Free PK service from Foudil El salsero


Old Alpha
Jun 20, 2007
Avatar Name
Foudil ElSalsero Bachatero
Hi all,

This is a free PK service !!

If you need help to fight Black Angel soc then just call me.
I will come if we are in the same planet.

Foudil your best pk friend.
The rival between you two socs is soooo entertaining :) keep it up :)
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Foudil I request you kill this "uber-wannabee" pk-er called soLO

Please try your hardest, ive heard he is bad ass and takes no prisoners

Good Luck :smoke:
Foudil please stop being so obbsesed with BA.
Obssesion is not a good thing, try to do other stuff in EU or in RL.

Believe me, we don't think about you at all day, but it seems that you think about us all day.

You probably don't know half of the people in BA, that half don't even know who you are.

Try to see all this in more mature way, and you will see it's just ridicouls.

Good day.
Foudil please stop being so obbsesed with BA.
Obssesion is not a good thing, try to do other stuff in EU or in RL.

Believe me, we don't think about you at all day, but it seems that you think about us all day.

You probably don't know half of the people in BA, that half don't even know who you are.

Try to see all this in more mature way, and you will see it's just ridicouls.

Good day.

I just posted a free service, you afraid people call me ?
Why you come in my thread ?
If you read this, that means you are doing nothing irl and wast your time scanning the forum.

I work for my own account and I have time to play EU.
EU is for me a game, I love PK and BA soc are my ennemy.
I would not have my self as ennemy LOL
Someone who has got time and money to play.
And it's just the begining, you will cry really more when I will depo to reach minimum 350 HP and tier all my stuff at the best possible.
Belza was my ennemy before he joined BA, this where the story started ;-)

Foudil your best PK friend :dunce:
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You have no idea how much ped I would pay to see you have a 5min conversation with this guy!

You have no idea how much ped I would pay to see you have a 5min conversation with this guy!

Kimmi, some people dont speak french very well but I respect them to try to speak and I appreciate this effort.
Seems not your case.

Did you throw all your pink cloths ? Or your keep it all to go at party with your friends ?
Please can you tell me if this sentence is corret ? Ty for your help.
:O some thing FREE!!!? IN EU???? :O

dont miss out folks!
It is possible to kill yourself, for free? In game I mean of course, we have enough bipeds doing it in RL?