Suggestion: FEN Tokens Conversion


Old Alpha
Apr 11, 2012
Avatar Name
Master Lumar Shadow
Hello to all,

Now that FEN event is almost over why dont MA make it possible for the remaining tokens from FEN event in game to get converted into other tokens.

FEN Platinum ----> FEN Gold or Combat Token or even Daily Tokens.
FEN Gold --------> Combat Token or Daily Tokens

Well it´s just a suggestion since at the moment FEN Platinum are almost useless since trader has basecly nothing good left on it, just the remaning 2 Angel tokens that will be gone soon.

The rest is crap, no one will get a Teleport Chip II for 250 plat tokens + peds for example, if they bought tokens at high rate.

Well just an ideia, at least if it was possible to convert them to GOLD would be already good to keep getting stuff from trader.

Best regards,
plat tokens will continue to drop in price until the amount/token is in-line with the object being purchased.. even the tp chips.