Support EU - Stream & watch streams!

My link is fucked (Nick Seventia) (
if you click my name in the post you come to some forum thingy ^^
Updated... post your favorite vids here :)

One stream a day keeps no loot away!
Stream it up! One stream a day keeps no loto away :)

Throw those vids and clips here and share!
Never seen skalis stream, but looks like he's streaming overwatch, would've been fun catching him doin that! :))

I like streaming whenever I can. I'm prob between low-mid level player (hit lvl is 27), but I've been playing since 2011 - so I got quite a lot of knowledge about the game. First started playing for real like a year ago, been taking it slow since. My first and only disciple is already over lvl 50 lol.

I do some mining as well ocasionally, but know very little about it.
How do I get added? :(

I streamed all Summer Migration 2016 and I have just returned and updated my stream!

IGN: Michael Mike Duval
Stream Name: Supapres
Stream URL:

<3 Thank you!!
Add To List!

I have managed to setup my stream not long ago now and is looking on point too.

Stream link >

I like to hunt low level mobs at my leisure and see a positive result at the end.

I usually stream when I have the time and on my home computer.