Snarksnot Rampage

Bertha Bot

Entropia News Fetcher
Jul 26, 2006
The Colonial Xenobiological Institute (CXI) predicts an imminent rampage after observing signs of unusually large gatherings of Snarknots. The institute warns this rare phenomenon could be dangerous to colonists caught alone in the wild.

In addition an extraordinarily large Snarknot affectionately dubbed ‘Schnozzle’ by xenobiologists has also been spotted. Whilst the average Snarksnot can be dispatched by a lone hunter with a trusty Z12 Barbarella, the CXI advises hunters to team up before taking on the giant ‘Schnozzle’.

  • Cape Corinth
  • Camp Echidna
  • Fort Ithaca
  • Nus Lull

Originally Posted Here
Hahahahaha Schnozzle!

I know what I'll be doing when I get home ??

Hope it gives mission points :)
L34 Schnozzle

Just in case you missed it...


**no mission points :(
E of Cape Corinth = Dominant/Alpha/Old Alpha/Prowler/Stalker/Guardian Elite/Schnozzle

W of Camp Echidna = Stalker/Guardian Elite/Stalker Elite/Schnozzle

E of Nus Lull (outpost N of Camp Icarus) = Old-Guardian

S of Fort Ithaca = Old Alpha/Prowler/Stalker/Guardian Elite

Note: Schnozzle and the Elites do not give Hunting Challenge points at the moment
E of Cape Corinth = Dominant/Alpha/Old Alpha/Prowler/Stalker/Guardian Elite/Schnozzle

W of Camp Echidna = Stalker/Guardian Elite/Stalker Elite/Schnozzle

E of Nus Lull (outpost N of Camp Icarus) = Old-Guardian

S of Fort Ithaca = Old Alpha/Prowler/Stalker/Guardian Elite

Note: Schnozzle and the Elites do not give Hunting Challenge points at the moment

I can't give you more +rep before spreading it around, so here's + REP to you:wtg:
E of Cape Corinth = Dominant/Alpha/Old Alpha/Prowler/Stalker/Guardian Elite/Schnozzle

W of Camp Echidna = Stalker/Guardian Elite/Stalker Elite/Schnozzle

E of Nus Lull (outpost N of Camp Icarus) = Old-Guardian

S of Fort Ithaca = Old Alpha/Prowler/Stalker/Guardian Elite

Note: Schnozzle and the Elites do not give Hunting Challenge points at the moment

Thank You Darkaruki, as I was on the hunt last night for a Shnozzle and was wondering where the Elites were.
Can't find em east of Cape

Hi thanks for the info but I've been looking for these things east of cape corinth and haven't seen any of them. Could I trouble you for any coordinates you may have for their location?