Regular vs E.L.M

Sticking my nose in here simply because I'm curious and wanna run some numbers in a way perhaps folks aren't seeing. (Unless I misread a post above. Not impossible)

Running numbers on the MarCorp Kallous-5 (L) vs. ELM version simply because I happened to loot one reg version ingame and compared MU ingame before logging out.

MarCorp Kallous-5 (L) full TT = 56
MarCorp Kallous-5 E.L.M Edition (L) full TT = 1

Both same cost/shot = 7.280 pecs (0.0728 ped)

MarCorp Kallous-5 (L) total shots = 7,760
MarCorp Kallous-5 E.L.M Edition (L) total shots = 10,000

MarCorp Kallous-5 (L) MU cost (@123%) = 56*0.23= 12.88
MarCorp Kallous-5 E.L.M Edition (L) MU cost (@4,500%) = 1*44= 44

MarCorp Kallous-5 (L) 12.88/7,760=0.001659793814433 MU/shot
MarCorp Kallous-5 E.L.M Edition (L) 44/10,000=0.0044 MU/shot


In this case, E.L.M. version must sell for less then 16.6 ped in order to be the same MU cost/shot as the regular version. So 16 ped is the right price, compared to reg version.