What is progression for short blades?


Jul 16, 2014
Using the SI Knife and was wondering what to use next? The SIB chart isnt very useful cause none of them are for sale. Also they seem to have nerfed Bukin's Blade cause all I got from doing that quest was a worthless Rifle. What weapon should I use now that the SI Knife is too low damage?
The Loughlin Scratcher series used to be the best way to do this. The problem is that they are hard to make these days as some of the ingredients are getting rare after they were nerfed.

Which is why you don't see them on the auction much.

I could possibly still make them, but I would need to check to see what my stock of stuff is like.

What the modern equivalent might be I don't know. A look on Entropedia suggests that the Castorian Pioneer Enblade series might be the ones.
You could get some limited shortblades until you able to use the ozpyn rsb s1x1. Another option is to switch to powerfist and skill that as well which will contribute to your knifefighter profession.

My advice would be to stick with the S.i and use it until you max the ozpyn and then switch. There are several missions that you could complete while using the S.I and reaching lvl 12 will go a lot faster than you think.
I skilled up with a kek & a blix in the old days.
Then I was lucky enough to loot an arcspark that I was fully maxed on.
Don't use it as much as I should but on some mobs it's awesome, whil eon others it sucks bad couse of range.
Eomon is a nice example of thta, need to move forward after the mob is 'on' you couse it's too far away.
Progression? Short Blades -> Longblades -> Pistols -> Rifles... J/K (but not really considering availability, armor costs, etc.)
Bukins blade can probably be bought in trade though I have no idea of price at all.
Bukins blade can probably be bought in trade though I have no idea of price at all.

its account bound last i checked (i got one somewhere in a planet i never go to cause it takes up room in my inventory)

I am trying to skill shortblades now actually and there seems to be little options. Soon as migration is over ill prob do misisons that reward shortblades.

You know kerbs stage IV or something give u shortblades - just knife those little guys until u hit that reward. that should be a nice bump
its account bound last i checked (i got one somewhere in a planet i never go to cause it takes up room in my inventory)

I am trying to skill shortblades now actually and there seems to be little options. Soon as migration is over ill prob do misisons that reward shortblades.

You know kerbs stage IV or something give u shortblades - just knife those little guys until u hit that reward. that should be a nice bump

Thanks for the advice. Looked it up and its stage 3 which shouldnt be too bad.