Investment funds inside EU

Richard Coin

Feb 3, 2010
Avatar Name
Richard Coin Sagan
What % are they getting on month on average? And on year?

For example EIFund?

Are there many more?:scratch2:

This post is just to know what is out there and how well they are doing.

Should I put some of my PED in 1 of those?

Kind Regards

Richard Coin :D
You should invest your money yourself. This way you gain experience and knowledge, and your gains have no limits of growth.

Especially inside of EU.

But if you have a decent amount of money then you shouldn't invest it at all in EU. The liquidity is not great enough but only in a few items, and even them MA still has the control to dilute as much as they need. So its easier for your money to get stuck.

With a fund the growth rate is just too slow as you are just in a pool and they only offer a fixed amount. Real life hedge funds will have no limit to how much you can gain. From what I'm aware of no current funds in game offer a limitless gain, mostly just a fixed rate. But I could be wrong.

So I guess the first question is how much money do you have to 'invest'??
You should invest your money yourself. This way you gain experience and knowledge, and your gains have no limits of growth.

Especially inside of EU.

But if you have a decent amount of money then you shouldn't invest it at all in EU. The liquidity is not great enough but only in a few items, and even them MA still has the control to dilute as much as they need. So its easier for your money to get stuck.

With a fund the growth rate is just too slow as you are just in a pool and they only offer a fixed amount. Real life hedge funds will have no limit to how much you can gain. From what I'm aware of no current funds in game offer a limitless gain, mostly just a fixed rate. But I could be wrong.

So I guess the first question is how much money do you have to 'invest'??

Do you know how hight this fixed amout is? :rolleyes:
nope, as i said im out of the loop. they were mostly all low. 1-3% per month or quarter. But mostly a lot of them vanished into thin air along with the peds people put into them.

Some are still around like EIFund but what a joke with an 'unlimited' number of shares. It's most likely a scam and i wouldn't trust a random group of strangers.

And who knows who is really keeping track of the profits behind closed doors, do you really trust random strangers to say what is really 'is'???
1-3% on month i a lot if you look at interests on bank accounts ;)

Tnx to try to answer me.

Seems like a lot of trust issues in the funds here?
1-3% in the REAL stock markets is a lot of money. for 100,000 or a million or more. but in here it's nothing, we are most likely talking about hundreds of dollars or thousands.. No real liquidity inside the game anymore and who would give a stranger 10,000$+ in a video game for 1-3%??. 10,000 is the type of money you need to gamble and try for 50-100-200-500%%+++
Ok, I'm just checking if someone would be interested in 30% a year, what trust is needed and stuff.
there are not oficial or legaly investments fonds in EU!!!

Well here goes what experience I've had, read, seen, etc. (*part of this is from a blog entry I created in 2008!... but this has more updated info too*)

----blog excerpt----
Maria has been looking in to making some serious investments in Entropia Universe, but is still looking for the big investment that will be worthwhile. So far, she's found 3 "investment funds," but each have pros and cons.

Entropia Investment Fund


- Been around longer than the other two options
- Currently owns 2 Land Areas and a Mall Shop
- Already has multiple investors


- Originally, EIF Fond Manager (avatar in charge of the fund) was created by another player from the Via Delarosa society, so Fond Manager may be in violation of EULA with Mindarc, which means ALL inventory and storage that this avatar holds is liable to eventually be purged in to cashout for avatar owner or even worse, account may be deleted entirely and all peds and goods avatar owns may be gone forever!
- Originally Fond Manager would allow share buy ins, hold ped for 90 days and then buy back the shares with income in addition to original buy in price. However, since that time this buy back policy has been stopped since after Land Area (LA) purchases and Mall Shop Purposes, some of the inventory Avatar is now in charge of have a Zero Trade Terminal (TT) value. As a result shareholders are required to find new avatars to sell their shares too if they ever want out of the fund, which can be difficult if not impossible at times due to the large cost of buy in. In other words there's ZERO guarantee you'll get a return on investment!!!! All you'll get is what Fund Manager thinks is appropriate percentage of taxes to share with you. You have zero ways of finding out if the amount he gives you is appropriate amount based on your "share" of the fund... You could pay in 65.00 USD or whatever current buy in price is and only get 3.00 back or less on your investment since there's no guarantee or anything that LA and/or shop will ever be resold...

Buy in is relatively high since current rules require you to buy at least 5 shares on inital investment.

No set limit on max number of shares so anyone at any time could buy in and buy out 60% or more of shares and essentially do a buyout takeover of the fund's voting rights.

Entropia Holdings


Relatively New - so getting in now would be good since it's just starting.


Relatively New - so is not well known, and on some forums is actively discredited by members of the EU community.
MMBig Show is the Avatar in charge - and he's known to be aggressive in some forum postings and is a real life martial artist, so may be aggressive in dealing with. However, he seems to have a good head on his shoulders and may do very well.

Business is based on real estate sales, which is not a proven business concept in EU since most real estate deals are usually done in person to person trading or via EU auction.

Initial buy in was originally $100.00 USD, which is more expensive than any other funds listed here! This may have changed by the time you read this.

Developing Worlds Investment Funds


Interested in multiple worlds besides Entropia Universe.


Originated in Second Life so Second Life account is needed to buy in. This one is new too so not much is known about it.


Buying in to an investment fund such as these is risky but could be profitable. Many forums warn that deals such as these are usually "too good to be true" and are usually run by scammers using the variations of the "friend scam."

My avatar, Maria Mastermesh Mesh, will likely not buy in to any of these any time soon since risks are too great. She will continue to buy items at TT values (or below tt) and sell them at reasonable prices above TT but below market values. Visit for a fairly updated list of items Maria is selling. This way of selling at TT or lower is the original method the Entropia Investment Fund started out once it's investors put money in to the fund. It seems to be the safest way to make money in EU, the least risky way to make money on EU, and the best way to make money in EU besides sweating. Maria is interested in possibly creating a new investment fund based solely on this method of trading as it seems to be the way EIF was successful and safe before the Land Area, Hanger, and Shop purchases. Having this form of trade as the basis of a society may well turn in to a good idea in the long run. However, for now, Maria will stay in her current society, Entropia Asia. If you are interested in this idea, please contact Maria and if we get enough people interested, maybe we can buy a shop and work on future investments. An apartment shop with shopkeeper would be cheapest, but that's still currently over $500 - $600.00 USD, so is too costly at the moment.

------end of excert----
RR Fund was a scam... read about it over at - unfortunately a lot of funds end up like that...

After that blog entry... stts came out...

STTS was "safe" because the paid TT value, sold stuff, and paid people back... so you at least always got TT value back, and there was no "investment" until later when the investment side opened up, but profits on that was not super high.

STTS failed because Josh ran out of real world time to maintain it. He also very rarely logged in because of the enormous amount of chats he got when he logged in I think... "Payday" on STTS usually cost him several hours because there was a line of investor avatars and folks wanting payouts that literally stood in line waiting to talk to him in the mall just like at a real world grocery store...

STTS also failed, in my opinion because Josh relied almost 100% on selling things in auctions. Auction selling costs sellers A LOT more than selling in shops or booths.... what STTS was really doing was - buy at TT price, sell on auction (thereby loosing auction fee regardless of if thing was sold or not), then figuring out profits AFTER auction costs, and then taking 30% of whatever profits were left after auction costs, and paying the rest back to original item owner...

THAT costs avatars using STTS a lot more than it should have, but that was hidden in the hype. Real in game consignment shops like mine and Nihilist's sell things at prices below auction fees, and cost sellers less than the auction does. With my own consignment deal on blueprints, I try to keep my actual profits out of the deal at a range that is 20% BELOW what the auction normally costs sellers. What STTS did was a lot more than what the auction costs because the auction fees with STTs were taken out of profits before any profit shares were calculated, I think.

In my opinion, in todays market, STTS would work better if it was run in a number of booths that have no rent, and that has maxed out number of item slots by buying upgrades from Estate Broker and by filling all those upgraded slots with 11 shopkeepers in each booth.... for a total of

10 item slots in booth per booth, with each booth costing around 5k
upgrade of 20 slots x 3 = 60 slots, with each of those upgrades costing 2k or 6k per 60 extra slots, so total of 70 slots in booth itself...

and upgrade of shopkeeper being .. around 3k per sk = 33k or so initial cost +10 pec per sale decay that would be added to sales costs of things in shopkeepers..

so total cost of 5k+6k+33k= around 44k for EACH maxed out booth, maybe a little less if shopkeepers are bought for a little below 3k each (market price varies a lot day to day)... giving total net of 20x11=220 item slots in shopkeepers + 4 leftover slots in the booth.. so 224 item slots in total there, but some of the 4 slots leftover would surely be used to hold signs or something?...

initial cost to get that started would be fairly high... but to have 220 item slots that had no rent, and a system in place to get goods cheaply and pay people back like STTS did would be amazing.... and would likely make back the initial costs in a short amount of time if advertised correctly, and if only certain items that would definitely sell were taken in to the program.

STTS was really a consignment shop. As Nihilist and my own shop prove daily - those can be profitable. If you do want to invest in something, getting involved in something like a consignment shop deal is the safest route, but even then, there is some risk since shop owner has to be trusted, and you have to hope nothing happens to shop owner that keeps him/her from logging in.

If someone did start the booth idea like mentioned above, I suspect it would be a gigantic success - BUT... so far no one's set up anything like that... Part of the reason I'm posting about that idea here is to see if maybe this post won't put a hint of how to do this in to the head of someone that has more peds than I do currently that could make this little investment idea in to a reality a few decades before I could do it myself !... ;)

If someone did run it, I'd suggest they cost original owners 20% less than auctioneer costs sellers, like I do (30% less = actual net losses I think), and that they use google documents to keep track of stuff like I do with my consignment deal so that one click publishes the stuff, and updates are instantly available as a web page in html format... Josh probably wasted a lot of time in updating spreadsheets in the forums here - time he could have been using to do more stuff to make STTS successful if he would have put the time/effort in to make it work and continue to work...

There are rumors that STTS will be restarted, but so far, no one's taken up the torch so to speak... if someone does, hopefully they read this post... a setup like listed above, especially if other resources in selling were used too - like bulk sales in auctions here on forums, selling in the atlas haven radio auction, etc. there would be a heck of a lot of profit potential....

I think a lot of booths are not utilized right now. Imagine if the above was started by a bunch of investors that already owned booths and shopkeepers... so startup would be low cost... just make each asset owner in to an investor... imagine what would happen if all of this was done somehwere popular like Cape Corinth or Omegaton West Habitat where there's a lot of booths in one place... lots of possibilities there if someone took the time to make it a reality.
2012 edit - since rent was removed from shops, something like STTs could potentially be set up in shops...
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aahh Richard Coin :D

aahh? ;) You know me ore are you thinking of my name? :D

And Mastermesh, nice post, learned a lot.

You have been thinking a lot of this stuff, what % per year would you consider good enough?

10% 30% 50% 100% 300%?
Just for information:

When the EiFund was founded 2006 we informed MindArk in what we are doing and how we are doing and we got green light.

Therefore the EiFund is not illegal.

For Mastermash:

It is still funny that you are shout against us for so long time. Are you still angry because we did not sell you a share long time ago when your PED where low?


EiFund is still running and you will not find any investor who was not payed out by the EiFund when he asked for it.

As is RL all investors are aware that the investment can be lost nad every investor knows in what we are invested. EiFund is not shouting for new investors nor we make advertisments for the EiFund.
Just for information:

When the EiFund was founded 2006 we informed MindArk in what we are doing and how we are doing and we got green light.

Therefore the EiFund is not illegal.

For Mastermash:

It is still funny that you are shout against us for so long time. Are you still angry because we did not sell you a share long time ago when your PED where low?


EiFund is still running and you will not find any investor who was not payed out by the EiFund when he asked for it.

As is RL all investors are aware that the investment can be lost nad every investor knows in what we are invested. EiFund is not shouting for new investors nor we make advertisments for the EiFund.

Ok, how is the ~% per year? After 4 yrars.

Ok, how is the ~% per year? After 4 yrars.
More importantly, what is the total amount of peds put in vs the total peds that exist currently after all tt=0 buys in deeds, including all monthly rent payments and costs on land areas, repairs on hangers, etc. are taken in to account? (EIF owns a couple of LAs, a mall shop and a hanger among other things if I remember correctly - all of which are huge ped sinks that current investors may or may not be making peds on since even if they are profitable ventures, the total made every month or year is not likely to be overcoming the initial costs yet... unlike CND and Treasure Island... ). Long term investment funds in a virtual world seem to me to be fishy since the fund manager may outlive the attention span of investors, meaning the big investments that are supposed to pay off in several decades will likely only benefit a small amount of investors that can manage to continue to be alive and participating daily over long spans of time - which most folks don't seem to do since turnover rate in the amount of avatars that log in and never log in again, or wear down and quit playing after a few months or after a year or so is fairly high.

No, I'm not still mad or anything. I just like letting the public know about this sort of stuff and how risky any of them are when there is an up front payment due... sort of like any real world internet job that requires you pay up front dues before they look at your application. The advantage to how EIF was initially run, and how STTS existed is that the total "investment" by most avatars involved is only TT value, so total loss potential was no greater than total loss if item was put in to the Trade Terminal. that made them low risk and very large affairs as more and more investors came in because of the low risk.

High risk = High potential to lose a lot or get scammed, especially if any "investment" is needed up front above and beyond the tt value of anything.

Paying in more than TT value or whatever is very similar to buying junk bonds in the real world in my opinion...

or actually is more like trusting in scams online that say you can get a great job if you just send in your 20 bucks first - only to later find out that no matter what you send them after that first 20 bucks is never up to their quality standards, even if it is the best thing in the world and better than they can do - so your money is gone and you ain't got a job, just a need to find another real world job to make back those 20 bucks or however high the fee was... there's a lot of other similar scams online... Usually if money is required up front the real risk of getting scammed is very, very, very high.

Don't look for that Ocean front property in Arizona! It might sound like a great thing, but it isn't going to work out the way your dreaming it will!
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Just for information:

When the EiFund was founded 2006 we informed MindArk in what we are doing and how we are doing and we got green light.

Therefore the EiFund is not illegal.

For Mastermash:

It is still funny that you are shout against us for so long time. Are you still angry because we did not sell you a share long time ago when your PED where low?


EiFund is still running and you will not find any investor who was not payed out by the EiFund when he asked for it.

As is RL all investors are aware that the investment can be lost nad every investor knows in what we are invested. EiFund is not shouting for new investors nor we make advertisments for the EiFund.

Why do you have unlimited shares / or INFINITY. Why do you not have a limited amount of shares outstanding or some type of authorized share structure. The ability to issue shares directly and at any moment is the biggest alarm ANYONE should see. This way when you do a 5x split it actually has meaning. Your company has no true market cap. Anytime you sell a new share it is actually diluting your other shareholders value.

It's not about someone not having enough cash to buy, they should have had more. And now they missed out! No, No, this is a hype tactic by yourself.
There have been quite a number of failed attempts at investment funds, and a very few have succeeded - though I have yet to find one I'm actually interested in investing in.
When I got more heavily into trading I had a number of people asking me if they could invest in me and if I was going to open a fund of my own. I decided against it, since my own profit margins are too small to divide amongst investors and still be enticing.
If I were to offer any sort of investment opportunity, it would simply be a loan with interest - not a % of my monthly profits. Unfortunately, for this to be worth it for me, it would be a fairly small interest rate (in comparison with the interest rates the investment funds in the past have offered) and I would have to pay it back over the course of two years or so - which does not appeal to the public.

Generally go by the rule of thumb; if it's too good to be true, it probably is. If it's true, you can probably do more with the money yourself ;)
EFD investment fund is doing pretty well :)
This way when you do a 5x split it actually has meaning.
Good point there, especially when first buy in requires that you buy at least 5 shares for it to count... or however many it is you have to buy at the start.

and no.. I'm not saying EIF is a bad thing... it's actually a genius idea... it's just that there's a lot of ways that it could be a lot better, more successful and grow very popular very fast, similar to the way STTS grew when it first started up. Just allowing your own investors to sell stuff in your shop that they TTed to the fund manager means that everyone else that normally TTs stuff but doesn't want to invest is left in the dark... which is massively lowering your profit potential since there's a ton of stuff TTed every day that people want to hand over to someone to sell for them, as demonstrated by STTS, and by Dead Man's plunder, etc.
and no.. I'm not saying EIF is a bad thing... it's actually a genius idea... it's just that there's a lot of ways that it could be a lot better, more successful and grow very popular very fast, similar to the way STTS grew when it first started up.

I'm pretty sure STTS didn't grow enough to own two land areas, a hangar and a shop.

You clearly have no understanding of the EIFund but you insist on bashing it at every opportunity.
You clearly have no understanding of the EIFund but you insist on bashing it at every opportunity.

but... you see, that's where you are wrong... Here's my understanding of things... correct me if these are incorrect...

- one guy holds all the peds - the Fund Manager

- that one guy is a second avatar!

- there's a whole lot more invested in 0 tt value estates than the rest of the fund is worth in peds that can be paid out to investors

- the Fond Manger must not be able to spell Fund or made a major typo when creating his character - spelling mistakes that big make me curious about how responsible the individual behind the avatar is...

- Fond Manager is on vacation a lot of times, or at least the website seems to indicate that.

- There's no cap on the number of investment shares, so the 1:5 split doesn't mean much as there never was any 100% max on how high any of it is...

- Split mentioned above also does not have a lot of meaning as those wanting to start in that don't own any shares now have to buy 5 shares or whatever it is - sort of silly to have the split if you didn't mean for it to affect those on the lower end of the spectrum that don't have any shares yet, only those that have already invested... seems almost like a - shall we call it a pyramid shape to the way the organizational hierarchy is formed?...

- Fond Manager has already admitted in public forums that all investements in estates and things are considered to be lost peds at this point in time basically... because there are no plans to sell the estates, etc. and there's no guarantee as to whether the money invested in that will come back as a return on investment amount that is higher than was was paid in.

Here's a few interesting things I've read in the forums and elsewhere... Make your own conclusions...
We do not trade with risky items, we are aware that it is not our money.

We guarantee only, that we do not speculate with the PED.
All non-stackable items are bought for TT price from share-holders. Our concept is not to speculate in buying items. The market is not stable enough.

ok... but... uh...
Please remember this is a virtual universe and therefor this is a virtual "Fund". There exist no tools inside EU that can help us to build a secure system.
According to our rules you must be invested at least 3 months before you may sell a share.
Hangar and lands have an undefined future, we know that and EiFund was never promising a 100% security, because that would be not serious.
Just to say it loud and clear.

The Entropia Investment Fund is not "official" at all.
Behind the Fund Manager stands the Avatar Meu Oije Saltandpepper.
Oije is judged to be guilty by an EF Administator, because of Rule #2 of EF rules.
the Entropia Investment Fund won last monday morning after an exciting bidding war the auction.
Therefore, any loan services offered outside the approved bank system will be considered by MindArk as scam attempts and the avatar offering such services risk a permanent lockdown of his/her account.

2009-01-29 00:09 Entropia Universe Support:


No, you are not allowed to have more than one active avatar/account.

Kind regards,
Entropia Universe Support
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the investment fund was run past ma about the second avi and given the green light just like neverdie and his bankmanager and star with the secound avi for the cp auction
the investment fund was run past ma about the second avi and given the green light just like neverdie and his bankmanager and star with the secound avi for the cp auction
Interesting how rules can be bent for certain individuals... isn't it.
but... you see, that's where you are wrong... Here's my understanding of things... correct me if these are incorrect...

OK, almost all of it is incorrect.
Geeez mastermesh... That's one long hate post you made there.

- one guy holds all the peds - the Fund Manager
Yes, ofc. I'm sure this is the case too, with ALL the other serious investment offers.

Since it's been running for many years, it's about as safe as it can be to trust the Fund manager. Spreading the peds would increase the chance to be scammed.
You prefer 100 people to get access the invested peds? :scratch2:

- there's a whole lot more invested in 0 tt value estates than the rest of the fund is worth in peds that can be paid out to investors
2 basically different ways to invest in EU, is to buy things which offers income, or to speculate in trades.

Personally I think the income strategy is the smarter choice. Especially in the long run. But I guess that's up to investors to decide how they prefer their peds to be invested, and should use that as a parameter in choosing where to invest.

- the Fond Manger must not be able to spell Fund or made a major typo when creating his character - spelling mistakes that big make me curious about how responsible the individual behind the avatar is...
Wtf? :scratch2:
The guy obviously isn't English, and he has run investment fund for many years, without anyone complaining about fraud or scams, and actually paid his investors interests and made people money.

And his english isn't perfect, so you doubt that he is responsible? :scratch2:

Geeez dude. That's unfair bashing imo.
-rep for that.

- Fond Manager has already admitted in public forums that all investements in estates and things are considered to be lost peds at this point in time basically... because there are no plans to sell the estates, etc. and there's no guarantee as to whether the money invested in that will come back as a return on investment amount that is higher than was was paid in.
Telling potential investors that investing involves a risk, is being responsible.
Ofc it does. It always does.

If you want to invest in a guy who guaranties your return and makes a lot of promises, you should check out the examples of Ponzi schemes we unfortunately have seen. And RR too. (RR was maybe not intended scam)

It seems to be a sure sign of either shady intentions or pure incompetence.
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"Fund" is spelled "Fond" in German, french, and swedish... (fondo in italian) easy mistake to do.
I use to trade in Entropia for like 10 hrs a day and barely made $100 profit in 1 month. So I quieted the trading and started my part-time business with website and now I am making 10-120 times more what I can was getting from Entropia working just 2-3 hours daily.