Suggestion: Mining bar


Dec 6, 2010
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Hunter come miner here, Is there a way to easily see how much you have left to drill up? If not, could something like this work? (edit pic with mob hb)

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reminds me of an idea in some games i love. anyone remember shadowrun from the sega genesis. to me that is one great game. there were some things about it that made it great. and bars was one of them.

in this game MA decided that life bars are no longer needed. but apparently they are wrong. bars are wanted strongly.

now, i suggest that not only give us back life bars but give us also lounge bars with real people and not npc. comon it's not that far of a jump and i'm serious. in shadowrun we met with npc johnnies to take jobs and return. in this game we get dumbass npcs standing out in nowhere land doing nothing for no reason. i guess its ok since the npcs have no nintelligence anyways and they give out mindnumbingly stupid grinding til hell freezes over missions anyways.

bars are a social thing in real life and something the devil likes since you can get drunk, stoned and hooked up with free or paid prostitutes. so MA should give us bars on those grounds. i think it would make for a great way to give out missions, increase trading areas activity and promote the vices of satan all the same time.

make it clear i do not advocate satan but i approve of all escapism to the degree its used creatively or as a learning mechanism, but not as blind stupidity enhancer. i abhor evil in all aspects and enjoy exposing it on occasion.

it's an idea within an idea that npcs could be manned. we have them already in twin. so many people standing there. these people should be given a seat ffs. and maybe even a booth. why not turn twin into a lively market place or a bar. MAs Life Bar we could call it.