Selling: selling dune rider full (M) UL set


Apr 13, 2006
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Forgo Forgorth Lundain
Selling Dune Rider (M), This is the full set 7 pieces.

28 pen
28 impact
28 burn
28 stab
28 cut

140 total protection

For comparison: Angel has 120 total protection (15,30,15,30,30)

asking 28k feel free to contact me, thanks.

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I appreciate the bid, but 28k is the standing price, until then I will continue to use it.

Spending more on a rare full Angel set, even Angel SGA would be a downgrade in protection still.
Why would you ask a price that is well over going price for armor? It has been shown by previous sales that 28K is over 35% more than actual value. (actual value = what an item actually sells for)

Obviously you aren't trying to sell this armor, so are you just trying to make a statement, shock people or what??
How many complete 7 piece sets are there, or even parts to make your own? and who's prices are you thinking?

I have 2 parts that have no sales history at all, 1 that sold for +5k one time and 4 others over +2-3k with up to 6 total sales.

Entropedia prices? obviously someone put in numbers they wanted to see, because the actual market, and comparable armor shows quite differently, not a single piece in-game shows that low. And comparatively it is better than armors costing nearly twice as much.

Angel is over 30k and you get less protection, quite a bit less.

Angel SGA feet only (1 part) for 6k on this sales forum, that is STILL LESS protection. please stop telling me about the value of the gear I own. This is what I would accept, anything less and it happily stays on my toon, as it is a great armor, the best UL I have owned in nearly a decade.

Move on if you fail to see the value, and especially if you have no intention or means to buy.
Angel is over 30k and you get less protection, quite a bit less.

Angel has been selling for 16k to 17k... Some more or less depending on buyer and seller but Angel certainly has not been selling for 30k. Anyway, with that said, I think Dune is undervalued and I hope you get a great price :)

There are two major advantages with Dune over Angel

1. Dune has substantially better Burn and Penetration protection
2. Dune has a significant TT value advantage vs Angel because the Dune set TT value is 689 instead of Angel with 363 which means you don't have to continuously repair Dune like you do Angel.
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Good points on the armor Max, and I appreciate it, along with all of the feedback.

After my last thread earlier, I was thinking that I would even hesitate at 28k in all honesty. It opens up a few options I didn't expect for hunting and compliments my weapons/faps well.

The main point of the thread was to announce that there is a full set out there, and that it could be gotten for a price. The only real reason behind possibly selling is due to the fact I have invested a bit into armor crafting. I can make better for less than markup. But I can also make any plate to fit whatever mob with this set as well, so its an odd position for me.

The price still stands but it seems clear the market does not support my valuation. Anything below that valuation is not worth selling this set to be honest.

So I suppose the thread can be closed if it is still searchable, as I am more than happy with the armor as it stands.

However, it is still for sale for someone who may be looking to save a bit of time and hassle building their own at 28k.
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