Stop changing stats!!!


Jul 19, 2006
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John Teacher Capital
It looks like Eomon have been made more difficult this year. Young is now L57 where it was L52 last year.

Patriarch is L170

Y'know, MA USED to have a policy that they only changed stats of items/mobs ingame when there was a known issue (I.E. 1x0 axe doing electric dmg that it wasn't supposed to have)

Or when there is a big announced change (I.E. ore/matter finders combined, or clothes max TT changed, or even mob rebalancing done that were also announced) but as I said those were announced in VU notes.

But to go in and just change mob stats because you WANT too? What's next? Changing our weapons/mining/gear stats without telling us? We wake up and realize the decay on Impk.II is 3% higher without telling us? Can we expect that kind of crap?

Seriously, if MA is now comfortable with making unannounced "rebalancings" to ingame items/mobs/etc. I am pissed.

What? Did you think we wouldn't notice? You forgot changing certain "hidden" stats changed the L numbers, didn't ya?

This is NOT the MA from the old days. They weren't sunshine and rainbows, but they tried.

Seriously, I just went through the VU notes, Migration data, etc. NO word of Eomon being "rebalanced". Not. One. Word.

The more I think about this, the more pissed I am. :mad:

F*ck you MA.

Personal EDIT:
Keep in mind: This is NOT just about Eomon. They've become way too comfortable about making silent "tweaks" lately and it's pissing me off. In a game where stats matter immensely, trying to change them without us noticing is just rude and wrong.
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It's odd to find myself in a more moderate position to a JC post and certainly I have been known to sometimes post angry outbursts when I feel passionately about something.

As someone who has also played Entropia for the past decade I echo the above comments about "dont alter Mob data values 'willy nilly' ".

Especially when it takes dedicated members of the playerbase to find them, scan them, upload them and then find out a few months later all that hard work is out of date (without even any notification)

Stop it, and stop it right now.

Thank you. :)
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Didnt Eomon young used to be lvl 44/42?
Natural selection at work. Darwin would be proud.
It's odd to find myself in a more moderate position to a JC post and certainly I have been known to sometimes post angry outbursts when I feel passionately about something.
odd... maybe... maybe not...
My SGA ME/05 is tier 3 and is suppose to have (11.4 efficiency) with enhancers in but it only uses 8.8 (original) AT ALL TIMES.. wtf!!! someone paid 2k+ to put all the tiers on it i wonder if it EVER worked? or maybe mindark changed this to try to make some extra money (fraud)!
Mobs are being nerfed all the time. Over the past two years or so:
  • daikiba (hp up)
  • berycled (hp down, damage type changed)
just to name two most common.
Heh i was just wondering earlier today, did the level change?

Also keep this in the backs of your minds...MA releases Athenic ring that raises your defensive stats. We all know your evader kicks in against mobs that are around or below your evader. Then MA raises the level of a mob that gets grinded heavily for like a quarter of the year. Basically zeroing out the worth of Athenic rings very roughly speaking.

So release some rare defensive rings. Then raise the levels of popular mobs. to put the mobs above general populations defensive levels to make sure the rings dont help people too much..check

Whats the next clever move?
Yeah noticed they grow faster than my evader levels. So, decided to skip em this year. MA can make decisions I can make decisions.
Maybe next year, if they manage to stop growing every year.
I agree it's worrying that MA are changing more and more without announcement, or even with announcement for no reason other than balancing / making them more money.

It definitely doesn't ring true with their old mission statement (all things are permanent, forever).

However, it is far easier to maintain the game and keep true to this statement in 2003 than it is in 2016. The reason being, just look at how much junk there is in the game now. Tracking and balancing is easier when you have 10 items, than it is with 100, than it is with 1000 etc.

Introducing a new mob (Eoman, lets call it) with a Young level of 57 would have perpetuated this issue above - how many mobs do we really need in the game? Even logically Eudoria has been colonised for 15 years now, so why are we still finding new stuff?

The second option would be to announce before the migration that "Eomon are growing stronger due to colonists thinning out their numbers in previous migrations". But then, this doesn't exactly build confidence in your player base for those of us who were thinking about migration - I tried a few and it's just too uneconomical at my Evader level (let alone frustrating to hunt by shooting 20 times then fapping 4 times). The Eomon of 5 years ago I would be able to hunt.

I don't really know the answer. Eventually there will be too much shit in the game and the database will be so huge it will be unworkable. MA will then need to change items to evolve the game or it will die.

How they go about this, I don't know.
been a migration mob, maybe they had a good year where ever they were this year.
Eventually there will be too much shit in the game and the database will be so huge it will be unworkable.
I think we are already there...
Mobs are being nerfed all the time. Over the past two years or so:
  • daikiba (hp up)
  • berycled (hp down, damage type changed)
just to name two most common.

Also Atrox and a few others that were changed to a high regen version in vu9.

In this case they've increased the cost to kill of an event mob to increase their income. They know people will hunt them so they've made a ped grab.
Wasn't there a change to the formula how the mob level is calculated
Also Atrox and a few others that were changed to a high regen version in vu9.

In this case they've increased the cost to kill of an event mob to increase their income. They know people will hunt them so they've made a ped grab.

They get same income
Keep in mind: This is NOT just about Eomon. They've made a few silent "tweaks" lately and it's pissing me off. In a game where stats matter immensely, trying to change them without us noticing is just rude and wrong.

Didnt Eomon young used to be lvl 44/42?
Best I cab see based on the Entropia mob maturity history charts, no. 51 was the lowest for youngs.

And 51 they should be today, without announcements in VUs, I beleive.

Mobs are being nerfed all the time...
VU notes, please.

Also Atrox and a few others that were changed to a high regen version in vu9.
At least in that case, they announced it in VU notes (I.E. Certain mobs have been rebalanced) and it was a big, obvious rebalance.

These little changes are just...... Sneaky and wrong.

If they made the mobs harder, there is a chance less people may hunt them, hence lesser income.
Not if the tweak to their hit rate vs your defense was nudged up slightly. You're expecting higher defense bills on this mob anyway. What's 7% vs 5.5%? (lotta extra decay game-wide, that's what)

Also some tweaks have in fact made some mobs easier to kill, (though more expensive to grind.) I.E. Atrox. Those bastards used to install fear in players. Now they do such little damage that the only worry they create is having enough ammo to kill it before you run out. I've complained about that before, too, but as I said, at least we were warned in VU announcements during that tweak.

It is the LACK of "oh btw, we updated things on XXX" notifications that I am complaining about, as well as the fact they seem now comfortable tweaking settings all over the place when that USED to be a no-no in their policy.
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Heh i was just wondering earlier today, did the level change?

Also keep this in the backs of your minds...MA releases Athenic ring that raises your defensive stats. We all know your evader kicks in against mobs that are around or below your evader. Then MA raises the level of a mob that gets grinded heavily for like a quarter of the year. Basically zeroing out the worth of Athenic rings very roughly speaking.

So release some rare defensive rings. Then raise the levels of popular mobs. to put the mobs above general populations defensive levels to make sure the rings dont help people too much..check

Whats the next clever move?

"Whats the next clever move? "

We dont need to play the game just depo.....:laugh:
VU notes, please.

Cyrene did announce when they denerfed dire weeds to do away with afk sweating.

In the last three years, I don't remember Calypso announcing any mob nerfs, although they've been several. And daikiba young suddenly jumping from 30 to 50 hp probably hit OJs harder than any other changes.

I don't want everything spoon-fed to me, I could live with one line in release notes:

Adjustments made to the following creatures: ..., ..., ... - watch out!
Like Marcos old "No loot" gun later become "Yes loot" gun.:ahh:
To be fair I think, after some more hunting after making the post quoted in the OP, all that's happened is that the Eomon's movement speed was increased, probably to make it harder for people to cheat with vehicles etc.

Compared to last year my defence costs seem to be lower on them so far (but with not much data due to their appalling loot).
defined: gamed gamers
I'll take the heat out (maybe) of this thread.

Dont change stats of anything.*

*If you find you have to change stats of anything let the playerbase know.

How easy was that?
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Hmm a small group of us complained at the beginning when rings and pills were put into the game about them scaling everything accordingly so it just costs more to hunt the same things.

I saw it not long after the first boxes came out with Allophyls one of my fav mobs. I hardly ever hunt them now. It started taking me a bit more time and decay to hunt them without the rings or pills, I now am all ringed up and on drugs and when using all the extra stuff they now are like hunting them in the old days but at a much higher cost.

People just kept thinking the rings and pills were awesome idea though. I adapted and accepted the more expensiveness to play, it is the way the game is going.
It's impossible to satisfy everyone. But with Eomon there were plenty of complaints about various exploitation schemes, is this so easily forgotten? The changes may have been made to address that. An announcement in the release notes would be good ofc, a number of forum threads would be superfluous if only there was clarity about the motivation behind any adjustments.
If anyone moans or Cry's about anything relating to MA ....there is no one to blame but yourself....having faith and trusting MA is like having faith and trust in a crack head...he will fuck you over at every opportunity that benefits him....time and time again they have done this over the course of 16 years....and your still here crying....I feel for you but there is no one to blame but yourself...they are cheats and crooks...their track record is full of it....they have proven time and time again...but if you wish to carry on and be crying the same thing 10 years further down the line...then hey that's what you want and yourself are to blame.
Ah, so you feel that unannounced small minor changes to ingame objects are ok then?

No, I just mean that this particular change is probably a positive one as it makes things a bit fairer. I agree with you that such changes should be announced. Perhaps they've been put off doing so by the inevitable forum rage that has always erupted in the past whenever "XXX mob has been rebalanced" has appeared in VU notes.
I don't know what they change, if they changed anything, but if it's just a minor change in their movement speed I really don't see any need to have any information in a notice. But if it's a more important change as higher hp, healing rate or damage, they should add information about it.

I can understand if they changes stats on "Young mobs", because they have added the "puny" class that did not have before, and added a bit more hp to the young maybe makes it a better next step between puny and mature. But any major changes in hp, regeneration or attack should be in a notice I think.