Gathering tutorials


Feb 19, 2005
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Ailena 'Shadow-Ale' Schattenjaeger
As a noob, I'm always on the lookout for tutorials for this game. And I know that a lot of others do too. So now I would like to gather them all, to one place, one pdf for all, and all seperated in several pdf's, so it's easy to find.

Before I start, I'd like to know if you think this will open up some problems, ie. do I have to ask every writer for permission? I want to include tutorials from different sites, not just this one.
Good idea. I don´t think there is any problems at all that you are using their tuts. Just ask them first to make sure =)
ya good plan, i believe Orion on entropia pioneers has a big set of tutorial links
I'll try to make contact with as many as possible. If you can't be a mentor, prepare to become one.
samweis said:
Yep Orion does a great Guide as said before.

Agreed :cool: . I wouldn't think anyone would mind if you use their tutorial as long as you give them credit for it. I mean that's what their for right? to help.
Legal matters

I think there is a legal matter. everyone who writes anything is the owner of that piece, just to bring it out in the net doesn't make it free. At least not in the US and Eurpean Union laws. I do write guides on my own, based on my own doings in the Entropian Universe. I think that's the best way to go, not to copy and paste some other guys. You are free to quote other people but you have to mark it as quotes and add who your quoting.
Keep an eye open for the "© 2004 Someonesname/company" that really marks the point that the text is not free. One way if you can't write by your self is to link to others stuf. It's OK to make links.

Good luck!