add passives to the window for pets


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
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Maria Mesh
would be nice if the criteria bar for pet's passive was on the main pet window that shows up when you spawn the pet instead of just being in the "show pet status" window that you have to right click to get to... would make it much easier to track the passives getting closer to unlocking, figuring out when the progress bar is "stuck" for some reason since some criteria you haven't completed yet still needs to be done, etc.

adding it as something similar to the 'progress' quick key might work as well if it was a bar that you could open up for each of the passives on the pet you have spawned showing the progress on that particular pet.

very annoying having to right click to check every so many mobs to see if it's 'stuck,' 'moving along' on up the criteria progress bar, or 'completed', etc.
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While they are at it .. I would like to see them at least list what the available buffs are for a pet in the information window when you are looking at the pet deed. At least then I could decide IF i wanted to buy one knowing which buffs are on the pet.