Leave C++ updates to the OS


Mar 5, 2009
Billy's Spaceship Afterworld
Calypso Rescue Team
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Medb Lefty Lucy
Client Loader fails to update Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2015. Perhaps this function is better left to the operating system?
How you want to force your OS to install new C++ Redistributable 2015 ? :scratch2:
If you are a 32 bit player then this is inevitable.

Moore's law is becoming increasingly important to understand.

In a world of technology, everyone must budget for the tech they need to stay connected. It is a consistent drain on our lives and needs perpetual improvement and funding. The moment we decide to stop upgrading, is the moment we get left behind. This is the world we live in today. Our tech budgets are now more important than our vehicle budgets.

This will only get worse as technology gets even better much faster than we have seen.

I hope you find a solution, but I can almost guarantee waiting on one to fit old systems is going to be harder and harder to come by.
For many years now I'm installing MS Visual Studio to every system I setup (and are dozens of them)! Then letting windows update to current versions.That's concern VB libraries, NET Framework, C++ libraries etc None of those had any issue or a problem after that nomatter what software needed to be installed on them!
I suggest you to install MS related software (Visual Studio - Net Framework - DirectX etc) from the initial setup, even if it seems unneccesary at the beggining. Believe me, you will need, if not all, some of these libraries to be installed in your system for sure. This will saved you in many occassions.
Mine automatically updated in the middle
of a patch a few weeks ago!
You can't leave this to the O/S. The runtime library as a dependency is normally (and always should be) installed as a merge module by the application installer. Your application wouldn't run without it.

It has nothing to do with the bit width or Moore's law.
Ok, all this talk about C++ distributable blah blah, but WHAT DO WE DO IF WE CAN'T LOG IN DUE TO BLACK SCREEN?!
Ok, all this talk about C++ distributable blah blah, but WHAT DO WE DO IF WE CAN'T LOG IN DUE TO BLACK SCREEN?!

ask support to move you to another location and see if that fixes the issue. GL!
Ok, all this talk about C++ distributable blah blah, but WHAT DO WE DO IF WE CAN'T LOG IN DUE TO BLACK SCREEN?!

Didnt see that issue ever....did you also have similar things in past?

Were you able to login before this update??

If you were able to login before the last update maybe a portion could also be related to your video card in a way?


and WHEN do you get the black screen...when you press Launch ? --> if so..you can access the tools section in Client loader right?

-->then go to Tools and clear the cache and reset graphics....->uncheck all planets in Download section...

then try to reload it...

Didnt see that issue ever....did you also have similar things in past?

Were you able to login before this update??

If you were able to login before the last update maybe a portion could also be related to your video card in a way?


and WHEN do you get the black screen...when you press Launch ? --> if so..you can access the tools section in Client loader right?

-->then go to Tools and clear the cache and reset graphics....->uncheck all planets in Download section...

then try to reload it...


Support sent. Nothing similar in the past, no. Able to log in before update, yes.

Can access Tools, it is indeed after pressing Launch. Have tried resetting. Clearing Cache is no longer an option. Unchecking all downloads doesn't work.
Ok, all this talk about C++ distributable blah blah, but WHAT DO WE DO IF WE CAN'T LOG IN DUE TO BLACK SCREEN?!
Sounds like a completely separate issue, does it have a thread?

Note: I understand now why the client loader has to install vcredist. Hopefully a wipe and reinstall will straighten my issue out.
Sounds like a completely separate issue, does it have a thread?

Note: I understand now why the client loader has to install vcredist. Hopefully a wipe and reinstall will straighten my issue out.

If you are having trouble with the VCR dependency within the client loader, you might try just installing it separately. You can get the redist installers directly from MS.

I think this is the version you are looking for: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145

Which is probably covered by latest: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
Its weird, I never have an issue updating the client.
Im running Windows 10 (and always latest release) and 64-bits architecture.

Why stick to old?

But maybe some ppl are using XP/Win7 32-bits or even Linux?
Still cant figure out why tho, because it sucks if you compare to modern OS.

Its like buying a new car and ripping the modern engine out and replacing it with a wood gas generator so you can run it on timber or charcoal.
Its weird, I never have an issue updating the client.
Im running Windows 10 (and always latest release) and 64-bits architecture.

Why stick to old?

But maybe some ppl are using XP/Win7 32-bits or even Linux?
Still cant figure out why tho, because it sucks if you compare to modern OS.

Its like buying a new car and ripping the modern engine out and replacing it with a wood gas generator so you can run it on timber or charcoal.
Let me help then: in my case, it's because downgrading from modern Linux to Windows 10 would be like buying a Yugo.