U.F.O.s should become space taxis?


Sep 8, 2017
I would assume some of you playing a science fiction based MMO, would also be UFO bufs or experts. Now it is my impression that RL UFOs are space-faring vehicles and some even believe interdimensional. Needless to say, these things have been captured flying at tremendous speed and leaving the atmosphere at great speed IRL.

Entropia is all about money, economy and based on that premise, UFOs ingame should be updated to not be space faring but also warp-capable. Its a great Rocktropia vehicle ideal for the very purpose fast and reliable small-business taxi. Three pasangers at a time . Benificial to UFO owners and travelers providing a service.

ND likes the idea and supports me. Ive been nagging Mindark for years. They keep sending me back to ND & RT. And visda/versa. Frankly I am not the go-between for this. These two studios need to get together and decide upon this matter for all UFO owners pls.

Would you take a UFO-taxi, if available, to RT from Caly, or any other planet in a rush? Let me know what you think.
nope. there are already more than enough warp vehicles around. do you want to devaluate them even further?
nope. there are already more than enough warp vehicles around. do you want to devaluate them even further?

OFC not. IRL vehicles companies dont stop cos their competition might be worried about their product devaluating furter. LOL Whats wrong with a little virtual competition and variety?

Why not all planets having their own variations of space-vehicles? It seems Calypso has the monopoly on this and decides what goes overall.

Now speaking of a limited fleet per planet would keep value intact ofc. Difference in variations might also contribute to the level of value per type.

What I know is that Mindark studios want a concept adaptation rendering from RT studio devs to impliment. It cannot be implimented if not officialy requested by RT Studios and decided upon. And this is where we are at.
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OFC not. IRL vehicles companies dont stop cos their competition might be worried about their product devaluating furter. LOL Whats wrong with a little virtual competition and variety?

Why not all planets having their own variations of space-vehicles? It seems Calypso has the monopoly on this and decides what goes overall.

Now speaking of a limited fleet per planet would keep value intact ofc. Difference in variations might also contribute to the level of value per type.

What I know is that Mindark studios want a concept adaptation rendering from RT studio devs to impliment. It cannot be implimented if not officialy requested by RT Studios and decided upon. And this is where we are at.

caly has the monopoly? maybe learn the game first... ark has warp vehicles as well
and the money that bullshit costs is in no comparison to their usefulness.
before we need more space vehicles that do the same as we already have plenty of would be spending resources on making a space revamp. everything else is waste of resources. and that ND has no other ideas than taking concepts that are already there and use em up for himself is no surprise here. rather make something innovative but dont recycle ideas.
caly has the monopoly? maybe learn the game first... ark has warp vehicles as well
and the money that bullshit costs is in no comparison to their usefulness.
before we need more space vehicles that do the same as we already have plenty of would be spending resources on making a space revamp. everything else is waste of resources. and that ND has no other ideas than taking concepts that are already there and use em up for himself is no surprise here. rather make something innovative but dont recycle ideas.

Thanks for the positive feedback and insight. Sound and viable idea. I like that. +rep
My UFO not being estetically correct, kinda bugs the crap outa me tho lol
Dont care bout how much the damn thing is worth, but sure would love to play space-taxi-driver with it and mabe make a buck or two in the process,( who wouldnt?). Meet interesting peops, go places, all that in a dynamic vibrant verse. Have a heart.
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Every owner of any random (L) fap would also love their fap to be like a mod one. Any random (L) armor owner would love their armor to protect like the best there is in-game, especially now minimum decay is removed. You could go on like that. Every quad (L) or ufo (L), sleipnir (L) owner would love their ship to be like an equus or mothership/privateer ...

Lots of people will always want special things for items they own without caring what the effects will be for others really or potential destructiveness for the game in the end. I don't like it, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course.
Every owner of any random (L) fap would also love their fap to be like a mod one. Any random (L) armor owner would love their armor to protect like the best there is in-game, especially now minimum decay is removed. You could go on like that. Every quad (L) or ufo (L), sleipnir (L) owner would love their ship to be like an equus or mothership/privateer ...

Lots of people will always want special things for items they own without caring what the effects will be for others really or potential destructiveness for the game in the end. I don't like it, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course.

If you put it in that perspective and generalization I suppose you do make a point also. Ever seen a UL UFO? Me neither. Cant fly a Fap, gun or armor piece, now can I? Do you think I own only a UFO? You dont know me that well so I will tell you I dont, I have more vehicles. But a UFO that cant fly in space, or be utilized and made usefull, in a estetically correct way, just doesnt make sense. Isnt it the purpose of the virtual reality to be based on the real? Would my thread have carried suit had I not been a UFO owner? Does it matter? Tough crowd, but I know why, I swim in the same swamp, I should understand and I do.
Actually quite strange.
Since if we identify an UFO it's actually no longer an UFO. :rolleyes:
The UFO should be abel to fly in space atleast.. even if it would go slow like a sleip.

Making it warp I guess would bother the ppl with other warp ships.. and its understandable since they invested lots of peds for it.

Maybe only if it its limited somehow like..
Warp distance is short (to next near planet only or so).
or decay the UFO every warp.. (ped)
or limited to one warp a day...


I doubt it will happend but gl trying to get it in space.
Isnt it the purpose of the virtual reality to be based on the real? .
No.... In real life there is no revive terminal, killers of those they call mutants go to jail, etc.
Sure let UFO´s in space BUT only like the possibilites a normal sleip or quad has....

if it has to be a warp-capable one it has to fit into the equs-firebird limitations (ul,weight,passengers...etc) to be equal to the existing ones...
Sure let UFO´s in space BUT only like the possibilites a normal sleip or quad has....

This was what they was intentionally meant to be, but MA said no. I dont think with how space is at the moment, its really worth introducing any more vehicles that are warp capable yet.
Sure let UFO´s in space BUT only like the possibilites a normal sleip or quad has....

Space capable, and ability to have more than one passenger. Yes. (However..... major drawback to allowing multiple passengers is the PVP nature of space. it would be a nightmare to deal with if the ship was blown up..)

Warp capable. NO.

Adding to that. I think the dropships should have been space capable as well, but as a point to point. SS - Planet (Vice versa). (same drawback ofc.)
Will anal probe be mandatory boarding requirement https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cartman_Gets_an_Anal_Probe

Uhm...You do realize no lube means no mercy dont you?




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But on a serious note, minus the probing jokes, the issue is inhuman speed and space flight.

Since the UFO is looted instead of crafted and rare and costs a pretty penny in markup, you'll regret taking it to space the moment a pirate makes a dent into it. Especially if it's only allowed to be slow like a duck. Before something fundamental changes about space in this game, I don't think this would bring much joy.
Since the UFO is looted instead of crafted and rare and costs a pretty penny in markup, you'll regret taking it to space the moment a pirate makes a dent into it. Especially if it's only allowed to be slow like a duck. Before something fundamental changes about space in this game, I don't think this would bring much joy.

What? lol Are you saying that the devs cannot make the thing go faster or adjust it to take attachments like a warpdrive and thrusters? So what if a Pirate can shoot a UFO down? You die and respawn. You fix the craft using a repair tool and you continue with your journey. If the craft is made to be like a real UFO and faster than any other vehicle in space or in athmosphere, whos gonna catch it? That would guarentee the safety aspect for taxi drivers and their passangers. :lolup:
What? lol Are you saying that the devs cannot make the thing go faster or adjust it to take attachments like a warpdrive and thrusters? So what if a Pirate can shoot a UFO down? You die and respawn. You fix the craft using a repair tool and you continue with your journey. If the craft is made to be like a real UFO and faster than any other vehicle in space or in athmosphere, whos gonna catch it? That would guarentee the safety aspect for taxi drivers and their passangers. :lolup:

Of course they can. They can everything. If you've read any of the above (folks outlining concerns of different groups in the game) you'd know why they won't bloody likely. Do you know the basics of how vehicles work? Being destroyed by a mob or in pvp reduces its TT value which cannot be repaired. SI is separate. With an easily replaceable craft you can factor this in. With a UFO at current markups it would cost you dearly.
Of course they can. They can everything. If you've read any of the above (folks outlining concerns of different groups in the game) you'd know why they won't bloody likely. Do you know the basics of how vehicles work? Being destroyed by a mob or in pvp reduces its TT value which cannot be repaired. SI is separate. With an easily replaceable craft you can factor this in. With a UFO at current markups it would cost you dearly.

Good point. Well the devs could also fix the decay factor so the UFOs dont lose value when destroyed. The vehicles true value in my opinion lies in the cash generation as taxis. Economically viable vehicles are more suited in this verse than useless props that cannot be implimented in a business sense.
As for passanger wanting to travel with their lootable wares through space, responsible taxi-drivers will advize their passangers to secure all their valuables acordingly. This is NOT an exploit but quite handy and usefull.

So for those worried about being robbed in space by pirates, I will let Ms. Raven Jade give you the information on how its done:

As for passanger wanting to travel with their lootable wares through space, responsible taxi-drivers will advize their passangers to secure all their valuables acordingly. This is NOT an exploit but quite handy and usefull.

So for those worried about being robbed in space by pirates, I will let Ms. Raven Jade give you the information on how its done:


how does that video help in any way? i mean yeah you can transport oils. wow. big help. oils are the thing that you tt before traveling and you keep other stuff with more MU to sell... also that video is insanely useless for miners...
how does that video help in any way? i mean yeah you can transport oils. wow. big help. oils are the thing that you tt before traveling and you keep other stuff with more MU to sell... also that video is insanely useless for miners...

Assuming miners dont have options, yeah makes sense. :eyecrazy:
Needless to say, these things have been captured flying at tremendous speed and leaving the atmosphere at great speed IRL.

I'm going to have to put my hand up here and say, no, they haven't :laugh::laugh::laugh:
I'm going to have to put my hand up here and say, no, they haven't :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Well, it is the general assumption now isnt it? Some have speculated that its demonic and/or spiritual phenomenon. Others have claimed its experimental deep-state black ops craft. The popular belief is its space aliens from other planets. Besides, this post isnt about speculating what it is anyway.

Fact is they are in the VU and they do not handle or fly as they should, based on the popular belief regarding the subject and craft.
The UFO was created to be a fun TOY nuthin more nuthin less - there are around 70 unused Privateers and 15 unused MS floating around in the calypso scrapyard, why should a toy ufo be upgraded over these?
The UFO was created to be a fun TOY nuthin more nuthin less - there are around 70 unused Privateers and 15 unused MS floating around in the calypso scrapyard, why should a toy ufo be upgraded over these?

Well, because EU is pretty much a game for a more mature audience and if I want to play with toys, I can do so without my PC. Im asking basically to turn a useless toy into a Virtual economically viable object that can be used to generate a income. Morover MS caters for the super wealthy and tbh not everyone is a millionaire. It would give some working class citizens the opertunity that was not there before. The equus privateers are basically like virtual Feraris for rich players who actually use it privatelly and not for taxis. Only afordable for virtual playboys or yuppies for lack of a better description.

It does seem like some here would search out any and all reasons to oppose the idea. Like peops are quick to take offence at an idea/request. Sure would love some to come forward and give some input as to why this might be a good idea. Little more optimism as opposed to pessimism pls. :yup:

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The UFO was created to be a fun TOY nuthin more nuthin less - there are around 70 unused Privateers and 15 unused MS floating around in the calypso scrapyard, why should a toy ufo be upgraded over these?

To make them all equally useless. Yes, a spaceworthy UFO would be fun, I was just pointing out the caveats because of its being limited and markup and rarity. They could turn it into the Rocktropian equivalent of the red quad or Firebird and try to sell for 50k. This might even be the only way that MA allows it. Cough.
To make them all equally useless. Yes, a spaceworthy UFO would be fun, I was just pointing out the caveats because of its being limited and markup and rarity. They could turn it into the Rocktropian equivalent of the red quad or Firebird and try to sell for 50k. This might even be the only way that MA allows it. Cough.

Thanks for your Input San. + rep. Nah man! Way too expensive. And I dont think MA should always measure with the same across the board. Leave the value as is for now and give it a chance to become valuable on its own acord and determined by the economy and trends. I dont wanna sell mine even if its made 100K worth in peds. Nope, just want to be a UFO taxi driver and make some travelers happy by flying at tremendous speeds through the skies and in space. Yeah, I am sure that would be enormous fun to take a alien taxi trip. One moment its there and next moment zip gone in a streak. Now that would be amazing man. Passanger thrill level goes up he he he Who wouldnt want to call a cab?