Anyone able to craft High Grade Plugs?


Dec 18, 2005
Soldiers of Fortune
Avatar Name
Augis Auktuma Tumas
I just placed next order for 2000 high grade plugs at auction at 350%. Should be profitable if you have maxed print and if you won't pay for ignisium above 180%.
I could craft it myself below that but I wish you to help me to save time on searching for ignisium or crafting.

There is some risk though, I had runs when cost was unique, up to 400%.
Your service could be for longer, though % will depend on igni% (if igni high - I will shut down my crafts using plugs, if igni lower - I will be looking for lower % for plugs).
Thanks for your help!
Next order at same 350% for 2k HG plugs placed. GL!
Thanks for next help. I have noticed 3 portions posted to order. 3 crafters?
One I know - thanks go to Hank mchammer Hammer :tiphat:

Due to I had not bad craft of Level 13 amps, next batch of 2000 HG Plugs (#4) I order at 360%. Just posted to auction.
Thanks for your assistance in advance!

Just posted #5 order of 2k High Grade Plugs at same 360%

#6 order for 3000 High Grade Plugs at 360% posted to auction in game.
Good Luck on your crafting!
(remember - you should have your blueprint maxed and do not pay more than 180% for ignisium - then you have very high chance to profit)

Below is some data on my own craft adjusted to if Ignisium at 180% and Melchi at 105%:

[table="width: 300, class: grid, align: center"]
[tr][td][/td][td]Ignisium ingot[/td][td]Melchi Crystal[/td][td]Energy Mater Residue[/td][td]Metal Residue[/td][td]Garnet[/td][td]High Grade Plugs[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]on input, units[/td][td]47397[/td][td]94794[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][td]0[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]on output, units[/td][td]1946[/td][td]39751[/td][td]2192660[/td][td]2263347[/td][td]3[/td][td]40075.1[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]TT per unit[/td][td]2.1[/td][td]0.04[/td][td]0.01[/td][td]0.01[/td][td]150[/td][td]1[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Used[-]/obtained[+], units[/td][td]-45451[/td][td]-55043[/td][td]2192660[/td][td]2263347[/td][td]3[/td][td]40075.1[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Market/cost, %[/td][td]180[/td][td]105[/td][td]101.46[/td][td]101.6[/td][td]100[/td][td]320.459[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Used/obtained, PED TT[/td][td]-95447.1[/td][td]-2201.72[/td][td]21926.6[/td][td]22633.47[/td][td]450[/td][td]40075.1[/td][/tr]
[tr][td]Used/obtained, PED at markup/cost[/td][td]-171804.78[/td][td]-2311.81[/td][td]22246.73[/td][td]22995.61[/td][td]450[/td][td]128424.25[/td][/tr]

Total clicks recorded: 47397
High Grade Plugs crafted: 132351
Cost of High Grade Plugs (taking Ignisium at 180%, Melchi at 105%): 320.459%
Return on TT: 87.13%

(see, some space for your profits is offered :))
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#7 order for 3000 High Grade Plugs at 375% posted. Some space added for if Ignisium at above 180% purchased for this craft.

Above order removed and replaced by order of
600x GeoTrek Hardened EnBolts at 560%.
(GeoTrek Hardened EnBolts are crafted from High Grade Plugs)
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#8 order for 3000 High Grade Plugs at 375% posted.
*** Filled ***

#9 order for 3000 High Grade Plugs at 375% posted.