Cleetus' Mining Log Version 2.0

Nice haul so far. Good luck!
Run #18

Location: Planet Toulan

Total Spent: 1156.1
Total TT Return : 1294.9
Profit/Loss: +138.81
TT Return (%): 112.0

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Going to try 1 more go at Toulan then think I'll try some runs at Ark.
Run #19

Location: Planet Toulan

Total Spent: 1145
Total TT Return : 916.8
Profit/Loss: -228.2
TT Return (%): 80.07

Not sure how I feel about Toulan, not being able to enter vehicle seems like a shame. Headed back home to Caly to sell/restock and maybe head to Arkadia :wtg:
Run #20

Location: Planet Arkadia

Total Spent: 1151.6
Total TT Return : 1094.2
Profit/Loss: -57.45
TT Return (%): 95.01

Run #21

Location: Planet Arkadia

Total Spent: 1143.8
Total TT Return : 1140.1
Profit/Loss: -3.74
TT Return (%): 99.67
Holidays were a tease; have to wait until after work to do a run. One more at Arkadia then back to Calypso. Rocktropia next.
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Run #22

Location: Planet Arkadia

Total Spent: 1143.5
Total TT Return : 1132.04
Profit/Loss: -11.46
TT Return (%): 98.99
Waiting for warp; gonna do a small unamped Underground run :ahh:
Run #23

Location: Arkadia Underground (Unamped)

Total Spent: 1126.98
Total TT Return : 884.84
Profit/Loss: -242.14
TT Return (%): 78.51

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Back at Calypso, going to try a few runs here then hit RT :computer:
Run #24

Location: Treasure Island

Total Spent: 1142.53
Total TT Return : 967.32
Profit/Loss: -175.21
TT Return (%): 84.66
Run #25

Location: Treasure Island

Total Spent: 1138.27
Total TT Return : 885.4
Profit/Loss: -252.87
TT Return (%): 77.78

Rough go, hopefully one of these runs pans out. Going to try a run at Ashi. Where's that :tower:
Run #26

Location: Ashi

Total Spent: 1148.21
Total TT Return : 951.02
Profit/Loss: -197.19
TT Return (%): 82.82
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Run #27

Location: Minopolis

Total Spent: 1148.19
Total TT Return : 965.6
Profit/Loss: -182.59
TT Return (%): 84.09

Good to see consistent TT returns on this cycle size!
Any comments on how the markups are treating you?
Run #28

Location: Camp Icarus

Total Spent: 1220.97
Total TT Return : 980.01
Profit/Loss: -240.96
TT Return (%): 80.26
Run #29

Location: Camp Icarus

Total Spent: 1146
Total TT Return : 889.37
Profit/Loss: -256.63
TT Return (%): 77.60
Run #30

Location: Treasure Island
Total Spent: 1139.77
Total TT Return : 901.59
Profit/Loss: -238.18
TT Return (%): 79.10
One more run at Icarus then bed time :boxer:
Run #31

Location: Camp Icarus
Total Spent: 1143.75
Total TT Return : 906.13
Profit/Loss: -237.62
TT Return (%): 79.22
Run #32

Location: Sakura
Total Spent: 1148.18
Total TT Return : 746.77
Profit/Loss: -401.41
TT Return (%): 65.03
I'm off for a bit. Back for another run tonight; not sure where to go, any suggestions? :scratch2:
I'm off for a bit. Back for another run tonight; not sure where to go, any suggestions? :scratch2:

Purple area on amethera ( shinnok river, gaea's cradle, etc.).