Suggestion: Lootable Seasonal Rings


Sep 6, 2016
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Havenn Slyk Ragnarok
I feel like there should be a single Seasonal Ring in every mayhem loot pool, or maybe just a ridiculously low rate.

Make it not only so you have to open boxes to have a chance, but also that grinding that mayhem could be your lucky move!

One ring shouldn't really affect box prices. This also gives incentive to those who don't want to deposit to push their luck cycling.
but then they would have to change the game code to make it that items drop by chance and not not by waves. right now their only way to let one item drop is set a hard cap for items at 0 and change it to 1 when they want it to drop. then it takes about 30 mins tops until the item is dropped.

this loot system for items is ridiculously broken
oops, misread title. Thought you were talking about making rings lootable in pvp zones.
I've been suggesting this for a long time now. With the new loot box laws that are proliferating though we will eventually see this when boxes have been outlawed by all major countries.
Problem to a limited number of rings in an event loot pool is that once they are 'won' many will leave the event, which is not n MAs interest. Better perhaps is to have them randomly awarded to participants at the end of the event.
Perhaps all participants that finish with a 'lucky 7' as first and last digit of their score, regardless of total size, are then entered into a draw. So persons finishing with 707 points stand same chance as those with 7457. Or some other pseudo random qualifier. That way high skills or low, long play hours or short will all be in with a chance.