Battle simulator issue


Jun 20, 2012
the problem ive got is that whit the new feature, you can make a mistake in a second, when you open "event list", by default it is set to calypso events, you cannot change this, in my case, the calypso event it was set to had 100 ped fee, its the ambulimax la24 event

if you forget to change the event once, you will register to the event that is set by default, and if you do battlesim all day like me, you are bound to slip up

i have contacted the promoter of the event, i explained it was my mistake and that it happend due to battlesim, he told me i am not the first one who registered by mistake to his event, and that he has no interest of helping me, and belive me i begged for those 100 ped, but it is his right not to refund me, he kept telling me losing my 100 ped is just something he doesent want to do, and i understand, hes probably as poor as me and it was my mistake

now i was lucky that his event costed "only" 100 ped, but imagine if it costed 1k ped, or even 10k, considering how easy it is to make this mistake i did contact MA, not to refund me, but to improve the way the interface works, and to preevnt future errors of this kind, i am waiting for their respons

some people compare this issue to puting something into auction, but this is diffrent, here by default its set to the wrong event, so its very simple to forget to switch it, when just 10 mintes ago you switched it
Yea I did this and chiee fund has a no refund policy.
Hopefully they can get together and vote to refund this one time due to the scale of the error compared to normal. I mean I get why they have the policy.

Just too easy a mistake to make at this point as he was the only event at the time. It made the mistake even harder to notice.
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I made the same mistake and now I'm out 100 PED. While MA's interface does make it easy for someone who have not done any events and just wants to play "Battle Simulator" to register for the wrong event, I guess the poster should have paid more attention.

It was a mistake and the promoter is under no obligation to refund the cash. But there is a difference between what you can do and what you should do.

If I were the promoter, I would return the cash - it's the nice and decent thing to do. But that's just me.
You'd think the fund cares more about their reputation than a few hundred peds and would issue the refund this 1 time, hopefully they will.

But it's true, they are under no obligation to refund...
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i strongly doubt he will change his mind, i beged him multiple times to reconsider, even when i said il involve MA to resolve the issue regarding the interface he didnt care, i had the fealing that once he got my money and since he was under no obligation to return it he didnt care about me asking him to reconsider

I just wanna write here our (Entropiafund) side of this issue.

We are group funding with almost 200 investors and we have done these events years now. lets say around 9 of 10 events someone joins accidently, Even before Battle simulator. In early days we did refunds but when we realized that there is that much mistakes. We decided together with investors that we wont do refunds anymore.
Which has been our policy since back then.

Also when you have done mistake and you take spot of this event it means that someone who would like to hunt in event wont join. Ticket events almost never have more tickets sold than prize pool is (why they would since hunter lose value on that).

So when people here says its free money for us. No its not, You have taken spot of real hunter in event who wont join because there is so many sign ups already. We lose also tax which this hunter would make in event.
And finally BIG surprise for all of you, These events ARE NOT free to make and we dont only pay prizes. We need to pay fee for MA also.

So when you guys dont even hunt in our event and real hunters wont join. We have all lost :(

Sorry for my bad english.


I just wanna write here our (Entropiafund) side of this issue.

We are group funding with almost 200 investors and we have done these events years now. lets say around 9 of 10 events someone joins accidently, Even before Battle simulator. In early days we did refunds but when we realized that there is that much mistakes. We decided together with investors that we wont do refunds anymore.
Which has been our policy since back then.

Also when you have done mistake and you take spot of this event it means that someone who would like to hunt in event wont join. Ticket events almost never have more tickets sold than prize pool is (why they would since hunter lose value on that).

So when people here says its free money for us. No its not, You have taken spot of real hunter in event who wont join because there is so many sign ups already. We lose also tax which this hunter would make in event.
And finally BIG surprise for all of you, These events ARE NOT free to make and we dont only pay prizes. We need to pay fee for MA also.

So when you guys dont even hunt in our event and real hunters wont join. We have all lost :(

Sorry for my bad english.


Fair enough, I can see that we all lost from this mistake.

Potentially you only have 12-13 tickets to sell you say, as prize is 1250. So far 5 or 6 of us have bought tickets by mistake, and that leaves far less potential hunters to do the event.

Not only are we losing the 100 ped each, but you are losing the potential tax income we would have made. However this does make the event more enticing for those who did sign up on purpose. It might balance out when people realize there are only like 4 real hunters there.
Perhaps if you do sell enough tickets after all you can refund after the fact, in this one instance.
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my complaint was specificly becouse of the new feature battlesim, where i pointed out how easy it is to make a mistake, as you said yourself, and as we've seen in this forum, there are many people that make this mistake, since it is a issue that accured recently, i am suprised you make no exception in your policy, if not for anything else at least for your image, for me 100 ped is alot, if it wasent, i wouldnt be so concerned whit it

if your rule is to NEVER do refunds, does that mean if i paid 10k ped by mistake, what i could expect is a cold shoulder from you telling me "well it was YOUR mistake, i could help you, but i wont" ?

you have at this point 92 tickets left, the event is in 2 days, are you telling us that usualy you sell all those 100 tickets ? and even if you do, what youre telling us whit your post is, in a time where people make mistakes specificly due to a new feature, you are not willing to sacrifice some peds to resolve the issue these players are having, becouse you might lose some ped

what disapoints me the most is, you quickly point out how making these refunds would lose you some ped, but at the same time you are not willing to even consider refunding the players who also lost the ped due to negligence

bottom line is, i did slip up and it cost me 100 ped, i am just glad that your fee wasent higher, becouse from what ive seen, regardless of the reason i would lose those peds to you, once you would have them, you would not do any refunding

I just wanna write here our (Entropiafund) side of this issue.

We are group funding with almost 200 investors and we have done these events years now. lets say around 9 of 10 events someone joins accidently, Even before Battle simulator. In early days we did refunds but when we realized that there is that much mistakes. We decided together with investors that we wont do refunds anymore.
Which has been our policy since back then.

Also when you have done mistake and you take spot of this event it means that someone who would like to hunt in event wont join. Ticket events almost never have more tickets sold than prize pool is (why they would since hunter lose value on that).

So when people here says its free money for us. No its not, You have taken spot of real hunter in event who wont join because there is so many sign ups already. We lose also tax which this hunter would make in event.
And finally BIG surprise for all of you, These events ARE NOT free to make and we dont only pay prizes. We need to pay fee for MA also.

So when you guys dont even hunt in our event and real hunters wont join. We have all lost :(

Sorry for my bad english.


There are always 2 sides to a story and it's always good to hear both sides as we might have judged too hastily. Good that we now know your side of the story. :)
they gave us a button for the mission galatica, i assumed BS would have had a button too, was surprised to see it got added to events
its not a problem that its under events, its a problem becouse its allready set to an existing event, and you have to change it every single time to battlesim, and iif you forget, you register for a diffrent event, if it was set to nothing, then i wouldnt argue here
im not saying they would doo this on perpuse but another way to scam poeple out of money

MA dont think what they make what could happen what happen if they make events now for 1000 peds

just think the money they can make
It's perfectly sensible that when clicking on the event list it should default to the events from the planet you're on. It's not a Battle Sim issue, it's an issue with you not paying attention.

And as someone who has run a very large number of events in the past, including many big-money ones like Chiee's, I would like to back up Chiee by saying that what he is saying is correct. If he were to refund tickets, he wouldn't just be losing the income from that one ticket sale, he'd also be sacrificing potential extra income that he would have got otherwise. Plus you still have the opportunity to take the part in the event and potentially win the prize if you want to.
It's perfectly sensible that when clicking on the event list it should default to the events from the planet you're on. It's not a Battle Sim issue, it's an issue with you not paying attention.

What he says!!!

Just look on the auction as another example. It opens the auction from the planet you are at and not the global one. So make pretty much sense that MA did the same for Battle Sim.

They might improve this a bit.
Make an additional button for BS where you can:
- Start a run
- Check rankings
- Check sector times for the top 3 - 20 whoever is qualified for the rewards. (To get an info where I lose all the time compared to the top players ^^) this is not a Battle Sim problem and as you are doing it all day long you should change the Event from Caly to Global even if I wake you up at 3 am.

And for the refund, I am on Chiee´s side. Totaly understand the reason behind this. Just this time it might not be the issue, if enough ppl read this thread and aren´t directly scared away from that many participants. The only thing I was wondering is the total ammount of tickets. If I am correct such events normaly had only 10 tickets or a bit more maybe, but this one has all 100?!
Come on guys, use your fucking brains. I don't want to sound mean here, but it takes some real dumbness to not realise what you're clicking on.



i am someone who grinds battlesim all day, i probably enter it more then 70 times, i know some of you maybe register a few times per day, so you dont see this issue, but i think you can understand if you do it 70 times every day that its not hard to forget to switch to battlesim event and register to the default one displayed when you press "event list"

i explained many times, i would not have ANY issue if by default it wasent set to any event, but by default it is set to his event, and it just so happens his entry fee is high

in auction the example would be, that you are puting low value item into the auction (4 ped) , and its set by default to 100 ped, and your job is to switch the value to 4 ped and confirm, and you do this nonstop, can you understand that forgeting to switch the value when you do it all day can happen ? and you would agree that if the value by default was set to 0 and that you would have to switch it either to 100 or 4 would be alot harder to mess up correct ?

also to the "just read what you do" arguement, i do read every time what i put into auction when its a high value item, but when selling someting worth 4 ped i do not doublecheck when it asks me to confirm, not always at least, and i bet every single person here has given item into the auction whit wrong value becouse you didnt read to confirm your decision, the "confirmation" box has no value, if you have to click it every single time for every single thing anyway, its the same when your pc starts up and it tells you for some updates, do you read what it says every single time if the box has the same shape as every other time you started your pc up ?

and the argument of people not registering to his event anymore becousethere allready are a few people registered, well if every registration is a profit for him, why not inclde the number of registered people into the prize, the more people come, the higher the reward
but lets say he cant do that or he wont, yes, he will lose some money becouse of us players who messed up, right now us players also lose money, he has no obligation to refund us, and this thread was not made to force him to refund us, it was made to point out a major flaw in the way you register for battlesim
if the registration fee to his event would be 10k ped, and you would have many people who made the same mistake when rgistering to battlesim, would you still argue that this is a non problem ? tell me at what point does it become a problem, if at all
i am someone who grinds battlesim all day, i probably enter it more then 70 times, i know some of you maybe register a few times per day, so you dont see this issue, but i think you can understand if you do it 70 times every day that its not hard to forget to switch to battlesim event and register to the default one displayed when you press "event list"

i explained many times, i would not have ANY issue if by default it wasent set to any event, but by default it is set to his event, and it just so happens his entry fee is high

in auction the example would be, that you are puting low value item into the auction (4 ped) , and its set by default to 100 ped, and your job is to switch the value to 4 ped and confirm, and you do this nonstop, can you understand that forgeting to switch the value when you do it all day can happen ? and you would agree that if the value by default was set to 0 and that you would have to switch it either to 100 or 4 would be alot harder to mess up correct ?

also to the "just read what you do" arguement, ...

That's the point. The game trains you to perform certain patterns to the extent of them getting ingrained into your system. Like learning to drive a car or playing a musical instrument, you are "there" when you don't have to think about the mechanics anymore. Then, if something happens which requires you to break the pattern, there is a psychological hurdle to getting off the rail. And MA knows a thing or two about psychology after all those years making a living from it.

The game is full of such mousetraps and they are jolly full aware of it. Calling those fools who step into one and simply saying "you should read..." is cynical, to put it politely. Now this one is new and there is no reason to insinuate intent, while the auction traps allowed to remain have bred a whole species of exploiters who setup the unaware. Not doing anything about it for so many years leaves room for speculation about the reasons. It just makes one irate to even think about it.

If any low player registered on accident that wants to fap for skills hit me up during the event, I will pay decay and if we win Ill give you the 100 peds.

Hit me up in my twitch channel or in game

Tyrionn ImpnAintEasy Lanisterrr
I Wonder wich one RETARDIC idea was to change jump button on space bar?
I never used in my life space button to jump... is totaly shit. Now i cant jump in battle simulator, and i stuck in walls cuz that MA employemen RETARD idea!
I am not sure I understand all of this but it seems a bit weird. Don't you have t confirm taking 100ped from your card ? Is whatever the OP want to do the same cost as his mistake ? He also said something about doing the sims 70 times a day. I am just wondering how long these sims last, even at 10 minutes that would be almost 12 hours.

Just would like to what I am missing here. Thanks.