PVP achievment


Jan 22, 2006
GloryHound Irregulars
Avatar Name
Zarcon "Zar" Greyman
I stealthly snuck int PVP4, went after a Malaak Hir, right after he looted me appox 2 ped I was cut down by Styrker. Where the heck did he come from. I ran like a baby at his first shot, but there was no hope I could not outrun his weapon.

I put on my stealthy shoes and entered again, bypassing where I thought he might be. Success found a herd of Mulum and began to kill them.

I hit a 76 ped global and immediatly looked for the dreaded green dot of Stryker death lurking nearby. I hit my TP button, but it would not work. Why would it not work!

I realized I had somehow sit on the ground in my desire to get the heck out of Dodge before the place became saturated with green dots of death.

I stood up, hit my TP and away I went. Crap I could not get all the way out of PVP4. Charge, charge charge, and I am outta there.

Global heck, I got away from PVP4 and kept my global intact. With Styker and the other PKrs lurking in the area that escape was more exiting than any global I ever got. :yay:
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lol funny story mate bet the nerves were going when ur tp chip didnt work the 1st time niceone mate :D
Was he alone? What gear does Stryker use? I wanna know if I'm better off running, or if I have a fighting chance... :laugh:
Was he alone? What gear does Stryker use? I wanna know if I'm better off running, or if I have a fighting chance...

I noticed the Warants Strike Team global a few times yesterday in pvp4. I also heard the Marauders suddenly returned to the rig, just about the same time the Warants began to roam pvp4.

No idea if those two observation have any relation :laugh:

Great story :thumbup:

I had a similar experience going mining in pvp4 yesterday. I succeeded keeping off any green dots and had a few very nice hits too. Before I knew it I had about 140 ped tt ores like niks, blaus, erdo and duru.

Was deliberatly keeping as close to a herd of Mulaak-Hir as I could for my own protection against Pk'ers.

Now Im a greedy person, so I ran a little further, just one more bomb... and one more... kept finding good deposits.

Almost at the center of pvp4, I suddenly see a green dot tp in on my radar. Too far away to shoot, but my newly found blaus was still blinking :eek:

I ran towards the claim and start pulling, heart pounding extremely fast. The green dot clearly had a debate with a Mulaak-Hir, but then turned and ran towards me...

In a matter of microseconds I saw the name of the dot - and the soc-title:

!!! Ck - CoatKiller Captain !!! :holyshit:

Claim was pulled - hit TP... charge charge charge.... :eyecrazy:
Green dot stops to take aim... charge done, hit TP mapping... where to go??!!
Hands shaking
Heart exploding in the chest
Dry mouth
Click - accept - gooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Solaris swept like a red wind - right past the aim of the Ck. When I got visibilty back I was in the fresh cool water, but still inside pvp4. Never have I TP'ed so fast back to the safe outpost of Malaaki :silly2:

Now who said that computergames cant make you sweat??!
I had a similar experience going mining in pvp4 yesterday. I succeeded keeping off any green dots and had a few very nice hits too. Before I knew it I had about 140 ped tt ores like niks, blaus, erdo and duru.

Was deliberatly keeping as close to a herd of Mulaak-Hir as I could for my own protection against Pk'ers.

Now Im a greedy person, so I ran a little further, just one more bomb... and one more... kept finding good deposits.

Almost at the center of pvp4, I suddenly see a green dot tp in on my radar. Too far away to shoot, but my newly found blaus was still blinking :eek:

I ran towards the claim and start pulling, heart pounding extremely fast. The green dot clearly had a debate with a Mulaak-Hir, but then turned and ran towards me...

In a matter of microseconds I saw the name of the dot - and the soc-title:

!!! Ck - CoatKiller Captain !!! :holyshit:

Claim was pulled - hit TP... charge charge charge.... :eyecrazy:
Green dot stops to take aim... charge done, hit TP mapping... where to go??!!
Hands shaking
Heart exploding in the chest
Dry mouth
Click - accept - gooooooo!!!!!!!!!

Solaris swept like a red wind - right past the aim of the Ck. When I got visibilty back I was in the fresh cool water, but still inside pvp4. Never have I TP'ed so fast back to the safe outpost of Malaaki :silly2:

Now who said that computergames cant make you sweat??!

Yes, exciting isn't it? :D You haven't lived until you died in PvP3. And now we can add PvP4 to the list! :yay:
Nice little "tense" stories there Zar and Solaris ... felt my own excitement just reading them. Gratz to both of you! I'm sure we'll be hearing more of these as time passes. I have a feeling PvP4 is going to be a fun circus at times! :D

I can see where being "stealth" is going to be a highly coveted skill, UNLESS ... your TP chip distance doesn't take you out of the PvP zone, but then that would be the thrill of the risk, and the adrenaline pumping experience. Ok, I'm an adrenaline junkie in this non-game, so I'm just going to have to take my chances once in a while!
Was he alone? What gear does Stryker use? I wanna know if I'm better off running, or if I have a fighting chance... :laugh:

Well if u can match a RJME (<-i think), Mod Fap and Tough health lvl... than id say u got a good chance;)

I'll go with Johned though and run like a baby if i see this guy in a pvp area :)

And yeah... Grats :yay:
I noticed the Warants Strike Team global a few times yesterday in pvp4. I also heard the Marauders suddenly returned to the rig, just about the same time the Warants began to roam pvp4.

erm, i think ur find we actually was in combat with warants, some was at rig yes, and another thing, i was teamed with warants in pvp4 last night... facts right please, or we could settle it in pvp4 ;)
Congratulations :yay:

Keep it up :wtg:
