2019/02/08 AMA summary


Dec 11, 2006
This is a compilation of all that matters minus all the copy-paste and rhetorics. Links lead to the corresponding threads in the AMA section.

What we may see soon

What is not a priority but not off the boards either

What is not in plans

Considered features and long term goals
  • Overhaul and revitalize PVP
    "Our long term goal is to overhaul and revitalize PVP in Entropia Universe. The changes implemented in Loot 2.0 have opened up the available design space for PVP specific changes, and we look forward to taking advantage of that. However, engagement with PVP has traditionally been relatively low, so it is not currently at the top of our priority list."​
  • Upgrades for Starter Pack items
  • Separate team/shared ATH/HOF from individual ATH/HOF
  • Future of pets
    "Pets are a fun part of Entropia Universe but we don’t want it to be mandatory for every player to have one, therefore pet-based buffs and other benefits need to be properly balanced. Pets and taming are not at the top of our current priority list, but we do plan to implement adjustments and new features in the medium-term."​
  • Copy-pasting links on auction to search
    "This is a good suggestion and something we plan to include in a more general update to the auction interface. "​
  • More spaceships
    "We do plan to ultimately add space ships within different classes and with additional functionality, but that would be part of a larger Space release."​
  • Crafting system that doesn't require to be near a terminal

State of affairs

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Wow, very helpful. Much appreciated. Thanks!
This is a great summarization, thanks!
Awesome effort for doing the summary..thx Svarog
This community rocks! Nice summary! +rep
Must have taken ages, thanks for doing this Svarog! :thumbup:

Candidate for 'Sticky' thread perhaps?
Much appreciated
Very nice, thanks. Although AMA is still not yet completed, they said they'd answer remaining questions soon
Thanks for this, always handy to have everything answered so far in one place. Did find a couple that i had missed by going through the threads.

Another well deserved +rep :yay:
Very nice summary.

Still no answer on the Paypal withdrawals yet... or on a few other questions that they haven't answered yet, but for what they have answered so far, great summary.

Just for quick reference here's a few links to past Q&A sessions...

(kind of hoping Mindark can use some of the older ideas as guidelines or ideas for the future in some ways)

Citizenship Q&A:
2011 Land Lot FAQ:
Internet Archive Link
2011 Rocktropia Q&A (copy in blog since original got deleted, or moved around to an inaccessible location that the public can't see, etc.):
Internet Archive Link

19. Once and for all who determines items that drop in RT/NI loot is it MA or NDS (For example if you wanted to add A-3 punisher MKII to drop from Forum trolls is it you guys or MA who would add this)

We determine which Mobs drop which items, that is essential for game design, we don't control how or when, so we can't predict when something will drop

Q&A with SEE Digital Studios - PART 1
Internet Archive Link
2011 Q&A: SEE Virtual Worlds - Part 2
Internet Archive Link
2008 Q&A
2007 Q&A
Internet Archive Link
2006 Q&A
Internet Archive Link
Another 2006 Q&A:
Internet Archive Link
2005 Q&A - Question 41:
Internet Archive Link
2005 Q&A - Question 38: (not sure if this link works since getting message that server for this is down on internet archive at the moment)
2002 Q&A:
Internet Archive Link

Original project-entropia.com/faq 2002

Community Q&A
Entropia Planet's Wiki on Theryon Wars
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Tyvm, Svarog for putting this together - that's a very helpful summary! :)

... must give some rep before ...
+rep, ty for info.
A big thank you to Svarog, and mastermesh! (svarog - must spread more before . . . .) + rep

A lot less from MA than I was hoping. And a big disappointment to some. A friend part owns a stable, and they haven't delivered what they promised and it looks like they aren't going to bother either. (i wonder if this part of integrating with compets, and as that failed. They are no longer bothering?)


So no news on Space or Hangars etc?
wtf no fishing!!! :mad:

all good features are scrapped and only completely irrelevant SHIT is on the agenda. and my question concerning the atrocious state of the auction wasn't even considered!

this is extremely disappointing. with the cost this game requires to play at my mid-level monthly, I have to carefully think about things now...
So no news on Space or Hangars etc?

Nothing substantial. They rerouted all space questions to this single answer that in my book boils down to "no comments":
Development of space in Entropia Universe has certainly progressed much slower than we have wished or anticipated in the past, which led to premature announcement surrounding potential space features or other design plans.

We understand that this has led to frustration within the community, and we apologize for that.

At the same, we want to avoid making similar mistake by revealing plans before we are certain that they will be implemented in a certain way. As with all of our design decision, it always comes down to a question of allocating our limited resources and manpower to the most important projects that benefit the greatest number of participants.
Thank you for Summary!!

It's very easy to understand. :ahh:
Tyvm for this summary m8 exelent job putting it together much appreciated :wtg::wise:
Gj filtering all the good stuff!

Thanks Sva for the effort in this summary. You Rock! :headbang:
seriously I can't tell you how this announcement state of the development is pissing me off. essentially this game is a very expensive daily chore but there was always a shimmer of hope that someday they might make critical changes that make trading actually fun instead of the equivalent of a dentist visit, or introduce some new concepts that make this feel more a virtual second life (no pun intended). AND NOW EVEN THAT HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY:mad:
seriously I can't tell you how this announcement state of the development is pissing me off. essentially this game is a very expensive daily chore but there was always a shimmer of hope that someday they might make critical changes that make trading actually fun instead of the equivalent of a dentist visit, or introduce some new concepts that make this feel more a virtual second life (no pun intended). AND NOW EVEN THAT HAS BEEN TAKEN AWAY:mad:

Why are all your posts so negative? Either stop complaining and enjoy or leave the game... Its MA's game, they do with it what the bloody want.
Thank you for the summary.
Gonna need some updates on summary, because MA has answered a few more AMA's. But better to just wait until they're done answering them all :).
Thank you for the summary Svarog, very useful.


Added few later replies:
