Hunting in space :(


Still married
Feb 2, 2005
Mine To Extract
Here follows a short discription of my recent endeavors in space

Been thinking of giving them spacemobs a good smacking for some time but now i finaly got around to it, much to my frustration i was dmm hard to find a ride to even go my soc has no hangar and what little friends i have back in game most didnt have a hangar or wasnt online, after a few hours searching around i found a ride, now execpt for being ganked by a mad atrox on the way and my socmate dying from it we got there fine in a rather short while, finaly upthere we put on the plated goblin armor and started whacking and it was good in about 10 min we had a ~40ped profit plus a GSI to share all good, at this time i went to the gym and when i came back 2 hour later i ran straight to the puter to kill to my horror i found the servers to be horrible not only did i miss alot of heals and shots failed to registrer but also loot had decreased drasticaly i tryed putting on my mitchmatch armor jaguar/angel/goblin and it went more smooth execpt for the failed registrations after about 1½ i decided to give it a quit and logged out hoping that later on the servers would behave better, 4 hours later i joined again and this time the supprice wasnt as big when i saw the servers still lagged a great deal gave it another hour of wasting peds then went to sleep, next day i again tryed and now servers where indeed better but loot still wasnt anygood and now i must realize after loosing about 100ped pr hour overall im thinking space might not be for me :(

So i ask you all what is your experience with space does it even out in the end or is it not for little people like me ?
Was there yesterday with some friends and couldn't go in DOME 1??? :(

So we had a hard job in 2 but well that was actually FUN :D

Loot was sucky so lost arround the ammount you mention Hally :rolleyes:
Hally said:
Here follows a short discription of my recent endeavors in space

Been thinking of giving them spacemobs a good smacking for some time but now i finaly got around to it, much to my frustration i was dmm hard to find a ride to even go my soc has no hangar and what little friends i have back in game most didnt have a hangar or wasnt online, after a few hours searching around i found a ride, now execpt for being ganked by a mad atrox on the way and my socmate dying from it we got there fine in a rather short while, finaly upthere we put on the plated goblin armor and started whacking and it was good in about 10 min we had a ~40ped profit plus a GSI to share all good, at this time i went to the gym and when i came back 2 hour later i ran straight to the puter to kill to my horror i found the servers to be horrible not only did i miss alot of heals and shots failed to registrer but also loot had decreased drasticaly i tryed putting on my mitchmatch armor jaguar/angel/goblin and it went more smooth execpt for the failed registrations after about 1½ i decided to give it a quit and logged out hoping that later on the servers would behave better, 4 hours later i joined again and this time the supprice wasnt as big when i saw the servers still lagged a great deal gave it another hour of wasting peds then went to sleep, next day i again tryed and now servers where indeed better but loot still wasnt anygood and now i must realize after loosing about 100ped pr hour overall im thinking space might not be for me :(

So i ask you all what is your experience with space does it even out in the end or is it not for little people like me ?

sounds like you had a bad time :(

next time u want to go let me know - I am online quite a lot and my hanger is 25 seconds N of Echidna tp - nothing to stop you getting there except the odd freak occurance of a daikiba or at worst hiryuu which have a tendency to fly into turrets anyway. I don't charge a lot (less than most people) and give discounts for more than 1 ship full.

Servers in space have not been good since the vu. first all the domes were empty, then 4 was empty, couple of says ago 1 was offline and 4 only had 4 mobs in, mobs spawning on the roof etc etc.
Hopefully MA will get this sorted soon.

I always found space hunting a touch expensive on ammo and armor decay if you are the one tanking. Profits are generally ok but loot is mainly peds, alien parts, implants, pistols and a bit of furniture.

IMHO I think its best to look at what amount of alien stuff is in auction before deciding to go - if there is a lot, don't bother.

Also many people generally leave it until late evening to go there, but its best to go in an afternoon to get the most out of it as people tend to drift off, going to bed etc.
Wanda is an Awesome Pilot too, gets you there real quick, little bumpy ride, but the singing makes up for it :silly2:

As far as hunting in space, the loot varies same as most areas, also same as most areas, if the loot is bad, then the globals/hofs normally make up for it.

i wouldnt recommend hunting unless you can give it say 4 hours minimum straight hunting.

i always find a MUCH better profit from team hunts on larger mobs/more dangerous domes also
WoW! Is it me? Or is that they way the whole game seems to go, not only in space??

MudKicker said:
WoW! Is it me? Or is that they way the whole game seems to go, not only in space??


wow ive noticed the exact same thing ;)
I went up there once last week and had a bad experience. Dome 1 was locked and I couldn't kill a thing in dome 2. I guess my weapons aren't good enough for even the easiest creature up there (kreltin young). What's your weapon suggestion that doesn't cost a fortune?
I seem to have these results about half of the times i go up. I always hunt in a team but sometimes as you say the loots are either extremely good or extremely bad. I wouldn't say that i have experienced that bad of lag while up there though, and if generally i encounter any sort of lag that makes me waste peds i quit right off the bat. Could have just been a bad hunt, keep going up and i am sure you will have an awesome day :D
Well, should you choose to give it another go Hally just send me a pm :) I can both provide the ride and be hired as healer up there, which saves you on armor decay.

Minder said:
I went up there once last week and had a bad experience. Dome 1 was locked and I couldn't kill a thing in dome 2. I guess my weapons aren't good enough for even the easiest creature up there (kreltin young). What's your weapon suggestion that doesn't cost a fortune?

I've not scanned a kreltin young yet so don't know it's approx hp but I guess it will be somewhere around 500 - so if your weapon does 50 damage you can work out how many shots it will take to kill it.

It also does 60 damage without armor (mainly acid) - so its just as important to have decent armor as it is to have a good weapon. 5D or 4A plates would be useful.

Its probably best to go up as a small team of 2 or maybe 3 the first time to see how you go.
What armor are you using?
Its very easy to make a big loss in space. I find it easier to make profit if in team in dome 4 and hope for a good hof or dome 1 or 2 I hunt alone with no armor and no attachments to the weapon, sometimes amp.