The Hogglo Ranch - 500 ped Bonus Event - join now !!!

Damn it, stupid registration rules, I missed that part :cussing::cussing:
Patrize Wiseman Wize

saracutzu greuceanu zidul
Well, I guess I will register anyways then just in case i decide to complete my hogglo challenge there

Amroth Roth Delvare
Heaven Diva Endless
ippo minerguyfin finitto
Petrus PM Molinos
Red Thorias Storm
aj the-unkown henry

Unlikely I will get anything, but hey, no harm putting my name forward, lol.
Deux Pelleman Ex
Register me

Igor Kromas Guk
Fomorian Bogger Domnall
Joao Bustle Pedro
il join - Arthur Arthur Aspback