> 200k mayby? So 5 points of each attributes to gain (very long term). Or even make the 200k stage repetable so in theory unlimited amount of attributes to gain (there is already repetable hunting mission for gaining stamina so dont argue on this one please ;))?

I see one problem with placing npc on different planets. I mean most people will take stamina and agility as first (and probably only) picks - so planets that get int/psyche might be at disadvantage.

I knew the demand for these would drop at some point, lasted quite a while from the looks of it. I like the suggested ideas towards making this mission chain relevant again, repeatable for various attributes would be a great solution and carry on with the demand.
Yeah nice idea to extend that mission, but please not at other planets.


It is a Caly mission, it is a Caly loot, let mission brokers be at Caly!

Transporting high MU through space sucks!

With the announced system of space transport system there is enough for space people to do and enough for pirates to loot, no need to give them another option to steal PED from other people.

Well this system is not implemented yet, but MA told us it will come!
Some players may complain that skills are being devalued. (I'm sure that some players will complain that skills are being devalued.) But they will be a minority.

Being in a minority wouldn't make them wrong.