Entropia Mardi Gras 2019: Crewe Of Lootius

Make sure you all vote to crown me as the 2020 King of MardiGras. I will assure that next years event is as bountiful if not more as this years MardiGras Event. There are many things in play being stored for some heavy action. So, come March 2nd, at the 2019 MardiGras event be sure you set those event votes my way and you will be assured that next years event will have just as many if not a lot more giveaway items available, fancy good things to look forward to, long term planned, excitement filled, community oriented, and pertinacious decisions. *I meant to say Party-do-dacious*... :D

Vote Kain Dewey Fall to be crowned the 2020 King of MardiGras, peasants of Entropia. :eek: :D
Yeah, I said it. Best believe it is
Crewe Of Lootius Ball: Entropia Mardi Gras 2019

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Make the King "pay" for his mistakes :eek:, no mo mas ruler ship, only we the people rule :D Peasants United! P.U.!!!
I will be a good King to represent the people, so vote for me :D