Armors 2.0 - New Armor Professions


Dec 31, 2006
Twin Peaks mall, 2nd floor
Dirty Dingos
Avatar Name
Inherent Marxus Legends
MindArk stated in the recent 'Ask Me Anything' in this forum that their idea about new Armor Professions, which will allow players to use unlimited Armors of their level and not suffer any decrease of their protection values as they decay, is indeed going to be released in the near future.

Just wanted to take a moment to talk about Armors in Entropia and maybe give some suggestions of some improvements and/or changes that perhaps should be considered as well. So firstly, the new Professions:

1. All Limited Armors should be 'SIB': In the same way that all Limited weapons provide a 'Skill Increase Bonus', so too should Limited Armors provide it. This is self-explanatory, using Limited armors for a while would make you skill Armors faster, which would give them a little bit more value to those that want to reach a certain level more quickly.

2. Split up Armor Professions into 3 specialties: I hope MA will split this up into the main protection categories. Similarly to how the new Looter professions have been split up into Animal, Robot and Mutant, Armor Professions could/should be split up into 3 categories, i.e. Close combat (Impact/Cut/Stab), Ranged combat (Burn/Penetration/Shrapnel) and Special damage (Cold/Acid/Electric).


Next, some more general improvements that I think should be made to the wide array of Armors currently available in the game:

3. Review the protection design of all crafted armors one by one and make sure that each one of them has a reason to be. Since Loot 2.0, many have become obsolete since there are better and cheaper looted armor options available on the auction. Some examples are:

- Sema: the tt and protection values is too close to those of looted armors Bear and Boar, and so crafted Sema armor has no chance of competing. But if you wanted you could re-purpose this armor as a junior Sentinel, make the protection about 40% that of Sentinel armor and now you have something that actually has a reason to be and no other armor in Entropia currently fulfills that role.

- Luna: looted armor Jaguar has a very similar tt and is much better and cheaper. There's just nothing that stands out about Luna armor, but if you wanted to give this armor purpose again, you could make this an Electric/Acid armor, there currently aren't any lower-level armors that have decent amounts of Electric/Acid protection. If you want Electric and Acid together on an armor, you have to go to a high-level armor like Perseus or Rutuba.

- Predator: looted armors Aurora and Bear both have better protection for less. This is a tough one though, Predator has a low tt so perhaps it should be left alone or maybe just lower the tt a bit more.

- Solir: much higher tt but the protection is too close to looted armors Martial and Tiger, crafted Solir cannot compete with those. I feel like Solir doesn't have a niche, and anyone looking for this kind of protection will just settle on either Martial or Tiger. Martial has Shrapnel and Electric as a bonus, and Tiger has Cold and Acid. Solir could be re-purposed as a junior Infiltrator armor and better suited for hunting Ranged damage mobs. Calypso lacks a lower level crafted robot armor such as the ones that Arkadia has: Hydra and Cetus. In this case, I would position Solir's protection numbers in-between Hydra and Cetus and maybe reduce the tt a bit.


4. Please do something about Expedition and Trooper armors which no one crafts or uses since ingredient are too rare and too expensive. I would love to own and use Expedition, it's really a great armor, and I think Trooper could be quite useful as well to many people since it's sort of a Vigilante armor without the Close combat protection (strictly Ranged damage protection). Expedition not only looks cool but also has a decent amount of Cold/Acid protection which makes it a sort of junior Gremlin set and quite adaptable. But what's the point of having created such cool armors for the game when the cost to make them means there's no way anyone is ever gonna want to spend that kind of money making it when they can get looted Vigilante for less than half the cost and better than Trooper, or looted Gremlin for less than half the cost and better than Expedition? I think MA should review cost to make these and get it a bit closer in line with where it probably should be so that these armors can become relevant and be used by lower level hunters. Especially now that Profession requirements are going to be assigned to each of these armors.

5. Gnome and Ghoul look almost exactly the same... Ghoul is so much better and so much more expensive than Gnome, it should look a lot better too.

6. Vain armor graphics don't load properly and sometimes causes the game client to crash. I've had people tell me that their game crashed when they opened my shop keeper that has a piece of Vain armor in it. Also, it often becomes invisible when dropped in an estate or a shop, then it cannot be picked up again because you can't see it. I know that MA already knows about the issues with the Vain armor graphics, please fix it already, it's been like this for years. - EDIT (2020): This seems to have been resolved now since graphics update, at least the game doesn't seem to crash anymore when loading graphics for Vain armor parts.

7. Why is there never any A.R.C. Patrol Chest and Caps on the NPC on Cyrene? This is a great armor but the supply interruption has been going on for over a year now, why? Can we please just either re-supply the NPC or just remove it. - EDIT (2020): This seems to have been resolved now.

8. Reaper armor is non-existent in the game. How long has it existed? I've only ever seen 2 parts of it on the auction, why is it so scarce? No one even knows it exists and no one knows what a full set looks like... Unless some armor crafters have huge stockpiles of Reaper armor BPs, maybe it's time to revisit the drop rate for those?

9. Please change the way that the protection stats are listed under 'Detailed Information':

The Damage types should be listed by category like this:

Close Damage:

Ranged Damage:

Special Damage:

This would actually make sense and it would be Intuitive to professional hunters. We know that Bots are mostly Ranged Damage, a lot of Animals are mostly Close Damage, etc... A hunter could see a group of Damage type at a glance and determine whether this armor is for him/her or not.

The way it's listed right now (I know it's listed alphabetically) is convoluted and hard to read:

10. Maybe this is a question for Neverdie but how come Jarhead BPs no longer drop? The most popular armor from RT now can no longer be crafted, why? Ever since Loot 2.0, it has only gained in popularity and is so much better then Ghost, but unfortunately, no new BPs have been seen in years...

11. Over the last few years we have seen the introduction of Armor upgrades for Vigilante, Nemesis, Boar and Jaguar. All of these have come with a Dodge buff, none with an Evade buff (except the recent FEN Angel but that's not an upgrade, and Viceroy is bound so doesn't appeal to everyone). I hope that MA will release Armor upgrades for Animal/Mutant Looters too that will have an Evade buff (and maybe a melee buff too), perhaps an Adjusted Shogun, Adjusted Kobold and an Adjusted Ghost? - EDIT (2021): Looks like the new upgrade-able Imperium armors on Cyrene will be the one to have this Evade buff.

12. Foot guards for some lower-level Armors still Missing In Action... I've been collecting Armors for years and still haven't been able to get myself a pair of Berserker foot guards, Valiant foot guards and Samurai foot guards. I wish MA could do something to fix this issue once and for all, it really sucks to not be able to complete such a basic set of armor for want of a simple pair of foot guards... Maybe at the next Mayhem Event, instead of dropping Combobulator BPs, just drop some foot guard BPs...

Just some stuff that I hope MA hasn't forgot about and will address at the same time as the Armor 2.0 release.

Cheers o/

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Subscribing to this thread as I really like these ideas and thoughts. Only sad part is, MA doesn't care...:)
Valid ideas, I would much rather MA hire someone competent to do this, or not touch it at all.
Some good stuff in here.

Weapons, mining tools, healing tools have progressive series and so on.

There have been loose groupings on armour (Animal series) but maybe now is the time for some clear armour progressions.

And on the subject of Jarhead, i love my set but have wanted some sort of upgrade mission for soooooo long. Can't afford a decent jump up in armour set but would happily grind out stuff for an upgrade :)

...mmm...? Too complex..

If you mean point #2:
2. Split up Armor Professions into 3 specialties: I hope MA will split this up into the main protection categories. Similarly to how the new Looter professions have been split up into Animal, Robot and Mutant, Armor Professions could/should be split up into 3 categories, i.e. Close combat (Impact/Cut/Stab), Ranged combat (Burn/Penetration/Shrapnel) and Special damage (Cold/Acid/Electric).

I don't think it has to be complex, it wouldn't even have to be exact. Take Ghost for example, you could just assign it to skill all 3 protection specialties 1 third each equally. The point is just that if a hunter is always hunting Robots, he will find that his skills allow him to use higher levels of Ranged damage armors more efficiently whereas when it comes to Close damage protection, he will find his skills are lagging behind a bit, but not excessively.

With a skilling system designed that way, it gives a hunter a reason to go back to limited armors again later if he wishes to catch up any particular side of the armor skill tree. For example, if a hunter wanted to skill up to use an unlimited set of Thunderbird efficiently, he would want to use limited armors that give more Special damage skills.

It works the same way with weapons when you think about it, except that you don't have laser, blp and plasma all on one weapon, in varying proportions.

Just a thought, but it really doesn't have to be complicated, there's no point in over-complicating it. I would not break it down further than thirds, so if we are dealing with Paladin or Shogun as a way of example, I would just say it gives 2 thirds Close damage skills and 1 third Ranged damage skills.
Great post!

One thing is like to add is they make all armors universal to gender. Considering the scarcity of some armor and the lack of ability to create a second account or get a sex change in game it would be nice if we didn't have the added hassle of trying to find the correct gender of armor pieces.

Armor plating is genderless, why not armor too?

In this day and age of the trans gender movement let's do away with gender requirements in game!
Great post!

One thing is like to add is they make all armors universal to gender. Considering the scarcity of some armor and the lack of ability to create a second account or get a sex change in game it would be nice if we didn't have the added hassle of trying to find the correct gender of armor pieces.

Armor plating is genderless, why not armor too?

In this day and age of the trans gender movement let's do away with gender requirements in game!

That is an interesting thought. Some UL sets have different values depending if they are male or female, but for Limited armor, I think there's no point in having both a female and male version of each part.
Great post!

One thing is like to add is they make all armors universal to gender. Considering the scarcity of some armor and the lack of ability to create a second account or get a sex change in game it would be nice if we didn't have the added hassle of trying to find the correct gender of armor pieces.

Armor plating is genderless, why not armor too?

In this day and age of the trans gender movement let's do away with gender requirements in game!
better yet, allow Armor Crafters to change the sex on the armor with some tinkering... maybe make em have some body sculpting skills to do it?
Great post!

One thing is like to add is they make all armors universal to gender. Considering the scarcity of some armor and the lack of ability to create a second account or get a sex change in game it would be nice if we didn't have the added hassle of trying to find the correct gender of armor pieces.

Armor plating is genderless, why not armor too?

In this day and age of the trans gender movement let's do away with gender requirements in game!
I agree , Jam

Great Post Legends +REP

I am wondering if the older armors such as Supremacy and Spartacus and as well as the ones you mentioned would be more readily dropped or the ones you listed be more available and dropped on other planets?

I think if you are going to use (L) armor it should be SIB as it doesn't last long but in a way..Umm nvm I think I just answered my own questions as to why. :ahh: ;)
I agree , Jam

Great Post Legends +REP

I am wondering if the older armors such as Supremacy and Spartacus and as well as the ones you mentioned would be more readily dropped or the ones you listed be more available and dropped on other planets?

I think if you are going to use (L) armor it should be SIB as it doesn't last long but in a way..Umm nvm I think I just answered my own questions as to why. :ahh: ;)

Thanks for the +rep Rose :)

Not sure if I understand the question but here's an attempt at answering it:

Looted high-end armors like Spartacus, Rutuba and Sentinel for example, are not as abundant on the auction as mid-level armors such as Jaguar, Tiger and Martial, therefore they don't really disrupt the market for crafted armors with comparable protection stats, like Perseus for example. If there was a lot of Rutuba on the auction, it would create a problem amd Perseus would not be able to compete with it, but this is not the case right now. In fact, the MU for Rutuba pieces is often higher then the MU for Perseus, due to scarcity.

I don't know if Supremacy still drops, I actually haven't seen a piece of Supremacy on the auction in over 2 years for sure.


Been telling MA about the Vain/Wormslayer crashing problem for years...
yes i like the ideas ... and this could give skills a bit more value again + sib on L armors are a nice idea togive those a better MU
Great post!

One thing is like to add is they make all armors universal to gender. Considering the scarcity of some armor and the lack of ability to create a second account or get a sex change in game it would be nice if we didn't have the added hassle of trying to find the correct gender of armor pieces.

Armor plating is genderless, why not armor too?

In this day and age of the trans gender movement let's do away with gender requirements in game!

I want same boy underpants, ... damn gender thingy :) No, joke by side. I would like this idea. It is always a pain, if you loot armor, and then it is the wrong gender.
I'm all for splitting into 3 armor professions, though overall I feel that armor professions at all would add complexity in a detrimental place at this time. Maybe let the game stabilize a bit more first?
I'm all for splitting into 3 armor professions, though overall I feel that armor professions at all would add complexity in a detrimental place at this time. Maybe let the game stabilize a bit more first?

But Armor Professions will not have any downside, it will only bring benefits for those that attain the required profession, otherwise everything stays the same.
I want same boy underpants, ... damn gender thingy :) No, joke by side. I would like this idea. It is always a pain, if you loot armor, and then it is the wrong gender.
I think that's intended to stimulate trading... :laugh:
but yea, the small bit of immersion added by F/M in armors doesn't weigh heavily against the annoyance factor, and would not be missed as it's not even near being a core mechanic in terms of play value.

SIB on L armors makes good sense, it's consistent with other L gear and would add play value to much of the game.
Been telling MA about the Vain/Wormslayer crashing problem for years...

Ah, I didn't know it was the same for the Wormslayer, but I guess it makes sense since they look the same, just different color.
Great post!

One thing is like to add is they make all armors universal to gender. Considering the scarcity of some armor and the lack of ability to create a second account or get a sex change in game it would be nice if we didn't have the added hassle of trying to find the correct gender of armor pieces.

Armor plating is genderless, why not armor too?

In this day and age of the trans gender movement let's do away with gender requirements in game!

Gender ideology here? Hahaha. Noooo.. Each armor part have differents prices due offer and demmand (from male and female avatars), then would be "yupi" for those who have payed lower for their armour, and very sad for those who have payed higher cost for their armour.. And that Is not correct. (Probably scam in game)

But do not worry because from allways in Entropia you could have a gender different of your sex in rl (does not even need new hormones) only you must have taken the correct desicion at moment of creation of your account.
Armors 2.0 coming soon!!! :yay:
More Development... NOW~!

I actually would love to see this! Yes, it is going to be a nightmare for quite a bit of people but we'll press through it and accept it. Hopefully it is split up between Close Quarters, Range (Laser/BLP) Users, and Mindforce adepts. I highly doubt it but it would be interesting~

Pain is beautiful, Especially if you're dealing it~,
Expedition Leader, Skilling Is Beautiful
Alexander David Blood
A real pain in the ass to search for M or F parts. Nice post mate
One thing that I didn't address in the first post but that should be given some consideration is this:

I believe that the plan for a long time has been to make limited crafted items more attractive, make them considerably better then unlimited items to entice players to use them, but with armors, there's a bit of problem there for mid-level armor users because it turns out that there are many unlimited armors that are significantly better then the limited ones since loot 2.0.

The only advantage a mid-level limited armor offers over unlimited mid-level armors is the extra 10k points in durability, which most hunters really don't care about since loot is a calculation of the costs associated with the kill, in other words, the armor decay is compensated for in the loot. On it's own, it doesn't really seem to be enough of a reason for people to go with the limited version. And not to mention, many unlimited mid-level armors such as Adj. Vigi and Adj Nemesis have buffs, which no limited mid-level armor has.

Some areas where crafted limited armors could outperform the unlimited ones:
- Economy (double current durability)
- Performance (slightly better stats)
- Buffs (maybe in the form of a new attachment only available on limited armors)
- Visual appeal (coolness factor)
- Convenience (universal parts instead of male/female)
- Adaptability/Versatility (tweak the stats on L version)

10k points of Durability doesn't really seem to be enough when weighing out whether to go with limited or unlimited since loot 2.0. Maybe it's because it's too hard to compare and perceive the difference, since all this is happening 'under the hood' so to speak.

TL;DR: low to mid-level crafted armors are not interesting enough and very hard to sell on auction or in a shop at a break-even price. Make them more interesting to use, add buffs to them, better balance, etc...
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- Predator: looted armors Aurora and Bear both have better protection for less. This is a tough one though, Predator has a low tt so perhaps it should be left alone or maybe just lower the tt a bit more.

maybe have each piece grant 1.5% movement speed bonus? low tt + movement speed bonus, could be interesting for fruit walkers or new miners.

then maybe some other crafted set granting +3% movent speed bonus, +3% evading, +3% dodging, reduced crit damage per piece, something that could be interesting for PvP miners or miners who generally mine in areas with dangerous mobs...

With such effect things they could certainly make the game more interesting and crafted armor more viable.
maybe have each piece grant 1.5% movement speed bonus? low tt + movement speed bonus, could be interesting for fruit walkers or new miners.

then maybe some other crafted set granting +3% movent speed bonus, +3% evading, +3% dodging, reduced crit damage per piece, something that could be interesting for PvP miners or miners who generally mine in areas with dangerous mobs...

With such effect things they could certainly make the game more interesting and crafted armor more viable.

That would be a nice start I think.
1. All Limited Armors should be 'SIB'
/ Sounds good, but considering skill requirement for HighEnd(L) armour, how would that be introduced nicely?

2. Split up Armor Professions into 3 specialties:
/ Sounds good, but considering skill requirement for HighEnd(L) armour, how would that be introduced nicely?

3. Review the protection design of all crafted armors.
/Considering ppl invest in armour and armour BPs, how could a change to their stats be introduced nicely?

4. Trooper and Expedition hard to craft.
/ Dont know allot about the crafting of these, but in general Im sceptical to change material needs.
/Perhaps look at droprates instead?

5. Gnome and Ghoul look almost exactly the same.
/Not so important IMO, but why not?

6. Vain armor graphics.
/Need a fix ASAP.

7. A.R.C. Patrol Chest and Caps on the NPC on Cyrene.
/I guess they had a fixed ammount and ppl just bought Chest and Caps?

8. Reaper
/Weird. Yes they should drop.

9. 'Detailed Information'
/Never thought about this, but I agree 100%

10. Jarhead BPs no longer drop?
/Weird. Yes they should drop.

11. Introduction of Armor upgrades.
/Yes more please.

12. Foot guards still Missing.
/Agreed, this needs fixing.

You obviously have put a lot of thought into this and I like most of your ideas. Hope MA take some notes!

13. Make all armors universal to gender.
/Im all for it, but some ppl are going to get angry for sure.
1. Could be done.

2. Why not.

3. As new armors keep being added it is completely normal for some old ones to become obsolete.

4. They are in a way obsolete. Since the update where overprotection is not punished any more, i myself have opted to just wear the highest protection armor altough i have more than 50 sets...

5. Always found that funny. Changing ghoul could be done i guess

6. Fix it

7. Fix it

8. I believe it was abandoned or just one bp set was looted and is too expensive. Necromancer armor is very good but how many people use it? it s an L armor with insane mu..

10. I believe the drop rate and number of armors unbalanced the market. It is almost equal to phantom, it beats head on a lot of other armors

11. more, altough i remember reading in an AMA that they don t plan on adding any new upgrades

12. Valiant, Berserker feet i ve found pretty easy to obtain. only samurai is missing for me since only one pair was sold in the last 5 years i think. But yes, it needs adressing, it took me a year to get zombie feet, 8 months for dragon
13. Make all armors universal to gender.
/... but some ppl are going to get angry for sure.

Obviously, because:

It can be nice for the speculators who bought cheap F armors in big quantity at a low price and then they sell it for more money. However, for the simple player (the mayority) who followed the rules of supply and demand, he will lose part of his investment (that will come down in price), only because an speculator trader to wish earn more money with so "brilliant" idea. :mad:
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I like most of those ideas! Great job and thx for the effort!

I just have a question about the SIB on armors:

Do you envision the armors being basically unusable if you are not yet in the sib (same as weapons?). Or would they just have the lower protection with lower tt like unL armors?

I actually dont reaaaally like either for L armors. For me, PE as always been about being able to do anything you want when ever you want if you just pay the money. So if I wanna hunt dasps I can go buy the armor for it and start (became easier with L, which I liked). If we can't use L armors to hunt beyond our skills anymore then that would not only effect the enjoyment of some people (me xD) but also the price for those L armors, which other people can judge much better. Do you think the effect would be positive on the MU of armors, if the amount of players who can use them is diminished but they now have SIB?

I believe MA stated that SIB would apply to unL armors, and that the people would the required skill could use the armors without a tt penalty. In effect, this sould mean you would nt have to keep your gremlin at 600 ped tt or whatever it was, 30 ped tt should suffice for a hunt

This overall should reduce the ped stuck in items (same as making L items until 0% usable). This will free up ped and will help MA s accounting look good next year.