Eomon Story Continues...

+1 for serious ass pain
What a dope gansta scientist Marvin is damn, I wanna be like him when I grow up :)
hmm...i still have several bloodsamples that are waiting to be used in the magnificent mindpower weapons :p
So the migration is over? Wasn't much of bang... fizzled out more like it.

Funny though, the last frame of the comics makes it seem like something is going to happen at the crater -- didn't previous migrations culminate with shared-loot eomons and waves of atrox hatchlings?
We will see what is next to come... :)
Mind Reavers anyone? ;)
Anyone looked for entrance to the underwater cave yet, around the Atlantis TP islands?

I was watching glob board last night for some discovery or indication the cave was found, but nothing.
