do rares come after drowning?


Apr 21, 2007
Auction room somewhere...
Avatar Name
Maria Mesh
Is the counter on rare mobs to tame set up by number of mobs that die or number of mobs killed? My assumption is that it's random like it is with other maturities in mixed spawns elsewhere, and if enough 'regulars' die either through turrets or water, some rare will spawn, but I'm not sure if this is the case or not? Anyone ever 'tested' this?
How would you test this ?

The very first one you drown could have been your ATH.
On easter there were triggers left within the spawn and when u kill or tame those triggers a rare popped.i tamed over 50 ruby kanins that way but soon ppl around me noticed it too and i was too bored to tame anymore since i still hv 19 more ruby kanins left to sell lol.

So my guess is yup im pretty sure it doesnt matter u drown or turret them still will get the chance to spawn them if u manage to find the trigger.but then again finding it wont be easy on a bigger spawn as it wont pop just like that and someone else in the area will find it cos its random spawn