Suggestion: Refined materials and time

ProActive Mango

Aug 28, 2014
I would love to see a future of entropia that where all our materials we create are made with unrefined materials with a machine similar to our crafting machine, and that there would be a time delay to make unrefined materials into refined materials for a similar cost as our refiners we have today, this would artificialy increase MU on items sence time is a factor aswell.
This would make us more interactive with the game and feel more contented in the making of items.
The machine could take larger samples but at a cost of more cost to refine per item or simply have a limit to each resource that can be prosseced at a certain time.
This would ofcourse remove the current refiners we have.

Feel free to add stuff or slam the idea!
No thanks

:scratch2: to short :scratch2:
May be a good idea to have BP for Lystionite Steel Ingot etc. ^^
I wouldn't mind if ingots & enmatter would need to be crafted as well.
I want some of whatever OP is smoking:smoke:
While we are at it..... I would like to refine my dirt weed into OG Kush.
You might as well suggest putting a refiner on a furthest away planet to further increase the mu. Adding artificial delays and hassles that would annoy majority of players is not the way to go.
May be a good idea to have BP for Lystionite Steel Ingot etc. ^^
I wouldn't mind if ingots & enmatter would need to be crafted as well.

And this would lead to even more complaining about the bad success rate :)

Well, actually I like the idea to have more crafted components and maybe even crafted ingots and other base materials that could push crafting and make it affordable for small bankrolls aswell.
While we are at it..... I would like to refine my dirt weed into OG Kush.

you can do that my bro. well i can. 850 an ounce. only in canada
i'll start off warning you truth bombs hurt.

MA has to deal with arificial production schedules due to its entirely made out of whole cloth and not related to anything in the real world "real cash economy". so if materials seems fake and unrealistic just play for awhile and you'll become fake and unrealistic to the point that you won't notice(at least until you play another game that you can't play anymore because you're fake and unrealistic). even the persitent universe is more fake and unrealistic than it was in the beginning. of course there is another angle you could approach this (which probably doesn't work that well with pot smokers or conspiracy nuts) and that is to stupidly ignore it. a few beers and it's all good.

there isn't anything in this entire game i would consider immune from redesign if we really wanted authentic realism. but the fact is no one wants it. like in the real world, no one wants truth because truth brings responsibility. and responsibility brings work. who in the hell wants that.

there is some things in this game that are true to life. there are theives, pirates, con artists and scamsters. they rob, cheat and steal from gamblers, drug addicts and alcoholics. people play to escape but its the same. worse even. to me this is hell and the patrons of hell have beer.

terriblis este locus iste.
And this would lead to even more complaining about the bad success rate :)

the success rate isn't that much of an issue, it's all those 25% & 50% return near successes that's the issue. When 50-70%% of the clicks are like those, then it's quickly like basically having a 20-40% fail rate....
4 25% near successes are basically 3 fails + 1 success
2 50% near successes are basically 1 fail + 1 success

Well, actually I like the idea to have more crafted components and maybe even crafted ingots and other base materials that could push crafting and make it affordable for small bankrolls aswell.

prior to entropia i did play FFXI, there it's necessary to craft all ores into ingots and logs into lumber, wasn't that much of an issue ^^ The extra time spend and higher skill required for doing that, added extra value to the processed mats ofc ^^
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