does the 'oops I left stuff in apartment so two folks own it' bug still exist?


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
Does the bug noted below still exist?

if you are selling the apt, please remove the items before sale

if you ever buy an apt, make sure there are no items inside. if you do not, the old owner can still have access, and take it all back, plus your stuff

not saying you are a scammer by any means, however you are going to have to dismantle for the sale, i know more work... lol

good luck with your sale, that is a nice apt


Just curious about this since I've noticed that some folks appear to be selling estates with furniture still in em, and/or in my travels over in the Crazy Estates Thread i'm seeing a lot of estates with 1 nallo lamp left in em... making me suspect that they are ready to go to market soon? I do think you can set estates with items in em to restricted, making em sellable.

I always assumed that if you set the apartment restricted and sold off the deed you no longer had access to it, but apparently that's not always the case? Anyone tested this bug out yet to see what conditions have to be met for it to work so that we can get Mindark to fix it if it ain't fixed yet?

If Mindark can't fix it maybe they should change it so that the estate has to have zero items in it prior to you being able to set it to restricted? Now's the time to make these sort of tweaks if Mindark really is considering making changes to how they handle estates, and whatnot...
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Anybody willing to do a test ?