Question: Q1 Vulkana


Feb 5, 2018
Thank you for this AMA, MA :wtg:

Question 1: Will you in the near future (read: within 365 days) expand pet features (and adding tamable creatures if necessary) ?

For features, please refer to this excellent thread:

Relevant follow-up: If no, why will you abandon taiming and pets? (Imho, they add flavour and hopefully in the future some useful features)

Relevant follow-up #2: Whether yes/no to the question, when will you make the speed buffs from pets NOT counting as Item buff, but effect (i.e. so you can add pet speed buff to ring speed buff and make it useful).
Within 365 days, most likely not. However, we will not make any promises about what areas and issues we are focusing on. I’d rather present it to the playerbase when we feel comfortable in our ability to deliver. Hopefully this will increase your trust in us.

Please do not infer from the above that we are abandoning taming or pets; it is more a question about available resources and priority.
Within 365 days, most likely not. However, we will not make any promises about what areas and issues we are focusing on. I’d rather present it to the playerbase when we feel comfortable in our ability to deliver. Hopefully this will increase your trust in us.

Please do not infer from the above that we are abandoning taming or pets; it is more a question about available resources and priority.

Awesome, so lots of other things to focus on but not this right now, perfectly acceptable to many of us I feel. Increasing utility value for stable owners would be nice so they are not facing real life financial ruin(these things are on the level of investment some may take loans for...and face real life difficulty over if they have no way to escape their investment when a few lines of code could fix this by making pet buffs actually valuable/useful/cost effective/longer in duration.

However, yes this kind of communication at least really does improve our trust and ability to have faith in the company, keep up the good work. :D

Will there perhaps be quarterly, bi-anually, or yearly AMA's and communication between staff and the game base? I feel it could usher in a new era of faith in this platform that would benefit all sides, especially if utility value on old investments damaged by broken promises receive a little balancing too so that their investments aren't simply lost and forgotten during the development delays. Effective valuation of our investments on property like stables needs to be thought of in financial decisions as well, as past predicts future.
Within 365 days, most likely not. However, we will not make any promises about what areas and issues we are focusing on. I’d rather present it to the playerbase when we feel comfortable in our ability to deliver. Hopefully this will increase your trust in us.

Please do not infer from the above that we are abandoning taming or pets; it is more a question about available resources and priority.

