Selling: 3 Arkadia Land Areas - Songkra Valley, Khorum Coast, Aakas Island

Do LA's work after 2.0 patch ? You think this ROI will be around the same in 2018 ?

Land areas work after 2.0 patch. Not sure what kind of question that is. ROIs are fine. They are tracking where I expect them to be this year.
Songkra Valley now gone (sad day for me)

Aakas Island is only one that remains.

Sad indeed but to a very happy new owner i bet.

Wish u luck on selling the last of the land areas although its a beauty
I doubt it will take long id love to purchase it if i had the coin =)

Consider this a free bump. Gl
Bump. 1 la left for sale on arkadia.
Ahh my old lovely Magrug LA =) Had lots of fun with it.

Gl selling it!
Bump it up.

Lowered the Aakas Island price after few offers the last few weeks.