Calamusoid Mission Info And Such


Dec 14, 2006
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James Jambon Zidane
Ok we've got Calamusoid's... no one seems to be talking about it much so I'm going to take 2 minutes to give you the broad strokes of what you need to know.

Here's the locations - when you show up a land area outline will appear on your map:

  • Calamosoids Lvl 5 Shared = 66064, 75123
  • Calamosoids Lvl 14 Shared 66049, 75355 (Need a "Lahar Swamp Inoculation" to get in deep and take out the boss)
  • Calamosoids Lvl 14-18 = 68225, 84376
  • Calamosoids Lvl 40 Shared = NW of 68206, 83747 (Need a "Medusa Swamp Inoculation" to get in deep but you can pull them out 1 by 1 with a bravo)
  • Subject SH-30 Lvl 120 = 68079, 83859 (Need a "Medusa Swamp Inoculation" to get here)

To get those inoculations you need components that you loot of Calamosoids. Keep in mind that if you want to do the mission you'll want to hang on to the materials and let the npc in the lahar service center convert them for you the first time. Otherwise you have to go collect more when you want to complete the mission.

Lahar Swamp Inoculation recipe:

  • 1 x Calamusoid Skull
  • 1 x Calamusoid Blubber
  • 1 X Calamusoid Bone
  • 1 X Calamusoid Acid Discharge

Slap them all in your refiner and there you go. You get a Lahar Swamp Inoculation. It lasts 5 hours or until you die (whichever is first).

Medusa Swamp Inoculation recipe:

  • 1 x Lahar Swamp Inoculation
  • 1 x Calamusoid Entrails

Again, slap them all in your refiner and there you go. You get a Medusa Swamp Inoculation. It lasts 5 hours or until you die (whichever is first).

There is a also mission that will give you a free pill of each and a decent free CDI gun.

Here's the outline for that mission:

  • Step 1. Go to Fort Lahar and chat with Corporal Krill to get the Piece Of Mind mission (66980, 74869).
  • Step 2. Go to the spot that is marked on your map to complete the first step.
  • Step 3. You'll be asked to get some implants from the creatures... just keep killing Calmusoids and randomly a popup with some mission text will show up... gotta find 4 of them. You have a chance to re-read them later from the NPC if you don't want to read them at that moment.
  • Step 4. Go back to Corporal Krill and you'll be able to do the Sprecre In The Mist mission where you have to chat with the NPC in the service center. They will want all the materials to make a Lahar Pill.
  • Step 5. Once they make the pill for you eat it (you may want to make a couple pills) and then go to the waypoint he gives you and you kill the big boss there. You WILL need to be Inoculated to do this (and wear armor before going there!). My strategy was to just run in a circle shooting the bastard. If you stop you'll be swarmed by 1000 Calamusoid that won't let you move.
  • Step 6. Once he's dead go back to Corporal Krill and get a free gun. There are 4 to choose from CalyTrek CR Spirit Mk. 1 CDF Edition (L), EWE LC-100 Frontier, CDF Edition (L), Emik Enigma L1, CDF Edition (L), Omegatron Ingi L1000, CDF Edition (L) (specs should all be on the wiki)


BooBAM! You got a free gun, probably some Calamusoid giblets and a couple pills. Now you can go into the swamp and take out some of the big boys at Medusa!

Oleg has a thread with more details about the specifics of the mob here:
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Thanks Jambon :)
Great Info Jambon!

Thank you so much!

Slap them all in your refiner and there you go. You get a Lahar Swamp Inoculation.

dont do this.

Talk to the RDI guy first.
Because if you put it into the refiner you cant go on with the mission and you will need to find a new set of materials.
dont do this.

Talk to the RDI guy first.
Because if you put it into the refiner you cant go on with the mission and you will need to find a new set of materials.

Good point. Updated the thread to mention this.
as the medusa pill is a combine of the lahar pill + entrails, will the medusa pill work in lahar swamp?
as the medusa pill is a combine of the lahar pill + entrails, will the medusa pill work in lahar swamp?

I don't think so, as when you use either pill a specific buff shows up saying the name of the location you are inoculated for - which lasts for 5 hours or till you die (whichever is first).
Thank you so much for this! Had load of fun trying it out. :cool:
Nice! Thanks for sharing all this infos.
I don't think so, as when you use either pill a specific buff shows up saying the name of the location you are inoculated for - which lasts for 5 hours or till you die (whichever is first).

It's also worth nothing that like other buffs, the time is paused when you log out.
Does anyone have screenshot the storyline ? at the last implant received near fort Lahar I pressed the red cross before finishing reading all the pages :(


Forget my post, I found the solution by talking to the soldier again :)
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*Calamosoids Lvl 14-18 = 68225, 84376*

There are also lev 20 and 22.
It's also worth nothing that like other buffs, the time is paused when you log out.

This is true, it is paused. But, if you leave the area, say....TP to Ithica, then the inoculation is lost, even after relogging, I did not get remaining time back. This is the 2nd time this has happened and I just noticed it. After hunting at the Medusa swamp, then TP'ing or spawning at Ft. Medusa, the inoculation was still visible, after TP'ing to Ithica to use the Auction, my inoculation was lost.

MA now needs to place an Auctioneer at Ft. Medusa
This is true, it is paused. But, if you leave the area, say....TP to Ithica, then the inoculation is lost, even after relogging, I did not get remaining time back. This is the 2nd time this has happened and I just noticed it. After hunting at the Medusa swamp, then TP'ing or spawning at Ft. Medusa, the inoculation was still visible, after TP'ing to Ithica to use the Auction, my inoculation was lost.

MA now needs to place an Auctioneer at Ft. Medusa

Sounds like a bug to me.
But you can hunt in the swamp without any inoculations?? :wise: or am I wrong?
But you can hunt in the swamp without any inoculations?? :wise: or am I wrong?

You can hunt the low level stuff without them yes. But when you get deep in close to the bigger creatures negative buffs get applied to your avatar if you're not inoculated.
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How do I get the boss mob to spawn in Lahar? Is there a trick to get him to spawn?

Edit: Nevermind it seems you just keep killing until it happens.
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How do I get the boss mob to spawn in Lahar? Is there a trick to get him to spawn?

Edit: Nevermind it seems you just keep killing until it happens.

Pretty sure it's on a timer like a wave event. There may be something in system chat that says when it will spawn next when you first arrive.
Pretty sure it's on a timer like a wave event. There may be something in system chat that says when it will spawn next when you first arrive.

Never got any warning about next wave. From my experience I would say every 30 min + for a new wave/boss spawn. Just don't break all the mushrooms in one go and make sure to dance with the boss. :)
Never got any warning about next wave. From my experience I would say every 30 min + for a new wave/boss spawn. Just don't break all the mushrooms in one go and make sure to dance with the boss. :)

Yeah I recall hearing something of mushrooms... I should check in to it again and update the thread
Jambon can you check to see if the Calamusoids are still 75% Impact and 25% Cut as per Entropiawiki please?

Thanks bud ^^

Jambon can you check to see if the Calamusoids are still 75% Impact and 25% Cut as per Entropiawiki please?

Thanks bud ^^


I'd be happy to but I don't know how people check that information. I always just assumed they tested getting hit with a bunch of different armors.
Any idea of the loot table for this new mob yet ?
How do we get the boss mob to spawn at Medusa Swamp?

It used to be kill kill kill until it spawned but nothing seems to be happening lately?

Can anybody concur?
Anyone get the big daily's at Fort Medusa? Saving the pills is huge for some of the missions. There is one to turn in 5 inoculation pills. Then I heard of a massive daily that gives progress on Codex as well as 1,000 PED in Universal ammo. Only one person has completed it to date though ( that I know of at least ). That was turning in 100 pills and other stuff I believe I forget the specifics when talking to them. Wish I saved the screen shot of the reward.

I have only done a few daily's, kill kerbs, Feffs etc but apparently that massive one is rare and random I guess. I mean 1k ped reward soo....
I killed mobs at the mission site for 90 minutes and the boss SH-10 never showed up. What am I doing wrong?
I killed mobs at the mission site for 90 minutes and the boss SH-10 never showed up. What am I doing wrong?

Depends how many mobs you kill in 90 minutes.

You have to kill a lot of them.
I did it twice yesterday, I didn't count it, but I'd say it's about 150/250 kills. (yes it's way too much)

BTW if MA read this, it would be nice that the boss DON'T spawn as soon as we break the fourth egg.
But only after we've killed all the guards.

First that would be the best way for people to kill them, and not only shoot the 4 eggs and the boss.

And that way we wouldn't have to be hassled by the last guards while we're shooting at the boss.
They're blocking us when we have to keep moving to avoid the acid balls.
So it's very annoying

And anyway, there's still the reinforcements that show up while we're shooting at the boss.
In the end we have so many mobs on our backs, it's a festival of decay, and they completely blocks us from moving.