Your favorite weapon


Apr 4, 2005
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Migor Mice Oth
Post is simple, post your favorite weapon that your are currently using and a short description of why its so great and why u prefer it over previously owned weapons.

My favorite weapon that I am using at the moment is Adjusted minisweeper V1. Back in the days I was all for laser carbines and had finally saved up enough o get me a Mk.V, I loved this gun until they day I looted a Minisweeper V2 off an armax cow old. Man this little sweeper totally blew me away, I loved the sound and speed of it. After some research and saving up I managed to get hold of my first Adjusted v1. Had it for almost 6 months then sold it to get a Modified as-117. Mod as-117 is great but abit heavy on costs for my taste. So about 6 months from now I switched back to Adjusted V1 again.

Why do I prefer this gun ? Well its fast, good avarage damage for me and skills rocket up every day :) And I prefer face-to-face combat with all mobs :D

I tested most of the weapons in PE and the only things I would upgrade it for is Imp mkII or maybe Mod Tegerov (never tested it though).
My favourite weapon that I currently own I must say is Deathbringer ME. I know it's not a good weapon, but it feels really nice to punch monsters, really fast, and actually cause some notable damage.

My old favourite, that I sadly don't own anymore, is also Mod AS-117. The speed combined with the sound makes you feel really powerful.
My favourite weapon would have to be the EWE-EP58 Night Special. For the simple fact it's the best gun I have :( .

Wish my credit card statement would hurry up, I can't live on $20 a month lol.
Katsuichi Determination, you should all know why... :D
Sendaran said:
Katsuichi Determination, you should all know why... :D

Sendaran, is your soc a melee-weapons only group by any chance?
Wayneh said:
.......EWE-EP58 Night Special....

New gun ? or did u mean ep-38 NS :p ?
-Frean D delta (for the reload, sound looks)
-Adj Hero (for the durability and its hof giving abilites, well at least for me)
That would be my Maddox IV. Its fast and do nice dmg without using too much ammo.. Now im saveing money for an AS-147 so I can hit mobs more than ½ meter away lol... And of course I really like my cobre ME and Deathbringer ME.. next melee weapon to buy is a shortblade Enblade-5 ME...
Mod merc is my favorite,its a damn fun little toy
Wish I could loot one of those fancy mod merps...

But for now, I'm not sure... its def between EP45 and the ML35
The ML35 has awesome range.... (Earlier I borrowed a Dante amp...and I managed to drop an Atrox Guardian before it even reached my pistol
The EP45 on the other hand is really quick... with an A105 on it can keep up with the ML35 on dmg/sec at short range... since I had the EP45 way before I got the ML35, its always been there for me. Even now when hunting with the ML, and a mob gets close, I swap to the EP45 for its speed and accuracy. (Don't miss half as much with the EP45 as I do with the ML35...even though I have higher rifle skills than hg.)
The Mighty said:
Wish I could loot one of those fancy mod merps...

But for now, I'm not sure... its def between EP45 and the ML35
The ML35 has awesome range.... (Earlier I borrowed a Dante amp...and I managed to drop an Atrox Guardian before it even reached my pistol
The EP45 on the other hand is really quick... with an A105 on it can keep up with the ML35 on dmg/sec at short range... since I had the EP45 way before I got the ML35, its always been there for me. Even now when hunting with the ML, and a mob gets close, I swap to the EP45 for its speed and accuracy. (Don't miss half as much with the EP45 as I do with the ML35...even though I have higher rifle skills than hg.)

How high skills would you say is needed to do reasonable dmg with ML-35 + an okay eco? Not that I think im close to that but its nice to have something to look forward to lol :D :rolleyes:
Well,i liked my st-98,but because of the decay i sold it.Valor is my favourite,still got it,but the decay...Would say that myne M2875 does enough for me,its a bit slower then a madox 4,but ill get it back from the very low decay.Couldnt test any better weapons,would like to try ml-35,mk5 or those DOA-s.This will probably never happen,but a dream stays a dream.Killing a warrior before he reaches you would be nice:)
V2 , IMK2 , EB5ME , MK5ME , mad4 ,M71A2 , adj2722
looks like only "ubers" are posting here
my favorite weapons are: axe 1x0 and katsuichi honor.... i hope to upgrade to kat determination soon :)
Surely not only ubers... ;)

I kind of like my Kat Valor and my Marber Bravo... ^_^
I have to update my fav gun .. now its a V ME :)

thx Wiz ;)
Katsuichi Pride and Omegaton 2910:)
my bravo cuz i looted it from a ripper one of the first days of playin :dunce:
ML35 for ever! :sniper:
Tom said:
looks like only "ubers" are posting here
my favorite weapons are: axe 1x0 and katsuichi honor.... i hope to upgrade to kat determination soon :)

LoL... First time I've been referred to as ubbah....

Certainly no where near uber here.... :)

104 hp != uber
My fav has got to be the ML-35, I have put countless rounds of ammo through it now and it has give me 6k in blp skills since I got it.
I have been looking to upgrade but in my mind there really isnt one, all I wish is that it was a little faster.

Not too many have told how they got their favorite guns, I traded ores and enmatters for mine. So I like to think I kind of looted it :)
I just love my as98, and not only for the stats of it
i just love the sound it makes, when i first joined this game that sound only came from the better players around when they were killing eachother in one of the rings, now that i have a gun that makes that sound i'm proud of having it :)
MK5 because it's fast reload, but range could be better though :silly2:
I hope to own a imk2 or why not a iff8k someday however. Or why not a mod mk2! But a imp/mod fap is more important though. ;)
When i win the lottery any day now.. AAAANY day now, i'll get me some of 'em :)
Adj Hero and Katsuichi Determination
The Mighty said:
LoL... First time I've been referred to as ubbah....

Certainly no where near uber here.... :)

104 hp != uber

rotfl so i'm da ubba
my hp=106
I luv my 2930ME and our AdjV1. AdjV1 for the stated reasons of Mice.. Its fast, its big, its grrr :cool: unfortunally my rifle skills SUCKS. So I mostly use my lovely 2930ME. That pistol Ive had for about a year now, had several offers but Im just very connected to it. I love the speed, the power and its a excellent pk-pistol and nice for hunting too ;) None of these weaps have long range (adjv1 50m, 2930ME 36m) I like tanking, its more fun :D
Tom said:
looks like only "ubers" are posting here
i havent say i own that stuff.
i say i like play with that toys ;)
Oh I forgot about a very nice weapon I had a short period. DOA Rockjacket+Dante..Uberfun closecombat, this weapon causes serious destruction :) I placed it in auction for fun when I was going away for afew days and when I came back it was gone on BO at a silly high price :D
axe 1x0 rulz. feat kattsuchi valor ( coz i have no katsuchi honor :| ), rascal and hap 5/35/50.

leave no argonaut alive! :cool: (i must have an obsession :dunce: )
Wayneh said:
Sendaran, is your soc a melee-weapons only group by any chance?
Not by a long shot, but there are some melee users with decent skills in BH, some of which are considered as almost melee-only people.