Made a mistake, does anyone know Dmitry stDem Sur?

In Love With

Aug 24, 2006
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Beautiful SerraAngel Angel
Hello all,

never thought I would make a post like this ... I just sold 5x CLD's for the price of one to an order ... For some reason I thought that the auction would mulitply my buyout to fit the 5x Dmitry stDem Sur ordered ... Well it didn't to keep it short.

I had a look at the player register but cannot find him there so if anyone could help contacting him, I would appreciative. Maybe I can work something with him out, if not then at least I tried ... ... Oh well, guess not my week this one ...

with xpronto u might have chance, with stdem, u can kiss goodbye to ur clds
sad to hear
hi there is a way to send a message to all in game player register or not

open message centre in left side, in the centres left side you can send a message, the icon is squarer.
in the line to, write in the exact name, or parts, the system will then, give you a set of names to chose from.
if you write the name close enough it will pop op, and you can send you msg to him.

baron topper
I think I saw the guy in Billy's Spaceship Afterworld. Not sure if he hangs out there on a regular basis, I'm new there myself (moved from Pandora).
hi there is a way to send a message to all in game player register or not

open message centre in left side, in the centres left side you can send a message, the icon is squarer.
in the line to, write in the exact name, or parts, the system will then, give you a set of names to chose from.
if you write the name close enough it will pop op, and you can send you msg to him.

baron topper

thanks for your help. Send him a message, lets see whether I can get a little more then 1620 peds for 5x cld's :)
You have GOT to be kidding me!

He isn't trolling your posts, you are trolling this forum with your idiotic mission to baby proof this game. At least this time you have not violated all forum rules by naming and shaming players.

Pointless thread and a waste of time imo, if ppl are dumb enough to fall for auctions like you describe them, then that's totally okay, they deserve to have given the chance to learn a valuable lesson about money


Cause if you don't do that guess what ... there is always someone there to take it from you


That was from 2013. Taco never forgets jerks.
I hope it gets sorted out. I once bidded 1000ped on a 10ped esi by mistake, and never managed to find the guy. That said, personally, if someone made that mistake on one of my auctions I'd contact them myself to give the ped / cld back.
You have GOT to be kidding me!

That was from 2013. Taco never forgets jerks.


Usually you'd get sympathy and help. Sunsout's post might indicate why you wont on this occasion.
This year I had some one way over bid on my desert cap in which I only had a low SB on it and no BO via Caly auction house. The buyer was about to leave EU for good from bidding 3k peds over the value on it (he was extremely upset). His friend had contacted me on this situation error, and I was able to contact the buyer and let him know that I was willing to return his 3k peds back to him (he got his 3k peds back from me and he stayed in EU :) - Taco is my witness). I guess it is in my nature "to do what is right" (integrity). If the roles were reversed I'd want the same in return. Sadly not all cases end up this way.

Well Angel, I hope you can contact Sur or get some sort of reply to work this out or something at least, but "it is what it is" sometimes from the looks of Sur not replying atm unfortunately for your situation.
Wow - just wow

"He isn't trolling your posts, you are trolling this forum with your idiotic mission to baby proof this game. At least this time you have not violated all forum rules by naming and shaming players.

Pointless thread and a waste of time imo, if ppl are dumb enough to fall for auctions like you describe them, then that's totally okay, they deserve to have given the chance to learn a valuable lesson about money


Cause if you don't do that guess what ... there is always someone there to take it from you

Angel " (avatar - In Love With)
I'm not going to make fun of In Love With cose someday karma will strike back :laugh:
I'm not going to make fun of In Love With cose someday karma will strike back :laugh:

this was really hard for like a minute not to make a joke out of this but this minute is over now :yup:

so I hope Angel gets back his CLD and MA finally makes this game a bit more " baby proof"
come on people show a little compassion, we all make mistakes.

How many players leave the game when stuff like this happens, while some piece of shit reseller pockets their money and contributes nothing to the economy. This is in Mindarks best interest to resolve.

SerraAngel: don't sell your gear too quick, take a week off from Entropia, calm down and reflect.
come on people show a little compassion, we all make mistakes.

How many players leave the game when stuff like this happens, while some piece of shit reseller pockets their money and contributes nothing to the economy. This is in Mindarks best interest to resolve.

SerraAngel: don't sell your gear too quick, take a week off from Entropia, calm down and reflect.

I do have compassion for ALL that make mistakes. But some deserve true compassion...some deserve a bit less.

For over two years, many of us have addressing this and other auction issues and hoping MA fixed things like this, but we were constantly berated by some players, the OP being one of them.

There have been a dozen threads about auction problems over that time...the thread I quoted the OP from on page one was only one of his MANY responses.

YES..the situation does suck, I and do hope the OP gets his peds back actually, but he likely wont.

The OP could have just as easily thought through this better two years ago and joined us in trying to fix the game rather than calling us babies for trying. Maybe then the peds would still be in his account, then.

I will refrain from rubbing it in, but I hope that now more than ever, people get together on an issue like this rather than constantly picking sides and name calling.

I knew I was right two years ago mentioning auction problems, and every OP in every thread about this problem both before and after my threads was right, and people like the OP still chose to fight us every time.

This is real money. Losing it because of a wrong button push or a poorly designed interface is ridiculous.

Imagine taking 1kUSD in cash to deposit into your account via the ATM. Lets say that ATM's were designed where IF you push the wrong button accidentally ONE TIME, you lose all that deposit and some other customer gets it.

That is essentially what happens here, the design is flawed, and I will continue to say so in every thread.

So no, I don't blame the OP...I still blame the game design, and I still blame the greedy bitches that keep things that aren't theirs. But I will say that every poster in here laughing at the Karma of this, they are NOT lacking compassion. They may be shaking their heads too in awe at how the world works sometimes, but I think we all still have a little compassion. Just not as much as normal. :/

Do a support case and hang in there, OP...
Lets say that ATM's were designed where IF you push the wrong button accidentally ONE TIME, you lose all that deposit and some other customer gets it.

In fairness, it's a double confirmation system. :p
Sorry but this actually IS funny :ahh:

You will not get any peds back. I am sure.

But you have to look on the bright side. You learned a valuable lesson today:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

(Will still hope you get some of it back)
Hahahahaaaaaa owned in the most epic way.....op just switch your computer off and never switch it back on again.....ever