Selling: Unique LA with 2x Unique DNA on Rocktropia

180 000 from me
accepted BKK... first post updated - 10 mins from this post
accepted... first post updated - 10 mins from this post.
accepted vodka ... first post updated - 10mins from this post.
accepted... first post updated - 10 mins from this post.
accepted... first post updated - 10 mins from this post.
accepted... first post updated - 10 mins from this post.
accepted... first post updated - 10 mins from this post..
accepted.. 10mins from this post.
Just so people know there is 2091 improvement points already on LA. Which is a couple of thousand ped from memory? Someone can correct me if they know
Auction is over. Grats to knew owner.
The Sale of the Land Area was completed today. I would like to congratulate the EntropiaFund (Chiee , Roman) for acquiring the Land Area and wish them luck in the future.
