Selling: Modified Fire Forge BGH 4400M tier 3

This message is for <name deleted> who messaged me @ 01:52 on 23rd April 2017 (Today). I could not reply to your private message as your inbox has exceeded storage limit. I have deleted your name in this reply as you may wish to remain anonymous.

Hi <name deleted>,
Thank you for the polite message of interest. I'm not publicly placing any value on it and leaving it to potential buyers to make a bid. If and when I feel a bid is right for me I'll sell. I realise this style of sale may not be to your liking as I'm not stating upfront on a price or indeed a price range or indeed any time period. However there are benefits of this approach, namely no pressure on myself or buyer make rash decisions perhaps using sales techniques that other sellers use to "pressure" buyers.

In the end what matters is you make your bid on it's value and I see if I can get the best value I can at a leisurely pace in time i.e. no rush for either of us. Even if there is no sale we have both lost nothing nor gained anything. If there is a sale it will be one we are both happy with.

Thanks for your message of interest, it's very much appreciated.

Best wishes,

What price are you starting at?
What price are you starting at?

There is no start bid.

I'll repost what I stated earlier:
I'm not publicly placing any value on it and leaving it to potential buyers to make a bid. If and when I feel a bid is right for me I'll sell. I realise this style of sale may not be to your liking as I'm not stating upfront on a price or indeed a price range or indeed any time period. However there are benefits of this approach, namely no pressure on myself or buyer make rash decisions perhaps using sales techniques that other sellers use to "pressure" buyers.

In the end what matters is you make your bid on it's value and I see if I can get the best value I can at a leisurely pace in time i.e. no rush for either of us. Even if there is no sale we have both lost nothing nor gained anything. If there is a sale it will be one we are both happy with.

So in short it's what ever price you want to start at.
can you post AH data, as most don't have the items link to look it up; I have no Idea what it may or may-not go for in the past; or the future.

as a buyer we want to make a smart desiten on what to invest our money on, you know.
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can you post AH data, as most don't have the items link to look it up; I have no Idea what it may or may-not go for in the past; or the future.

as a buyer we want to make a smart desiten on what to invest our money on, you know.

Auction House data would be unrepresentative of it's selling price because it's sold on forum and personal trades than on auction house.

Also anyone can look up the auction house data on any item they want but I take your point not everyone may know how to do that.

Also checking Auction House data I can confirm it has no data on any tiers i.e. no sales on in game auction.

what's the guns tt at?
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what's the guns current TT ?
so I can make an offer