Info: Avalon Erupter YouTube Channel

Farming Long Moonleaf Boards

Locating Harvestable Trees

Tree Harvesting in Camp Icarus

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Crafting and Selling Shirts

Merp Hunting Fort Argus

The Search for Merps

The Great Merp Young Location

The Best Merp Locations

Pic of you with avatar is kind of cool :)

#space_flight ~ where pilots advertise to grow their business
Feffox Massacre

Pic of you with avatar is kind of cool :)

#space_flight ~ where pilots advertise to grow their business


much appreciated compliment
Quest for Merp Wool

Turning in Merp Stage II

Land Plot Building Requirements

Taming the Sapphire Chirin

Taming Beautiful Dogs

Pet Taming Explained!

Super Eco Taming Reveal!

Ancient Daikiba Strong Reveal!

Calculating Returns


OMG :D, this had brought back old memories of doing these team hunts when we both began EU under the team name "Butterfly Fury". Thanks for sharing and Nubb-4-LiF3!
OMG :D, this had brought back old memories of doing these team hunts when we both began EU under the team name "Butterfly Fury". Thanks for sharing and Nubb-4-LiF3!

One of my fav vids I've done. good music and plenty of globals. Open to doing some more hunts like that if you are.

I still think "Butterfly Fury" is the best team name.

and that guest appearance by cerberus makes that vid F****ing EPIC!!
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Managing PED

The Most Eco Armor in Entropia Universe!

Calypso - Pet Farm Run Returns

Revenge of the Merps

Battling Feffox

Popularity Contest

Console Streaming Explained
