Idea for avatar statues...


Dec 28, 2005
Avatar Name
Poisonous TommyDaGreat Snake
As it is now, the avatar statue content is kind of useless unless you use them to advertise something.

Which is likely the only thing they are usable for in their current form.

How about adding a donation / gift button to them?

So people can donate items or money and get a temporary in-game buff to boost run speed, damage, reload,regen , lifesteal or similiar for 2 hours or so?

And the money / items donated goes to the avatar on the statue.

Either have a selection of buffs the buyer can choose from, or make the buffs RNG.

Or possibly make the buff last longer, the more you donate to the statue. Like 5 ped per hour or so?

This would render these statues useful to the community, both the buyer and the users.

And maybe make the statues upgradable from the buyers as well to allow a secondary and tertiary buff?

These statues could have so much more potential than just standing there with a custom message...

And I think people's interest would peak a bit more as well.
i dont think thats a good idea. better add that to stable. statues are pure cosmetics and thats how it should be.
The statues is pathetic idea from MA to get some money from some worthless shit. Its not our fault they lack any imaginative way that cant think of something useful to sell.
nah, just leave em as it is, and make em become a tombstone at the time of death irl with some estate papers, etc. sort of like memorial island was/is.
on a more serious note... shops on some planets now have their own instances, so why not give these things one too?... Just make it so you don't need a damn key to get inside since this thing is supposed to be something that the general public has access to see/experience/etc.
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Make mission NPCs of them, a mission named after who it represent.
The "owner" of the statue should have a saying for what those missions should be about.
Does anyone know if they all sold in the end?
Still in AH i thought?

ahh could be, never looked, just curious if MA would find enough people to pay that much for a statue. Yes just checked 2 whole people interested in them so far. Doubt they need any extra features :)
I say leave them just as statues as a monument to the death of creativity in the EU dev team.
Add pigeon shit as decay
More decay, more shit