How did you get to your current game level?

Dante Inferno

Jun 11, 2019
I came to this game almost 4 years ago ... I fought, deposited, lost again and again, and finally, in an outburst of rage, I deleted my avatar after more than 3 years and a high level of play ... it was a avatar without luck ...

Later I made another avatar, this one that I have now ... has a bit more luck and even less level, but it will grow ...

Anyway, I see that the only way to progress is to save a lot, pray for your loot to be bought, and sometimes, to have the stroke of luck or the vision that will change the way you play and finally succeed ... it didn't come again, maybe with this avatar happen, I don't know ...

and you? What happened that made everything change and you could keep yourself, or at least play more quietly? What stroke of luck did you get? What did you see that made you play differently and succeed?

Obviously, no two people are the same and what works in one does not work in others, but I'm very curious to know how it was for you ...
Hi Franki!!

Hi friend. Comunity adviced to you in your old thread:

Please, pay attention in posts numbers 15 and 18.

You can play this game in many ways:

(1) To grow you need to be skills-effective. Thats means you must to obtain more skills loosing less peds. For example, not all mobs give same rate of skills. Ones give you more skills than others taking less peds from you. You must investigate here at PCF or in old Entropiaforum what are these mobs. Besides this game works in waves, then you must to ensure to have enough bankroll to equilibrate the wave in the best way for you (that is losing less peds). But we are not talking about "to win peds" only about to lose less peds. For that reason you must have a way to compensate thats looses. (searching loot with MU, trading, depositing or working in game)

(2) If you want to win peds, remember this: "only money calls more money". And when we are talking about money, really is a great amount of money! (for example, 15K dollars in amunition for playing in Messi´s Style). But in such case, you must play with high strategy because if not is the case you will lose all your peds in hands of predators such as Messi, Joda or Linzey. This game really is like the life. To make money is not easy, and have many risks.

But you could begin understanding the game, studying for example all developers posts, to know better the game.

I forget tell you something: It could very difficult to play in second way if you are not an Uber or at least to be a 90 level avatar.

(3) At last, you must not forget this is a game that belongs to Mindark. We pay them to play. And if you play all time like if this is a casino, you will lose all time (and your new avatar not be your last avatar LOL). -- That does not mean you should never bet. You can bet whenever you understand that money in bets can mostly be lost, and you should not to cry for it.--

Besides as your new avatar have not level, you could follow this thread to grow:!

(to low level Rufen did a great work)

I wish you a good luck and better understanding of this beatifull game!! :cool:

PD - Here is something very entertaining that I wrote 9 years ago. It is a digestive reading and has things that could help you.
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“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing yet expecting different results.”
It doesn't matter who said this, it`s still true.
“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing yet expecting different results.”
It doesn't matter who said this, it`s still true.

You are absolutely right, wise words ...

In this time, i am doing different things, but the results seems similar...
How did you get to your current game level?

When I've reached about level 40 I've connected some dots between wiki, tracker and huge amount of information I was reading on pcf (almost all threads 2008-2013) and developer notes and I came to the conclusion that I had to reach level 100 and purchase imk2.
This wasn't enough alone but another thing was added to the case -constantly several people (well known losers) complaining about the same successful avatars about their luck.I don't believe in luck or GOD so I had to find an explanation what the losers do wrong and what the winners do right.I found it eventually.

Once I had that idea implanted basically I could tank any loss or any other misinformation read absolutely everywhere else.I stood strong into my beliefs and I simple didn't care what basically EVERYONE else in this game was trying to tell me I was wrong.

I think the most important question to obtain the above is why did you register

Unlike a huge amount of new players registering I didn't register because I found a silly banner somewhere "are you mature MMO player" or some other stupid message.I did register because real life friends I could physically touch and see made tons of REAL CASH and they did PURCHASE REAL LIFE OBJECTS (cars/apartments) with the money from this game, not some stupid shit lies you hear somewhere else like how to make money in this game without depositing (10$/month whatever)
It was enough for me to know I will get the same once I will reach the top level.
Will I do this again if I had to start over? Hell yeah but this time a lot more investment much faster.
How did you get to your current game level?

When I've reached about level 40 I've connected some dots between wiki, tracker and huge amount of information I was reading on pcf (almost all threads 2008-2013) and developer notes and I came to the conclusion that I had to reach level 100 and purchase imk2.
This wasn't enough alone but another thing was added to the case -constantly several people (well known losers) complaining about the same successful avatars about their luck.I don't believe in luck or GOD so I had to find an explanation what the losers do wrong and what the winners do right.I found it eventually.

Once I had that idea implanted basically I could tank any loss or any other misinformation read absolutely everywhere else.I stood strong into my beliefs and I simple didn't care what basically EVERYONE else in this game was trying to tell me I was wrong.

I think the most important question to obtain the above is why did you register

Unlike a huge amount of new players registering I didn't register because I found a silly banner somewhere "are you mature MMO player" or some other stupid message.I did register because real life friends I could physically touch and see made tons of REAL CASH and they did PURCHASE REAL LIFE OBJECTS (cars/apartments) with the money from this game, not some stupid shit lies you hear somewhere else like how to make money in this game without depositing (10$/month whatever)
It was enough for me to know I will get the same once I will reach the top level.
Will I do this again if I had to start over? Hell yeah but this time a lot more investment much faster.

It takes money to make money to start with.
100% agree on this and for mining ... its the same thing.
Use your brains, invest in decent UL gear and you will make profit.
LUCK has nothing to do about it.
It's all HOW you play this game

Would I do this again YES!!! I would even depo more from the start.
It takes money to make money to start with.
100% agree on this and for mining ... its the same thing.
Use your brains, invest in decent UL gear and you will make profit.
LUCK has nothing to do about it.
It's all HOW you play this game

Would I do this again YES!!! I would even depo more from the start.

All excellent points. Now agree 100% plus with all.

However in regards to depositing. I did deposit high at the start.

The difference is time knowledge and study may have helped me more back in those early days.

I probably spent enough to buy a house. Foolish things much money wasted. (fun tho and don't regret it).

Now many many years later I still play in most events and nearly every day log on. The difference now that my knowledge of the game enables me to play a whole new ball game.

With the above if I was ever to deposit as much as I did over a decade ago that deposit would go a lot further today than what it did then.
Absolutely agree with all that Xavier, LeeLoo, and Messi has commented on within this OP :wise:. Also, did find Xavier's post very intriguing on the "evolution of a player", and with that being said, I'm enjoying Stage Vi you could say, hehe :cool:
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Thanks for the comments, especially to Messi, which for the first time I see that explains something clearly, without attacking or bad words, it is appreciated that the first time I have the opportunity to speak with him, it is this way ...

Leelo, how did you decide to dedicate yourself to textures?

Xavi, is it true that your luck stroke was a 30k ped pit?

that interests me to know about the big stroke of luck that suddenly made your game change ... a HOF, a great ATH ...

However, most of you are "old players", from an era where the prizes were higher, and the items obtained too much MU than now ... do you think that gave you more opportunities than the players since 2015?
Let's say it gave us a better (less risky) start.

For the textures :
I make clothing in real life and knowledge of a colorwheel was very handy here. :)
It was taking so long before finally getting some stacks together from Caly.
Then MA changed the drop rate on all planets for skins/paints ... and since skilling was already sooooo sloooooow I decided to go back to my roots that gave me profit in the first place : mining

Why not hunting? Cause I knew my hunting skills where lower than mining (and I always loved mining here) and besides of a UL full jag I didn't had any decent UL hunting gear so that investment would have been huge and I still had all my F-101-102 ... up to F-106 in storage :)

The unamped ATH I got in 2006 was pure luck (after depositing a fair amount of $ ) and no longer possible now so I had to change my style of mining and adapt.

Over almost 20 years this game changed a lot, imo again in a very positive way but now gear/skills/knowledge makes a great difference.

The main reason why people keep loosing peds in this game is because they play it like any other game, do not count or play for the big bang (with lots of risk) that (probably) will never come.

As I see miners come into Spectra (or with some I share experiences !!! because they do good in mining also), most have lost peds because of "not knowing" things, and after a few weeks/months those losses (depends how fast you learn and how big losses are) are made up (fully or partly)

Knowledge is very important for new players to get helped, and not just have a mentor that is loosing also for 6 months .... This is 1 of the things I would love to see changed.

This is all pure my opinion
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I was shooting berycleds, vixens and also I am a EP IV heavy addict. I sometimes spend 50% or more of my income and loose it on EP IV and 'shrapnel' blueprints.
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Logs. Seeing where your money actually go and not count on your memory/speculations/myths was the biggest game changer for me. Too bad I haven't done that properly 10-12 years before.
Deposit and grinding. :silly2:
I've used PE/EU as entertainment though, so haven't realy played that hard to profit
but mostly to have fun. I have a job where I "hunt" profit.
Imo, EU isn't realy that hard, it's about matching values, e.g values you create and
values the target "wants". When they match perfectly we are as efficient as it is possible.
When it comes to luck, well imo luck = timing and circumstances.
Logs. Seeing where your money actually go and not count on your memory/speculations/myths was the biggest game changer for me. Too bad I haven't done that properly 10-12 years before.

This 100% will show you what you are doing wrong.
Ms Kazzza Milla Starfinder said on one occasion that only 2% of the tracker's record were uberloots. Understanding that Uberloots are prizes greater than 1K. If we apply pareto to that 2% we can understand that only 0.4% of the tracker records were important prizes (including ATHs).

Then, probably only 0.4% or less of the players has received an important prize, and that means only has related with the uncommon high multiplier and luck.

Therefore, you cannot play the game disturbed by not taking out the jackpot, as there is a 99.6% chance that thats will never happen.

On the other hand, getting a jackpot is winning? No. In fact, those who usually take it out, had already made significant deposits before.

After the above, it is true that I took out a SOOTO that I could sell for 23k 10 years ago. But it is also true that, similarly to Leeloo, I had also deposited an equivalent dollar amount. I had qualified for 6 normal SOOTO before the great SOOTO, where only angel scales was there.

And believe me, that didn't necessarily mean a boost, because once the game gives you, then it removes you again.

In short, you cannot base your game on great luck, because there is a 99.6% chance or more that never comes to you. It is best that you play based on knowledge first; and then if you know and grow enough you have two options, bet from time to time, but without crying, because in bets you usually lose, or seriously to make a risk playing at the level of the big ones, who have weapons of 12 thousand dollars, armor of 14 thousand dollars, and 15 thousand dollars in ammunition. Having to play professionally 24x7 and firing every second of the day in every day. Only in last case you could say that you are playing to win peds.

Thats all friend. I will stoped my advices here. Long life and prosperity in Entropia Life. :drink:
I started off as a non depositor and played that way for 4 years. After 4 years of investing thousands of hours, my life circumstances changed and I quit EU and withdrew $4,000 USD.
My time as a non depositor taught me a lot of things such as bankroll management, reducing markup in, and maximizing markup out.
I came back when MindArk announced they would be selling off Planet Calypso through an ingame share system. Having known the stability of the game I decided to go all in. I invested all of my modest life savings into CLDs and then began to play again with the dividends they produced.

In 2016 my life circumstances changed again and I needed cash badly. I sold all my CLDs and withdrew almost everything from Entropia, amounting to a fairly impressive profit. Once I stabilized things again I began looking for my next venture in Entropia Universe. I discovered land area management and fell in love. It took time, effort, and creativity, but it was by far the most lucrative venture I had ever embarked upon. I continued using my profits from LA management to upgrade my hunting gear, grind, and buy more land areas. I also did not hesitate to deposit heavily when the right deals came my way.

Today I am once again in the middle of some substantial changes in real life which have caused me to dial back my time in Entropia significantly. As such I will be liquidating the bulk of my highest value assets for real life endeavors, keeping a modest investment ingame to continue to play at my level. These experiences have built up a bank of knowledge which will allow me to come back ready to invest heavily again in the future when the right opportunity comes, and I have more time on my hands.
My only reason I am at the level I am is depositing $20-$30 a week for 9-10 years, and investing $4K into CLD at the first offering. I can claim only a handful of uber loots, none of them epic and none until I was I was 8 years in the game.

I cannot say that I regret any of it.
I went to college.
I graduated.
I go to work.
I make lots of money.

But really in the game?
I'm not in a society.
I don't listen to other peoples advice.
I fight hard and I suffer.
When I get to the other side I know the answers.
I won't tell you because I want you to lose your money.

My dad said it best...
Never play the way the casino says you should, it's bad advice.
Don't believe books and articles because it's all propaganda, published by the casinos.

The only thing you can farm in Entropia Universe are other players.
The only thing worth looting is your bank account.

Rock On!!
I have about 393K skills in my ava and joined EU around 2006. Looking back I probably enjoyed it more at lower levels, growing towards that mid-level position. Although it was a different game back then. Weapons were much lower powered, mobs had much lower HP, loots were much more interesting……so all in all you needed less ped to play the game. Or in other words your ped lasted ‘much’ longer for your time input. The little mobs used to give big loots, and people at the top were looting good items.

Literally 100’s of players used to hang out at twin on argos, and as long as you kept shooting generally a loot would pop to bounce you back. Ped was so free flowing the arena’s always had players mucking about shooting each other. The system was more chilled relaxed and community driven back then. PA was packed with traders, and the community used to fight over any eye oil brought to the market….hahaha.

It was the days that demand out stripped supply. Even sweat sold for 6-7 ped a k.

I find it a bit of a bore fest now to be honest, it’s a cash cow that lost its heart long ago. I still don’t mind grinding a few k ped now and then from a nostalgic prospective just to then see what pops out, but I see no point in chasing some insane level anymore. Some people call that losing, I call it common sense. It will be interesting to see how many players ‘care’ about finishing missions before the deadline change. I’d say that would be a good indicator of community commitment.

I guess I deposited a lot, I have no idea how much anymore. Although considering the time I spent online over the years, I can accept whatever cost that was. It was only in more recent years I made some very heavy deposits to see if that would make a difference, and it didn’t (small regret nothing major). However I’m passed the bullshit of it nowadays; MA need me more than I need them, so I have no tolerance for the arrogance of the game in todays competitive marketplace.

We all look back with fond memories I guess, is that justifiably fair comparing it to the present? Probably. If I could hug the game, I’d put my arm around it and say.... it’s all looking a little desperate mate. Good old days ehhhh!!! Smiles and nods.
