VU 5.0 Listing


Jan 29, 2005
Groene Draeck
Avatar Name
Mike mtgeekman Baja

Its great to be back! I have annoyed the devs to gather info about what is going on. Many of you have questions about the VU and stuff.

Version naming
As the next update is a great architectural change compared to Project Entropia right now, the next VU will be called 5.0. The content part will be called VU 5.1.

ETA of next Version
VU 5.0 will come around the middle of the month, give or take. VU 5.1 will arrive roughly a week after VU 5.0.

What is in VU 5.0?
No content whatsoever. VU5.0 is an architectural change (or re-write, as some of our veterans may remember, as we changed the communication system between the servers last fall) in how the server actually behaves in regards to synching between client and server, how the priorities in data handling and how the server makes better use of its time. Previously several systems where affected by the simple fact that an Avatar was logging in, and this made the physics system (the system that takes care of synching positions, movement etc) freeze for up to a few seconds (other areas where also affected with these freezes, making rubberbanding a painful fact). The server was effectively "locked" from action while this happened. This is removed in VU 5.0. It was not an easy task to do, and there will probably be some initial bugs but the way it has been done, we can make updates quite fast (without any serious downtime), if needed. These "freezes" was the fact that made the rubberbanding an heavy issue when a server was full of Avatars moving around - the physics system did not have the time to make accurate updates. To summarize - the rubberbanding should be lessened by a great amount once VU 5.0 is applied. Minor areas that are also improved by this change is login and logoff time, as well as some transactions and database operations.

What is not in VU 5.0?
We have another area that causes "lag". That is the streaming of buildings, Avatars and items (like when you approach an Outpost, the harddrive is busy loading models and textures, and this causes “lag”). Another is when many Avatars are in your own surrounding, as they are also streamed to your client ("streamed" as in data loaded from your harddrive - not as streamed over the Internet). These areas has not been updated in VU 5.0. They are next inline for major updates, and the tech guys say that they should be ready by VU 5.2 (scheduled about one to one-and-a-half month after VU 5.0). By VU 5.2 many sources of the now infamous (and extremely annoying) CTD (crash to desktop) problems should be eliminated.

Bomb Reimbursement
While I was away the Bomb Reimbursement Programme was performed. This was the programme where a participant while mining blew up an entire stack of bombs instead of a single bomb. Nothing else. Probes has not been reimbursed yet, but will come. If anyone feels that they are affected by the above problem and has not been given their bombs back (check your Storage Terminal), please contact Project Entropia Support.

Random amount of PEDs, PECs, and ammo in the Storage Terminal
Once in a while you may find money or items in your storage terminal that you do not remember placing there. This is often due to lagginess in the loot system, and the items are then placed in your storage terminal.

The Merge bug on the 28th and 29th.
Those that lost ammo and other stackable items during the above time period due to the merging bug will get their items back as soon as the analyzis and Programme has been finalized. I have no ETA on this, though. It is a great amount of logs and database records that needs to be verified and cross-checked, thus it takes a lot of time. Please bear with us on this.

Ideas Forum
I will this week make comments on the ideas in the Ideas forum. I do read them, but I believe that the lack of feedback from us is frustrating. Therefore I will be more active in that board.

Auction problems - items invisible
There are instances where auction items are placed in the avatars inventory, but is not updated correctly, thus not showing to the participant. We are aware of this and an investigation is at hand. This is going to be corrected.


Marco Behrmann
Community Manager
MindArk PE AB
GeeKman said:

Its great to be back! I have annoyed the devs to gather info about what is going on. Many of you have questions about the VU and stuff.

Version naming
As the next update is a great architectural change compared to Project Entropia right now, the next VU will be called 5.0. The content part will be called VU 5.1.

ETA of next Version
VU 5.0 will come around the middle of the month, give or take. VU 5.1 will arrive roughly a week after VU 5.0.

What is in VU 5.0?
No content whatsoever. VU5.0 is an architectural change (or re-write, as some of our veterans may remember, as we changed the communication system between the servers last fall) in how the server actually behaves in regards to synching between client and server, how the priorities in data handling and how the server makes better use of its time. Previously several systems where affected by the simple fact that an Avatar was logging in, and this made the physics system (the system that takes care of synching positions, movement etc) freeze for up to a few seconds (other areas where also affected with these freezes, making rubberbanding a painful fact). The server was effectively "locked" from action while this happened. This is removed in VU 5.0. It was not an easy task to do, and there will probably be some initial bugs but the way it has been done, we can make updates quite fast (without any serious downtime), if needed. These "freezes" was the fact that made the rubberbanding an heavy issue when a server was full of Avatars moving around - the physics system did not have the time to make accurate updates. To summarize - the rubberbanding should be lessened by a great amount once VU 5.0 is applied. Minor areas that are also improved by this change is login and logoff time, as well as some transactions and database operations.

What is not in VU 5.0?
We have another area that causes "lag". That is the streaming of buildings, Avatars and items (like when you approach an Outpost, the harddrive is busy loading models and textures, and this causes “lag”). Another is when many Avatars are in your own surrounding, as they are also streamed to your client ("streamed" as in data loaded from your harddrive - not as streamed over the Internet). These areas has not been updated in VU 5.0. They are next inline for major updates, and the tech guys say that they should be ready by VU 5.2 (scheduled about one to one-and-a-half month after VU 5.0). By VU 5.2 many sources of the now infamous (and extremely annoying) CTD (crash to desktop) problems should be eliminated.

Bomb Reimbursement
While I was away the Bomb Reimbursement Programme was performed. This was the programme where a participant while mining blew up an entire stack of bombs instead of a single bomb. Nothing else. Probes has not been reimbursed yet, but will come. If anyone feels that they are affected by the above problem and has not been given their bombs back (check your Storage Terminal), please contact Project Entropia Support.

Random amount of PEDs, PECs, and ammo in the Storage Terminal
Once in a while you may find money or items in your storage terminal that you do not remember placing there. This is often due to lagginess in the loot system, and the items are then placed in your storage terminal.

The Merge bug on the 28th and 29th.
Those that lost ammo and other stackable items during the above time period due to the merging bug will get their items back as soon as the analyzis and Programme has been finalized. I have no ETA on this, though. It is a great amount of logs and database records that needs to be verified and cross-checked, thus it takes a lot of time. Please bear with us on this.

Ideas Forum
I will this week make comments on the ideas in the Ideas forum. I do read them, but I believe that the lack of feedback from us is frustrating. Therefore I will be more active in that board.

Auction problems - items invisible
There are instances where auction items are placed in the avatars inventory, but is not updated correctly, thus not showing to the participant. We are aware of this and an investigation is at hand. This is going to be corrected.


Marco Behrmann
Community Manager
MindArk PE AB

Sings *memories..*

Ahh the good old days....NOT!

This was the good Ol' days for me, The VU I started playing :D

VU 4.2 PE Gone Gold!!!



The Version Update 4.2 (“VU 4.2”) for Project Entropia is a major step in the development of Project Entropia. Information about the content of the version update is located in this document. The VU 4.2 is scheduled for a release at the 30:th of January 2003.


Participant versus Participant combat available
In a special area on the western shore of the continent of Eudoria (marked on the in-universe map) there is a special area where combat between participants is allowed. When entering this area the participant will be notified about the current status. Avatars are not lootable. The area in itself is quite valuable, with rare mineral deposits and uncommon creatures roaming round.

Personal Storage Facilities present
In various areas in Project Entropia each Avatar has the ability to use a Personal Storage Facility. This functions as a safety deposit box, in which you can store items of your choice. Certain items may not be placed here, namely Blueprint books, Deeds, the PED Card, Exchange certificates, and the orange starting clothes. The maximum amount of items that can be stored is at present limited to 500 items. A single stack of several items counts as one item in this Storage Facility. The Storage Facility is currently free of charge.
NOTE: In the next VU (4.3), the weight allowance will be reduced on your Avatar. Therefore we urge you to maintain a reasonable number of items on your Avatar. Also remember that a smaller inventory will increase performance and load times across the board.

Avatar look redesign
All old participants have the option to redo their Avatar looks. The Avatar will keep all items and skills. To keep the old Avatar look just press “Accept” without modifying the settings. You will also be able to change your Avatar name.
PLEASE NOTE that the name chosen is indeed your Avatar name, not your personal name. Also note that titles and ranks will soon be implemented in Project Entropia, reducing the need for entering such “names” as Avatar names. The Avatar name CANNOT be changed after it is entered and accepted.

Hall of Fame updated
The Hall of Fame (“HOF”) has been updated. A new area of fame is the crafting section. The HoF is also split in two sections, one for “All Time High” events, and one that shows the greatest effort of the last 24 hours.

Exchange enhanced
Several updates and enhancements have been made in the Project Entropia Exchange. Better information is available, and the interface has been tweaked for better understanding and functionality.

Skills are rated
Each skill has an individual rank associated with it, indicating how good an Avatar is in their respective field.

Skill experience tweak
The rate at which an Avatar gains experience in his or her skill levels has been set to the correct level.

Skill icons
The skills interface has new icons, making it easier to find a typical skill.

NPC:s populate Project Entropia
In various location there will be NPC:s (Non-Participant Characters) present, doing their thing.

Enhanced transfer capabilities
Several enhancements in the Bank Interface while transferring money from a real life credit card to PED:s have been made. Many of the problems with getting the now infamous “Internal error” message have been eliminated.

Limit amount of items per transfer
The number of items you can transfer in a Trade Terminal is limited to 40. A single stack of items (for example ore or ammunition) counts as one item.

Blueprint books tradeable
You can now trade and sell blueprint books.

Drop Confirm dialogue box
Every time you try to drop an item you have to confirm it.

Monsters drown
After a short while below water the monsters not ordinarily living in water will drown. Drowned animals will not drop loot.

More various clothes are present in Project Entropia.

Faster Society functions
The technology running the Societies has been updated and should not take as much time as before accessing it.

Attributes Rating Values Fixed
The avatar attributes (Strength, Agility, etc.) were shown wrongly on the client. The correct values are now shown.

Invisible weapon accessories now visible
Weapon accessories, like scopes, laser sights and amplifiers, are now shown correctly.

Weapon decay mismatch fix
In some rare instances the value of a weapon was shown differently from the time you last logged out of Project Entropia, compared to the next time you logged in. This has now been resolved, and the correct value is always saved on the server.

New client loader and login screen
Project Entropia has a new leaner and more capable client loader, updater and information viewer.

Resumable downloads
The auto-updater utility keeping Project Entropia current has received an added resumable download capability. This means that if the connection should fail during a download, once you restart it, you will begin downloading the files from the point the connection failed.

New firewall ports
Sometimes the participant can’t connect to the Project Entropia Virtual Universe because of their firewall. Opening the following ports in the firewall you use can easily solve these problems.

· 20, 21 (TCP outbound) - Additional TCP port outbound for passive mode FTP
· 30584 (UDP inbound/outbound)
· 30592 (TCP outbound)
· 31111 (UDP inbound/outbound)

Newbie Guide online
On the Project Entropia web page there is a newbie guide present to educate newly arrived colonists about Calypso of what to expect and how to use Project Entropia, while downloading the client software.

Exploit Information Reward System active
At the Support section at a new Exploit reporting category has been added. Participants who encounter “exploits” (bugs that can be manipulated into cheating) and report these to MindArk can be rewarded with up to 1000 PED:s.


Radar is not updating all the time
Yes, we know. It has become better though. It will be completely fixed in the future.

Yes, you can run through trees
This is not a bug.

Missing icons on clothes and items
On certain PC configurations sometime the item icons in the inventory become invisible, or you receive a dummy icon called “Unable to show”. If this happens to you, please update to the latest video card drivers, check if Project Entropia officially supports your video card, and also change the video settings on the Setup button in the initial login screen. If this fails, please contact the Project Entropia Support.

Background music causing Crash To Desktop (“CTD”)
Sometimes a bug in mp3 decoder system causes the Project Entropia client to crash to desktop while playing a music file. If you experience a lot of CTD you could try to completely shut down the music in Project Entropia using the Options Interface.

This message was edited January 28, 2003 15:30:56 GMT


Marco Behrmann
Community Representative
MindArk AB
Oops, I didnt fully check the context of this thread, so there was no need for a link, I thought this thread was just discussing an old VU. I'll check more carefully in future.

It's been a while since I plugged, so I'll mention that we have the Vu listing archived there:

Note: Archived VU Listings are available on other sites too. ;)
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